[arrl-odv:17544] K1ZZ no longer portable 5

Since Thursday I have been in Houston helping my wife Linda, KA1ZD move from one apartment to another (she has been working in Houston since last May and it appears they need her there for a while yet). The broadband connection in her new apartment did not work as scheduled on Friday so except for a very brief check from her old apartment on Sunday I've been off email since last Friday morning. I'm back home now and will be in the office Tuesday. If you've sent something to which you need a reply, please either be patient as I go through the accumulation or if it's urgent, please re-send so it goes to the top of the pile (my email processing works on a last in, first out basis). Thanks for your understanding. I did manage seven 20-meter QSOs from the new apartment Sunday but radio prospects from there are not promising. 73, Dave K1ZZ
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ