[arrl-odv:22683] FW: Congratulations on 100th Anniversary

The following message was received from the President of the IARU member society in El Salvador. President Jose’ Arturo Molina is also the secretary of IARU Region 2. My acknowledgement appears after the message. 73 – Kay N3KN From: José Arturo Molina [mailto:josearturomolina@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2014 8:57 PM To: n3kn@arrl.org; IARU-R2 ESTADOS UNIDOS Cc: cras_elsalvador@yahoo.com Subject: Congratulations on 100th Anniversary From: CLUB DE RADIOAFICIONADOS DE EL SALVADOR San Salvador, El Salvador cras_elsalvador@yahoo.com To: ARRL Headquarters Kay Craigie, N3KN, President On this 100th Anniversary, CRAS and YS hams are happy to congratulate ARRL and K/W colleagues on this very important date! The support you provide to your members, American amateurs and colleagues of the world has been felt and appreciated throughout this time, and we hope that ARRL continues playing this part for all our sakes. Hopefully, we'll be able to join you for the celebrations in July. Happy Birthday ARRL !!! 73, José Arturo Molina, YS1MS President, Club de Radio Aficionados de El Salvador Secretary, International Amateur Radio Union, Region 2 On behalf of the ARRL, I thank you sincerely for the kind message of congratulations from CRAS on our 100th anniversary. The ARRL is fortunate to enjoy the friendship of CRAS and other member societies of Region 2. Working together, our societies have been able to advocate effectively for amateur radio in the past, and the ARRL is certain that such cooperation in the future will continue to benefit amateur radio in Region 2 and throughout the world. Please give my best regards to the officials and members of CRAS. ¡Adelante la radioafición! 73, Kay N3KN
participants (1)
Kay Craigie