[arrl-odv:16710] Visalia Report - Part 2, DX Forum - Kosovo

I'm sure all of you have received postcards from members in your division concerning the recent operation in Kosovo by a group headed by Martti Laine, OH2BH. 400 to 500 interested persons were in attendance at 2008's Visalia DX Forum, chaired by DXAC reps Vince Thompson, K5VT, and Ken Anderson, K6TA. I told Vince that I was prepared to address the Kosovo issue, and then Bob Vallio, W6RGG, and I were invited to sit on stage along with Vince, Ken, and Wayne Mills, N7NG. The first topic was Kosovo, and Wayne gave some history of DXCC rules, changes made to add Swain's Island, and the possibility of future changes to add Kosovo, particularly if Russia vetoes UN membership or callsign prefix allocation. I responded using some of the arguments suggested by my puppeteer, Dave Sumner (see QRZ.COM threads), and others. The League would like to not make political decisions that will upset peoples, and that includes Serbians, Russians, and even Kosovars who might not like a Serbian prefix used to inaugurate Amateur Radio activity in what they perceive to now be an independent country. Bob Vallio and I pointed out that the PSC will meet at the end of May, and we are likely to discuss the matter. We may simply refer it to the DXAC. There was no subsequent discussion about the issue from the floor. Bob Locher, W9KNI, and Kip Edwards, W6SZN, whose faces adorn the Dear-ARRL-Division-Director postcards were both present and both were silent. Neither approached me during the convention at all to talk further. After the forum I had exactly one person speak to me about Kosovo, and he was a supporter of the ARRL actions to date. Overall, I believe the public is happy with our approach. I later commented that as an ARRL Director, one my objectives is to look after the member's money, and was happy to report that Wayne Mills was doing the same thing he had done at the Forum for many years, but now the League wasn't paying him any money! Later, I had a pleasant hour-plus talk with Wayne on Saturday night. Not much was forthcoming from the audience, so I polled them about Logbook of The World. Overall, I'd say LOTW is appreciated by many DXers, although a decent number still perceive it as excessively difficult to use. Note that Wayne Mills publicly offered to assist anybody needing LOTW help! Overall, convention attendance remains at about the same level it has had for 30 years. I noted the extremely unusual, complete absence of Japanese hams this year. 73, Dick, N6AA
participants (1)
Richard J. Norton