[arrl-odv:13487] Re: Draft Agenda, 2006 Annual Board Meeting

<<and one on WRC-07 by IARU President Price.>> Oh my..... we'll be there all night. (hi) I'm joking... I'm joking.... Seriously, the band planning issue is going to be a monster, and it would have been good to have had a Thursday night to let our hair down on that one. 73, K5UR -----Original Message----- From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ <dsumner@arrl.org> To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 14:48:21 -0500 Subject: [arrl-odv:13483] Re: Draft Agenda, 2006 Annual Board Meeting Thursday evening will be devoted to two presentations on the IARU: a general overview by IAVP Stafford and one on WRC-07 by IARU President Price. See Minute 8.2, EC minutes, October 22, 2005: 8.2. On motion of Mr. Butler it was agreed to extend an invitation to IARU President Larry E. Price, W4RA, to brief the Board on preparations for the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference prior to the January 2006 Meeting. Mr. Stafford will provide an overview of the IARU at the same time. I'm confident there will be ample time for a useful discussion of how to conduct HF band planning during the course of the Board meeting. Dave -----Original Message----- From: dick@pobox.com [mailto:dick@pobox.com] Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 2:44 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:13482] Re: Draft Agenda, 2006 Annual Board Meeting 9 JAN, 2006 - 1330 CST I agree that Discussion of HF Bandplanning should be added on our January 2006 agenda at the suggested insertion point. If some of you think this discussion will take an inordinate amount of time, perhaps preparation for this agenda item should would be a Thursday evening informal discussion after dinner? 73 - Dick, W9GIG
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