I'm waiting for the new BPL Internet aware toasters that can get a telemarketer on the phone to sell a new one to you -- just before it's built in lifetime timer expires. Tele: "Hello, your toaster is going to expire in an hour, would you like to buy a new one?" User: "Uh, how do you know?" Tele: "The toaster told us your warranty was up -- through the internet." User: "Ok, since it's going to break, I'll take one" Tele: "Thanks, we've preshipped it to arrive today so you won't miss your 7:00 Toast." User: "How did you know I have toast every day at 7:00?" Tele: "Your toaster told us through the internet." User: "What else do you know?" Tele: "You get up at 6:20 every morning, your alarm clock told us. You blowdry your hair after your shower at 6:35. You turn on the coffee maker at 6:50. You put toast in the toaster at 6:55. You get the orange juice out of the refrigerator at 6:57. You take the toast out of the toaster at 7:00. The new blenders even have web-cams built in." User: "What gives you the right to spy on me like that?" Tele: "We're "The Power Company" -- we can do anything we want. "power" is our middle name! -- Well I have more toasters I need to break -- your new 2 year toaster is on it's way. Be careful and don't slip on that piece of buttered toast you just dropped -- we would be required by law to turn over the video to your insurance company. ...and have a great day!" *click*
participants (1)
Tuck Miller NZ6T