[arrl-odv:25867] IN-News 102116

[ARRL logo-and-logotype black gold vertical] IN-Newsletter Vol. 41, No. 37 October 21, 2016 Covers the period October 8 - 14, 2016 Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events Executive Committee October 22 @ 8:30am in Chicago, IL LoTW Study Committee November 11 @ 10:00am in Newington, CT Administration & Finance Committee November 12 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Chief Executive Office Reported by Tom Gallagher Bob Inderbitzen and Tom Gallagher attended Pacificon, the ARRL Pacific Division Convention, held October 14-16. Tom gave the keynote speech at the convention banquet. Tom reported that the crowd at Pacificon was impressive. The forum presentations were informative and uniformly high quality, especially FCC Staffer Laura Smith and Apple's Kristen McIntyre. Over breakfast with former Silicon Valley executives David Witkowski (W6DTW) and Professor Bob Iannucci (W6EI) of Carnegie Mellon's CyLab Mobility Research Center, Tom heard the engineers describe how new curriculum in Iannucci's MSEE course strongly encourages grad student to pass the general class test so they are able to operate Carnegie Mellon's mobile RF laboratory. Dave and Bob represent a new wave of Radio Amateurs in California's Silicon Valley, applying ham radio to the study of RF propagation and the management and operation of the lab's fleet of four investment-grade drone aircraft. Dave was accompanied by his 12-year old daughter, Nora K6NKW, an accomplished ham in her own right. Tom and Director Vallio also met with HRO's president, Robert Ferrero and Corporate Purchasing Manager Luke Rohn to thank them for their continued advertising support of ARRL and QST. Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD Lauren met with a potential donor interested in assisting the Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative get off the ground. This initiative, introduced by Tom Gallagher and Bob Inderbitzen in Boxboro, will bring together College Amateur Radio Clubs to share information, discuss common challenges, and enjoy some camaraderie. A mailing was sent to 400 lapsed Diamond Club Life members encouraging them to re-join. Field Organization/Public Service Team Reported by Steve Ewald WV1X Georgia Section Manager Gene Clark, W4AYK, of Albany, has announced that he will be stepping down as Section Manger at the end of October. Gene has been the SM since October of 2009. David Benoist, AG4ZR, of Senoia, has been appointed by Dave Patton, NN1N, as the Georgia Section Manager starting on November 1. Dave made the appointment after consulting with Division Director Doug Rehman and receiving Gene Cark's recommendation. Benoist is currently the Georgia Section Emergency Coordinator, and his appointment will complete the current term of office that continues through September 30, 2017. In response to the ARRL Section Managers' Workshop, held at ARRL Headquarters earlier this month, several of the fifteen participating Section Managers shared their comments about the Workshop experience. Here are a couple of quotes from two different Section Managers: "Putting something like this together takes a lot of effort on the part of all concerned. What stood out the most for me was the contagious enthusiasm and genuine positive attitude of everyone involved. I was very impressed with the facility. A lot of thought and effort has been invested to make it a welcoming place." "All of us felt that we had developed a bond of fraternity, that we enjoyed making new friends, covered a wide range of vital information, learned a great deal, and are grateful for all the gracious generosity shown us by you and the ARRL. In my professional life as an educator, I have attended and presented well over a hundred conferences, workshops, seminars and clinics, and without reservation, the past weekend is at the top of the list!" New Mexico Section Manager Ed James, KA8JMW, highlighted his visit to Headquarters and the SM Workshop in his October Section Newsletter with photographs and a brief article. Other participating Section Managers have made similar remarks in their respective Section News reports, too. Field Services & Radiosport Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 2 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 1-2 Days W1AW Report for the week ending October 15, 2016: Scott worked on slow and fast code practice texts for the upcoming week. He also processed VUCC certificates and endorsements. Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives. He created the 2017 W1AW and West Coast Qualifying Run schedules. Joe processed two (2) Qualifying Run endorsements and one (1) certificates. He processed regular QSL card requests. Joe constructed a high-voltage noise source using a 10 kV transformer and spark plug, vertical test antenna, and readied 200' of coaxial cable that will be used by Lab staff during their noise presentation at the CT Broadcasters Convention, being held at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT. He also began working on another RaspberryPi for possible use with another WSPR application. Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI Product Review Testing Bob Allison tested an SDR receiver that is mostly intended for use as a means for providing a panadapter for transceivers with an IF output. A panadapter provides a visual display of band activity. Bob then started testing of an HF/VHF/UHF transceiver. Publicity Bob Allison, Mike Gruber and Ed Hare attended the Connecticut Broadcaster's Association Convention at Quinnipiac College in Hamden. An exhibit was set up which explained the harmful effects of man-made noise on the AM, FM and television broadcast bands and what they can do about it. The Lab's FlexRadio 5000C was set up with a 26" display to show a major portion of the AM broadcast band. Noise sources were seen on the screen and heard over a speaker. Mike Gruber had man-made noise makers on hand to show the effects of power line noise and noise from lighting devices. Production/Editorial Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY Work continues on the December 2015 and January 2017 issues of QST. Staff will undergo PageSuite training on Wednesday, October 19. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Jackie Ferreira reports that the new edition ARRL Operating Manual<https://www.arrl.org/shop/ARRL-Operating-Manual-11th-Edition/> is now available as a two-part e-book, Volumes 1 & 2<http://a.co/39myna1> and Volumes 3 & 4<http://a.co/28RVtrK>, for Amazon Kindle and supported devices and apps. A publication promotion was mailed to 10,000 ARRL members this week. This is the second part of a 20,000 piece test mailing. Part one contributed nearly $18K in gross sales. An email test featuring a special welcome offer encouraging publication orders was distributed to a small number of new members. This is part of our ongoing effort to focus on smaller, targeted appeals. Diane Petrilli reports that the next large membership campaign will mail Friday, October 21. A handful of emails promoting membership were prepared for targeted groups by license class. A Halloween-themed emailing was prepared. And, she supported reports for other staff requiring data-pulls and various analytics. Diane Petrilli and Yvette Vinci are participating in ongoing, interdepartmental planning for the new membership and subscriptions system. Bob Inderbitzen and Tom Gallagher attended Pacificon, the ARRL Pacific Division Convention, held October 14-16. Bob organized and staffed ARRL's exhibit. The convention and our booth was supported by Pacific Division Director Bob Vallio W6RGG, Vice Director Jim Tiemstra K6JAT, Northwestern Division Director Jim Pace K7CEX, Dakota Division Vice Director Matt Holden K0BBC, and all of the Pacific Division Section Managers: Brandon Bianchi NI6C, John Bigley N7UR, Jim Latham AF6AQ, Joe Speroni AH0A, Dr. Carol Milazzo KP4MD, Dan Pruitt AE6SX, and Bill Hillendahl KH6GJV. Bob returned with 95 membership applications, including 4 Life Memberships and pledges, and $2,250 in contributions. Among the new members were Amy Louise Herndon and Jeri Ellsworth of San Jose, California - well known individuals in the Maker/DIY community. Both passed their first Amateur Radio license examinations at Pacificon; Amy, her General Class and Jeri, her Extra Class. DXCC Card Checking was supported by Russ Bentson, K6KLY, from the Northern California DX Club (Bob returned with those applications). Throughout the convention, Bob and Tom met with Field Organization volunteers, young hams and students, exhibitors and ARRL advertisers. Bob posted to a Facebook photo album throughout the event: http://tinyurl.com/Pacificon16. Summary of Sales and Marketing Department telephone group, reported by Yvette Vinci: Week Ending Calls Answered Calls Per Hour Total Talking Duration Average Speed of Answer 10/14/2016 729 16.2 22:13:20 9 seconds 10/7/2016 828 18.4 27:53:18 11 seconds 9/30/2016 787 17.4 30:05:46 11 seconds 9/23/2016 860 19.1 27:12:48 8 seconds Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity, reported by Steve Capodicasa: Week Ending Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 10/14/2016 832 427 10/7/2016 1,462 415 9/30/2016 1,206 342 9/23/2016 787 365 Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations Leona Adams 11/11 PTO Bob Allison 10/17 - 10/21 PTO " 11/03 - 11/04 Club Travel " 12/26 - 12/30 PTO Steve Capodicasa 10/26 PTO " 11/07 PTO Lauren Clarke 10/26 - 10/31 PTO " 11/22 - 11/23 PTO Steve Ford 11/07 PTO 11/11 PTO Norm Fusaro 10/18 - 10/27 PTO Tom Gallagher 10/21 - 10/22 Executive Committee Meeting, Chicago IL Dan Henderson 10/21 - 10/22 Executive Committee Meeting, Chicago IL " 11/10 - 11/13 Indiana Section Convention / Ft Wayne IN Gail Iannone 10/07 - 01/09 Sick Leave Debra Johnson 10/14 - 10/22 PTO Yvette Vinci 11/03 - 11/04 PTO Sincerely Compiled by, Carla Pereira, Assistant to CEO
participants (1)
Pereira, Carla