Thursday afternoon I will be heading to D.C. for meetings on Friday at FCC as follows: 10:00 AM Meet with Julius Knapp of FCC Office of Engineering and Technology regarding BPL. Specific topics of discussion will be our petition for further rule making filed on October 18, 2005 and to discuss the BPL database content and access issues. We will also discuss the Briarcluff Manor matter. 12:00 Lunch meeting with Harrison, Sumner, Imlay 2:30 PM Meet with Aaron Goldberger, Legal Assistant to FCC Commissioner Debroah Taylor Tate. Commissioner Tate is new, so we want to introduce her to amateur radio and who we are, and also discuss BPL. 7:00 PM Dinner meeting with Riley Hollingsworth. Dave and Chris will also attend. Riley and I will discuss his future plans with respect to his retirement and also discuss plans for continued enforcement activity after he leaves. He has not yet said when he will retire, but it is a fact that it is sometime down the road in the near future and we need to get some plans and understandings in place now rather than after it happens. Chris has been communicating with Fred Campbell of FCC Chairman Martin's office in order to continually pursue action on WT Docket 04-140, the Part 97 Omnibus ruling (Novice Refarming). No news at this moment, but hopefully we can provide an update after the trip. Chwat has obtained a copy of the draft Telecommunication Bill that will be marked up in the House Telecom Subcommittee, and House Energy and Commerce Committee. The bill will receive a hearing this week in the Subcommittee, and will form the basis of the markup, probably next week. The draft Bill mentions "broadband policy" and it seems House members want to defer to the FCC for 180 days by having the Commission do a study for Congress on these broadband policies. This does NOT mention anything specific about BPL, and we want to be cautious about trying to do anything with the Bill that would bring specific attention to BPL, however if this were to come about it would open for us an additional avenue to submit BPL spectrum pollution related data to the FCC in a matter that involves Congress. Dave and Chwat are following this closely, in fact, Chwat and Co. are on the Hill today working and following this. While we haven't gained any additional co-sponsors yet for H.Res. 230, all of the additional letters that have been sent to Congress have armed Chwat & Co. with tons of ammo to carry with them this week, and John says that is a big help to be able to walk in to a Congressional office with letters actually in hand. Rinaldo reports on further progress regarding 5 MHz. Paul's letter to IRAC was on their agenda week before last. The agencies are considering a possible replacement frequency for the one allocation that has other non-amateur signals present. Tentatively there did not seem to be any problem with considering an increase in power or permitting additional emissions. Of course, we don't have anything yet but I want to keep everyone in the loop that this is being actively worked and it is moving forward. Good thing is there does not seem to be any major objections at this time. Saturday evening, April 1, I will have the pleasure of joining Director Edgar and First Vice President Craigie at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Mt. Airy VHF Radio Club, more popularly known as the "Pack Rats". This is one of the major weak signal VHF clubs in the country located in the Philadelphia area, they are a club that actively supports ARRL and 50 years of contributed growth to amateur radio is quite a milestone. My updated schedule is attached. 73 Joel W5ZN 2006 March 30-31 FCC Meetings - Washington, D.C. April 1 Mt. Airy VHF Radio Club 50th Anniversary Dinner - Horsham, PA April 21-22 International DX Convention, Visalia, CA April 24-26 NAB Conference - Las Vegas, NV April 28 Southeast VHF Society Conference - Greenville, SC April 29 - A&F Committee Meeting - Newington, CT May 18 ARRL Donor Reception - Dayton, OH May 19-21 - Dayton Hamvention June 9-10 HamCom - Dallas, TX June 11 ARRL VHF Contest- W5ZN June 21-26 Ham Radio-Friedrichshafen July 8-9 IARU HF World Championship - W5ZN July 20-23 ARRL 2006 Second Meeting, Board of Directors July 28-30 Central States VHF Society Conference, Minneapolis, MN August 4-6 WIMU Convention - Jackson, WY August 10-12 Perseids Meteor Shower - W5ZN August 18-20 Alabama Section Convention- Huntsville, AL August 25-27 ARRL New England Division Convention - Boxboro, MA September 9-10 ARRL VHF Contest - W5ZN September 16 ARRL 10 GHz & Up Contest - W5ZN October 7 Executive Committee Meeting (Location TBD) October 13-15 Pacific Division Convention PACIFICON, November 4 ARRL Sweepstakes, CW - W5ZN December 2-3 ARRL 160 Meter Contest - W5ZN December 12-14 Geminids Meteor Shower - W5ZN 2007 January 18-21 ARRL 2007 Annual Meeting, Board of Directors - Hartford, CT January 27-28 CQWW 160 Meter Contest, CW - W5ZN July 19-22 ARRL 2007 Second Meeting, Board of Directors - Hartford, CT
participants (1)
Joel Harrison