[ARRL-ODV:8624] R&R Status dated April 9, 2003

First of all, let me apologize if you received more than copy of this message. I kept getting responses that the message wasn't distributed to "odv" because the message had the same subject as a recent email message. So I changed the subject title and resent it and it replied that was a recent subject title for an email to the R&R committee reflector. Boy, that is really irritating! Anyway, hopefully this will go through. Sorry for the duplication if it happened. Rod W6ROD ---------------------------------------------- I thought I would give the Board an update on some of the progress of the R and R Committee. We have had a couple of teleconferences and are working on a number of items. Our next teleconference is later this week. We're really starting to get into exploring some interesting techniques that might expand our membership and the ranks of amateur radio operators. 1. Based on a committee recommendation, staff is investigating establishing a pilot program with a prominent amateur radio retailer to sell new ARRL memberships to people who have not been members or who haven't been members for at least one year. (Please keep this particular idea under wraps at the present time until the matter is fully explored.) 2. Staff has been exploring the idea of an on-line licensing course which includes ARRL membership. Some ideas regarding this topic were discussed with the committee and the committee encouraged staff to proceed to develop the idea. In addition to membership marketing (the committee's primary concern at present), there are a number of other product marketing possibilities that can be developed as a part of this idea. 3. We're in the process of gathering information about how we might get into the movie theatres around the country with information about ham radio and how to become a ham radio operator. I would guess most of you have seen the "slides" that are shown before the theatres start the coming attractions. Most of those are commercials for local or national companies. However, some take the form of "public service announcements." The committee believes we explore whether ham radio might fall into that category and one of the committee members is looking into how we might get into that market. 4. We have various committee members looking into how we might tap into special interest groups for purposes of promoting amateur radio. At the present time, we're looking at yachting/boating and RVing. Staff is checking on the feasibility of having amateur radio booths at large boating shows that take place in various parts of the US, generally in the spring and summer. 5. The committee would like to see a video produced that would be a tour of ARRL HQ and highlighting the benefits of membership in the ARRL. Staff is exploring the idea with regard to cost of production along the lines of the new "Amateur Radio Today" video. 6. Each teleconference we've discussed the idea of sales representatives for ARRL memberships. Staff is preparing a discussion paper for the committee outlining some ideas on how it might work in various parts of the US and some ideas on how the sales reps might be chosen and compensated. We'll keep you advised of our progress on these concepts and others that the committee is looking into. Rod W6ROD
participants (1)
Rod Stafford W6ROD