[arrl-odv:15581] Action Plan for BPL/FCC Study

Greetings, While in Washington on May 9, Dave and I met with John Chwat & Janet Worthington to develop a 60-day plan to incorporate our efforts and enhance our grassroots action network. In the 60-day plan, we are concentrating on House bill, H.R. 462, since a bill has been introduced. We will have a similar action plan ready for the Senate, in which we expect to activate pending introduction of legislation, hopefully before June 1. In the House, our priority is to ask all members to cosponsor H.R. 462. I have attached a general letter that you and your grass roots people can send to all members to request their co-sponsorship. Further, we will focus on 64 members (55 Energy and Commerce Committee Members, 9 leadership members) with a more detailed letter to request their support, co-sponsorship, and passage in Committee and on the floor. I have attached a draft letter specifically for those 64 members we are targeting. Janet has provided a cross-reference of the Division Directors with those 64 members we are targeting. Division Directors should coordinate with DLACs, LACs, LAAs and members to get these letters sent to all Representatives, and to the 64 House members we are specifically targeting. Our goal is to have as many letters sent to the House Member as possible. Chwat's office needs copies of each letter sent (then when we visit their offices, they can present the letters to the appropriate staff, to redouble our efforts). In addition to getting the letters generated, Chwat will continue to meet with the 64 targeted members to educate them about the issue and request their support and co-sponsorship. Again, it is imperative that Chwat is copied on all letters. To complement sending the letters, it would also be helpful if some of you could try to arrange meetings with the Congressmen/women in their district offices to discuss H.R. 462. Most members travel home on the weekends, so you could request meetings then. Since that time may not be ideal, meetings during the week can be arranged during the "District work periods." Members should expect to be home in their districts the week of May 28 - June 1 (Memorial Day), and July 2 - July 6 (4th of July), and throughout the month of August. If you have any questions, please let Dave or me know. 73 Joel W5ZN
participants (1)
Joel Harrison