[ARRL-ODV:11041] In News

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Jennifer was interviewed about the latest happenings in our battle against BPL for "Communications Daily". The newsletter is published by the Warren News organization, and the reporter has previously covered ham radio's take on the BPL issue. The recent developments with regard to BPL systems in New York and Idaho gave us a good opportunity to contact a few of the reporters who have covered BPL and ham radio. Jennifer e-mailed some of the recent newspaper stories about the BPL system shut downs to a Wall Street Journal reporter, and Dave Sumner contacted a writer with IDG publishing. Jennifer corresponded with the new Public Information Coordinator in Virginia and gave him an overview of the League's public relations offerings. Production/Editorial On July 27, while looking through a set photocopy proofs, Maty Weinberg happened to see a serious error in the September QST. Maty alerted Shelly Bloom, who called the printer and snagged the page just before it was scheduled to go on the press. Jodi Morin quickly created a replacement file and it was sent immediately. Good teamwork! Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol 23, No 30, was distributed to 67,540 members on July 30. Rick wrote/edited: Broadband Provider Drops BPL in New York Trial Community, Amateur Radio Facilitates Dramatic Rescue at Sea, Nevada Fires Make July a Busy Time for ARES Volunteers, AMSAT. Echo, Satellite to Open for FM Voice Trial Run, RAC Sends formal Morse Testing Proposal to Industry Canada, ISS Crew Schedule Tight for Casual Hamming, California Historical Radio Society Obtains Late ARRL Directors Call Sign and several news briefs. Rick edited The K7RA Solar Update (for Web), FCC Amateur Radio Enforcement Letters, the Amateur Amateur column and the Foundation for Amateur Radio Scholarships Winners 2004 list. With voiceover assistance from Jennifer Hagy, Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for July 30. Joel Hallas has prepared New Products items and the Product Review column for October QST. In addition, he is assisting Bob Schetgen with the September/October issue of QEX. Sales and Marketing Special thanks go to Fulfillments Danny Sayad who handled formatting and sending Sales and Marketings latest email solicitation while Bob Inderbitzen was on vacation. The special offered a free Repeater Directory for orders of $50 or more. Danny sent an initial mailing early in the week then a follow-up on Friday. Danny, Fatima Lorusso and the warehouse are busy processing the over 450 orders. Over the last few months, Fulfillment has been handling the processing of hamfest and convention packages. Zoe Belliveau reports that in addition to normal order processing, staff processed over 60 hamfest and convention packages for the month of July. The Sales & Marketing Team has begun aggressively pre-selling the new edition of the ARRL Handbook. A Dealer Newsline has been completed and sent to all ARRL Dealers. Telephone follow-ups will commence shortly. A full-page, four-color advertisement will appear in September QST in the up-front section to maximize exposure. In addition, we have personally contacted the buyers at Ingram Book, Barnes & Noble and Baker & Taylor with all pertinent information. Placement on our web site and e-mail solicitation will follow shortly. As stated previously, the selling theme for this new title is the largest revision in 10 years. A special promotion has been crafted to introduce the 2005 edition Handbook. A limited edition reproduction of the "First QST" (Volume I, No. 1, published December 1915) will be included with all Handbook pre-orders placed by September 30, or while supplies last. The offer is closely tied in with ARRL's year-long 90th Anniversary celebration. The "First QST" reproduction will not be available for sale. We are hopeful that the promotion will help front-end direct sales for the new edition. For the first time, the ARRL Handbook will also include the fully searchable and complete book on CD-ROM (The ARRL Handbook CD, version 9.0). Softcover and hardcover editions will be available. The 2005 edition Handbook and the special promotion will debut with September QST (mid-August). ARRL Advertising completed the collection and processing of insertions orders for the September/October issues of NCJ and QEX magazine and has released ad files to Production. Ad material for the 2005 ARRL Handbook is undergoing final revisions. Dennis Motschenbacher met via conference call with the Ad Hoc Committee charged with developing plans for the 2005 ARRL National Convention at Dayton, OH. The committee is reviewing quite a few unique ideas offered by staff while it continues its work to formulate an action plan for making the 2005 national a very special event. Membership Services Awards Branch WAS QSL Cards Checked350WAS Certs. (450 QSLs F/C)9 WAS Cert. (50 QSLs ES/C)1 5BWAS Cert. (250 QSLs F/C)1 5BWAS Cert. (250 QSLs ES/C)1WAC QSL Cards Checked96LTMA Inquiries2A-1 Op. Noms.12A-1 Op. Certs.1VUCC Initial Apps.4Grids641Awards Mailed3 Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks. For the coming weekWAS QSL card checking, Basic WAS awards for July, U.S. WAC, VUCC, and WAS/90th awards, plus filing chores associated with the most recent 25- and 40-year LTMAs issued. Contest Branch The twice daily updating of the Field Day List of Logs Received via the web applet at HYPERLINK "http://www.b4h.net/cabforms" www.b4h.net/cabforms continued. As of Friday July 30, a total of 1031 Field Day summaries had been submitted via that system. We continued data entry of the 2004 ARRL Field Day paper submissions. Certificates for the 2003 10-Meter contest were printed and will be mailed during the next week, rules for 2004 November Sweepstakes were finalized, posted to the web and the QST announcement prepared. We also began confirming authors for the 2004-2005 cycle of contests. We have received scores for the electronic logs from the 2004 June VHF QSO party, which is the first pass of logs through the new software written by K1EA for doing more in-depth checking of VHF logs. These scores were formatted into Excel and copies sent to several proof-readers for look for consistency in the outcomes. DXCC Branch For the week of: August 1, 2004Beginning Cards74,513Cards Received7,133Cards Processed16,831Ending Cards64,815 Applications Pending476Processing Time4.2 Weeks Year-to-date (2004) Cards Received309,880Cards Returned365,565 DXCC is currently mailing applications received on July 1, 2004. DXCC is currently entering cards received on July 1, 2004. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system47,888,336QSL records have resulted1,614,401Logs Processed61,139Active Certificates10,623Users registered in the system7,564Current Applications117Ready Applications60Applications Awaiting Mail57 QSL Bureau Processing time is approximately 8 days from receipt. This week 104 pounds of cards were received from members. Approximately 140 pounds of cards are waiting to be processed. Cards mailed as of 07/31/04: 688,975. Cards mailed on 07/30/04: 88,900. W1AW Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the month of August. He worked the early afternoon shift on Friday for a vacationing Joe Carcia and also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots. Joe created the texts for the August W1AW Qualifying Runs. He processed a few Qualifying Run endorsements and certificates, handled some ListServer duties and uploaded W1AW/90 logs to LoTW. Field & Educational Services A teacher who got licensed because of an ARISS QSO has now earned her General; she wants her class to progress to HF and more science studies. The ARISS team received six Yaesu FT-100Ds and tuners; the radios are being qualified for flight and used for crew training and procedures development. The team drafted off-gasing test plans for SSTV equipment for the ISS to be done by White Sands Missile Test Facility. Commander Gennady Padalka, RN3DT, did his first QSO -- for a youth aerospace event. This helped to test QSOs supported by Russia's Mission Control -- practice for a future mission where the US astronaut won't be a ham. The second QSO this week was with a Japanese youth group. ARISS radios will be shut off this week for a spacewalk. Gail Iannone sent 13 hamfest approval letters to sponsoring committees confirming Division Directors' approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned, processed 36 orders for handouts and door prizes for upcoming events, and processed 3 label requests for upcoming events. She reviewed affiliation paperwork for 10 new clubs and sent them to the Directors and SMs for their approval in addition to acknowledgement letters to the club officials. She sent 1 new SSC application to the Director, SM, and ACC for approval, and coordinated travel for HQ reps: Chuck Skolaut at the Missouri State Convention on August 21, and Norm Fusaro at the WNY Section Convention on August 7-8. Linda Mullally updated records of 29 clubs with 4 club reactivations and handled 4 Special Service Club renewals. She registered 6 Volunteer Instructors and 1 schoolteacher. She took care of 1 label request, sent out 380 assorted brochures, and handled a stack of ARISS QSL cards from ISS Field Day QSOs. She entered 6 new clubs into the database system, and is looking into a possible problem with our Web forms sent by Special Service Clubs via email to her. CCE Jean Wolfgang and Dan Miller took part in a meeting of people involved with the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium, our Web host for our on-line continuing education courses. They discussed some possible future options for our on-line courses and the currently existing procedures. Jean has begun to compile a list of "keywords" pertaining to the technical courses; these words should help Web users to find our courses. Club/Mentor Program Norm Fusaro met with Sue Fagan to collaborate on a logo for the Mentor Program. He finished his plans and presentation and materials for the WNY Convention. After interacting with Mt Baker ARC Club members and uncovering the club's great mentoring program, Norm wrote a feature story for the Web about a young ham, his mentor, and the club's program. He interviewed several other new hams and their mentors for upcoming articles. Emcomm Grants Dan Miller prepared material for the APCO conference (including a new survey of public safety officials attending) and the New England Division Convention. Both events are the same week. Our grantor, CNCS, feels we gather facts better than other grantees and asked for a report on our procedures, which Dan is compiling. His SATERN presentation saw 60 attendees; statistics follow: * 35% were Extra class licensees, 24% Generals, 19% Technicians * 57% had been licensed 10+ years, 16% 1-5 Years, and 11% 1 year or less * 81% were ARRL members, 41% claimed Citizens Corp Involvement * 22 of the respondents totaled 562 volunteer hours per month for an average of 25.5 hours per person-- another above average group! Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program Mark Spencer mailed announcement letters and award checks to our recent education award winners. Teacher's Institute preparations are on track. All resources to be given to teachers are in hand, reference materials duplicated, and presentations in the can; teachers begin to arrive on Aug 7. A presentation on ham radio was given to a local youth summer group. The numbers were not high, but the enthusiasm of the kids made up for it. Public Service/Field Organization Steve Ewald attended the 2004 National Citizen Corps Conference for ARRL where he networked with 200 representatives from national, state and local Citizen Corps groups and other affiliates from around the country. Steve plied them and got first-hand stories about ARES and Amateur Radio groups continuing to provide valuable and positive contributions to the Citizen Corps mission. New York SMs have received their vests purchased with New York State grant funds. SMs are preparing lists of hams who will get the vests; George Tranos plans to award them at ARES meetings, with the first on Aug 10. Chuck Skolaut received and forwarded to the FCC documentation concerning problems occurring on two different 20-meter frequencies. Monitoring Stations and others are investigating and observing broadband noise on 20 meters in Texas and potential power-line noise on 40 meters in New York. Chuck also heard about an Internet site that's offering suspected illegal radios for sale. Leona Adams received a petition nominating Matthew Anderson, KA0BOJ, of Ashland, Nebraska, as the next SM. Petitions for the new terms beginning in January are due at HQ by September 10. There has been a noticeable increase in Section expense reports received, and Leona has been handling these. Regulatory John Hennessee assisted amateurs with local government zoning restrictions in Boynton Beach, FL (WK8K--moving from Michigan); Washoe County (Reno), NV (N7GXI); and Exceter, RI (KD1WD). He assisted a person with a covenant problem in Anacortes, WA (license pending). He also reviewed constitutions for clubs which have applied for affiliation with ARRL, and he processed a VCE application. 73, Sincerely, Mark Wilson, K1RO Chief Operating Officer MW:sat Staff Absentee List Lisa Kustosik 8/4 - 8/9 Vacation Mark Wilson 8/5 - 8/6 Vacation Perry Williams 8/4 - 9/7 Vacation Bob Schetgen 8/4 - 8/13 Vacation Steve Ford 8/4 - 8/6 Vacation Fatima Lorusso 8/5 - 8/6 Vacation Joe Carcia 8/6 Vacation - pm Joel Hallas 8/6 - 8/20 Vacation Debra Jahnke 8/6 - 8/13 Vacation Bart Jahnke 8/6, 8/13 Vacation Janet Rocco 8/9 - 8/13 Vacation AnnMarie Pinto 8/9 - 8/20 Vacation Zoe Belliveau 8/9 - 8/13 Vacation Dan Miller 8/9 - 8/12 APCO Convention, Montreal, Canada " 8/13 - 8/15 New England Div. Conv, Boxboro, MA " 8/26 - 8/29 SW Div Convention, Phoenix, AZ " 8/30 Vacation Dennis Motschenbacher 8/9 - 8/16 Vacation " 8/20 - 8/21 Convention, Albuquerque, NM " 8/27 - 8/29 SW Division Convention, Phoenix, AZ-personal " 9/24 - 9/26 EWA Section Convention, Spokane, WA Chuck Skolaut 8/15 Kansas State Convention " 8/20 Vacation " 8/21 Missouri State Conv. John Hennessee 8/19 - 8/30 Vacation Mark Dzamba 8/23 - 8/27 Vacation Pam Dzamba 8/23 - 8/27 Vacation Mary Hobart 8/27 - 8/29 SW Division Convention Danny Sayad 9/7 - 9/10 Vacation " 9/17 .2B%:Ž·£ ² ÅÕ9<§š78«HK'*ê쬯159=%×ÙtuËÌõöòöòèòöòáòáòáòáòáòöÕɿɰɰɰɣɰɰɰɰɰÉòöòòòòòjhvUhv56\] hvH* hv^JhvB*H*\^Jphhv6B*\]^JphhvB*\phhvB*\^Jphhv5B*^Jphhv6]hvOJQJaJhvhv5CJaJ4./012BC= > 1 2 $%:; âãúøøøøøøøøñøëëëëëëëøøåøøøøø€€7$8$H$$€€$a$4Cý§š7856¬Ÿ¿µ¶%;?ýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýûóó$*$If?@Z_$*$Ifnkd$$IflÖÖ0@@ÐÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl_`y~$*$Ifnkd$$IflÖÖ0@@ÐÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl~¡$*$Ifnkd4$$IflÖÖ0@@ÐÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl¡¢¿Á$*$IfnkdÎ$$IflÖÖ0@@ÐÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölÁÂØÛ$*$Ifnkdh$$IflÖÖ0@@ÐÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölÛÜëí$*$Ifnkd$$IflÖÖ0@@ÐÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölíîüÿ$*$Ifnkd$$IflÖÖ0@@ÐÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölÿ$*$Ifnkd6$$IflÖÖ0@@ÐÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl%'$*$IfnkdÐ$$IflÖÖ0@@ÐÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl'(.2$*$Ifnkdj$$IflÖÖ0@@ÐÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿö6ÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö 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