[arrl-odv:16952] Proposed Motions Concerning Use of Volunteers for Computer and Internet Activities

I'm strongly in favor of *starting* to involve some of our talented members in the computer and web-presence aspects of our operation. Given our connection with technically talented members with interest in both radio and computers, it's a natural. Given the ARRL's computer-related misoneism, I'm suggesting that we crawl, rather than walk or leap toward this objective. Adoption of the following motions will start a program to get our feet wet: I expect to introduce the following: 1) A motion clearly stating that it is League policy that volunteers are to be used in the conduct of the League's computer and Internet operations. Notify staff of the policy and receive assurance that the policy will be carried out. 2) A motion to Create 15 or more password-protected areas on arrl.org where the content can be remotely edited and managed. Allow Directors and/or others such as senior staff, the ability to appoint a League member or group of members to produce something on an area. These areas would allow development of advanced ideas such as those proposed in the W9WSW letter to Director Mileshosky. After the concept becomes operational, make it presence public, and watch its activity. Allow the password-protected remote management to continue to run the area. 3) A motion to test out a few remotely-edited, password-protected, ARRL Section and/or Division pages. 4) A motion to start a low-risk partnership with an existing successful web-site. Discussion of this is already ongoing. I'll produce the language for the series of motions to direct initiation. I hope you are supportive of taking advantage of our member's technical talents and energies in ways that have been proven to be effective by others. Thanks for your consideration of these ideas. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA
participants (1)
Richard J. Norton