[arrl-odv:13586] Re: A Couple of Grass Roots Notes

Joel, We didn't know you are a sheep. Perhaps, you are sheepish. Jim
Now I'm nervous about coming to Jackson Hole, WY in August !
-----Original Message----- From: warren morton [mailto:mortonwg@bresnan.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:25 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:13581] Re: A Couple of Grass Roots Notes
Dave: Thanks and I should have known. Remember, welcome to Wyoming where men are men and sheep run nervous. :-) You started it!!! 73's Rev WS7W
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 17:21:44 -0500 "Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ" <dsumner@arrl.org> wrote:
Rev, the problem is that the system uses two different pieces of software. For single-district states, one program uses 00 as the district. The other uses 01. We'll have it fixed shortly.
If you lived in a state that had more people than sheep you wouldn't have this problem.
Dave K1ZZ
-----Original Message----- From: warren morton [mailto:mortonwg@bresnan.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:14 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:13579] Re: A Couple of Grass Roots Notes
Joel: I look forward to receiving my letter and will promptly get it in the mail to Rep.Cubin (moron). In addition to the above, a point was brought up at the meeting about the Grassroot web page and the number of members listed in a Directors congressional district. Sooooo I went to the address data base on the Grassroot project page and did a query for Wyoming and came up with one member for the Wyoming congressional district. (no jokes please) What upset me the most, I was not that member. I pray this was not an operator error and if so I am sorry. However, if not it should be addressed in the near future. Once again congrats and take care, Rev WS7W
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 11:34:14 -0600 "Joel Harrison" <w5zn@arrl.org> wrote:
As I mentioned at the board meeting, Chwat is preparing a 90 day congressional visitation schedule and plan. We should have that in the next two weeks. We can then coordinate letters prior to visits with Chwat, the grassroots committee, and each of you individually in your division to make this effort work.
Also, Dave & his staff at HQ will be preparing a letter for each Director, Vice Director, and Officer to send to your respective congressional representative. We'll be advising you of the process for this shortly.
I expect this to generate 35 letters (15 Directors, 15 Vice Directors, 5 Officers) in support of H. Res. 230.
As the old Bartles & James Wine Cooler saying went...."We thank you for your support!"
73 Joel W5ZN
participants (1)