[arrl-odv:26028] Step Up to the Plate

Hi all: As we close the year, I'dlike to ask those who have not made a monetary donation to the League to pleasedo so. As volunteers we all contribute our time, and then some, but you alsoknow it's important to our development efforts to be able to say that all Boardmembers have made a donation. Oftentimes when seeking donations, especially frommajor donors, one of the first questions they will ask is whether all Board membershave given. As a group, we've done prettygood this year but we still have a ways to go to hit 100% participation. I'vemade my annual donation. I am asking you to please do the same. To give, clickon the link below: https://www.arrl.org/arrl-donation-form Please help us achieve 100% ARRLBoard participation. Step up to the plate and let's all give something! Thanks. 73 Rick - K5UR ...
participants (1)