<<111010.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 33, No. 45 November 10, 2010 -- Covers the period October 31-November 6. Upcoming Meetings and Events AMSAT/ARISS Meeting November 12-13 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ Programs & Services Committee: November 13 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections November 19 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ Administration &Finance Committee November 20 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ Congratulations to Maria Somma, AB1FM for celebrating 25 years of service and to Leona Adams, W1LGA for 10 years of service at the ARRL. Regulatory Information Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND We continue to work to resolve issues with the Volunteer Counsel and Volunteer Consulting Engineer database. This is in an effort to process numerous updates/changes/additions that are pending. We worked with General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, and West Gulf Vice-Director John Stratton, N5AUS, on a city zoning ordinance question for a town in the Dallas area, as well as on some suggested language for a CC&R query for a subdivision also in the Dallas area. At the request of Great Lakes Division Director Jim Weaver, K8JE, we provided information on the appropriate use of club callsigns, reminding parties that a club callsign carries no operating privileges. Operating privileges are determined by the class of license held by the control operator at any given time, not the license class of the trustee of the club callsign. Several queries on the transfer of trusteeship of a club callsign were also received and answered. Work has begun on a legislative action /grassroots newsletter that will be prepared as needed. We have spoken with the Information Technologies department about developing a sign-up procedure for the newsletter as well as how it will actually be distributed. Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP Three main project in play include the creation of a community service flier, revision and reprint of the presentation folders used for special occasions and the ongoing planning with the video task group. The presentation of historical video at the brown bag luncheon seemed to go well with thanks to Penny for her part in the practical joke played. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH As we enter the final weeks of 2010 several ARRL programs still have an uphill climb to reach the fund raising goals for the year. The Spectrum Defense Fund stands at $160,234 still needed $165,000 to reach the 2010 goal of $325,000. Plan call for a final 2010 issue of the Spectrum Defense Matters newsletter which will help close the gap. The Education & Technology Fund has reached $36,301 in campaign contributions-well short of its $60,000 goal for the year. The ARRL Diamond Club has topped $209,000 or 80% of its $263,000 target for 2010. A special email solicitation will be sent to appropriate groups of ARRL members to encourage year end gifts with an offer of a discount coupon on ARRL publications for contributions over $50 by December 31. This message will link members to the donation page on the web site for ease of processing. The growth in the ARRL Endowment during the last few weeks has been dramatic and encouraging. In addition to the $1,000,000 gift from the Mathias Trust, ARRL has received $99,090 from the estate of Benjamin Poinsett. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter and voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for November 4, 2010. Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI RFI The new Smart Meter FAQ Page has now been added to the ARRL RFI pages. This new page answers many of the questions that Amateurs had about Smart Meter technology, especially in California. Interference from a smart meter concentrator or concentrators may be causing interference to the Amateur Service in the 902 MHz band in deployments in or near the PG&E areas in northern California. This investigation remains ongoing at this time. Jerry Ramie, KI6LGY, a member of the ARRL EMC Committee, is assisting in this matter. His finding is that the reported interference is coming from a PG&E "smart grid" neighborhood 1.1 miles from the complainant. Mike Gruber discussed several PG&E cases with Jerry Ramie. Jerry has been active in reviewing cases in the area. There are a number of PG&E complaints at this time that remain unresolved. Although PG&E's attorney seems to suggest that they are working on the problem, cases are not getting fixed. Ed Hare will have a follow-up discussion with PG&E to determine if we can help PG&E resolve these cases. The 69 kV power line noise case that we've been working on in New Jersey remains ongoing. Although the utility has shut down the line and made the repairs, they did not actually fix the noise. Mike Gruber has contacted Mike Martin of RFI Services to offer some advice on how to proceed. Recent RFI complaints in California and Colorado have been traced to indoor grow lights. Jerry Ramie borrowed one of the offending grow light ballasts and sent it to us. Mike Gruber purchased the associated bulb and fixture in order to do some conduced emissions testing. Initial testing of this ballast shows that it exceeds the Part 18 absolute conducted emissions limits by a considerable amount. This ballast, in fact, is the noisiest device we've ever seen in the Lab. Product Review Steve Ford and Bob Allison put together the Product Review video for December. The video was shot entirely in the Screen Room and featured not only a high performance contest transceiver, but also the test equipment used for measuring third order intermodulation distortion dynamic range. Bob Allison completed testing of a late model, high performance HF/6M transceiver and started on a basic HF transceiver. Committee Work Ed Hare attended the ANSI accredited C63® meeting in Detroit, MI. Ed is the Chair of Subcommittee 5 (Immunity) and the Below 30 MHz Working Group (WG). At this point, the WG is developing measurement methods of field strength below 30 MHz. Ed also received a nice surprise - C63® presented him with an award for his service in helping resolve a large number of loose ends on the c63.org web site. This is award given annually by C63® for outstanding contributions to the work of the committee. Ed will be attending the IEEE EMC Society Standards Development Committee this week in Pittsburgh, PA. This is the EMC Society standards board, overseeing the development of all IEEE EMC standards. Ed is the elected Secretary of this group. This week, they expect to deal with standards on power-line harmonics and the outstanding issues with the P1775 BPL EMC standard. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N W1AW Thanks to Sean Kutzko, KX9X, Mike Corey, W5MPC, and Ward Silver, NØAX for operating W1AW in the November CW Sweepstakes. They made 1,303 QSOs, with all 80 ARRL sections, for an initial claimed score of 208,180. Joe Carcia, NJ1G updated the web code practice files. He also temporarily installed a 40-meter dipole for use during Sweepstakes. Joe also installed a Kenwood TS-590 as part of the Sweepstakes operating equipment. Scott Gee, WB9RRU worked on slow and fast code practice files for the early part of the month of November. Field Organization/Public Service Team Congratulations to Leona Adams, W1LGA, on her ten years of service at ARRL Headquarters! Staff members recognized and honored Leona on November 4th. Steve Ryan, N2ITF, of Ashville, New York, has been appointed Section Manager of the ARRL Western New York Section, effective November 2. MVP Department Manager Dave Patton, NN1N, made the appointment in consultation with Director Bill Edgar, N3LLR, after Scott Bauer, W2LC, announced his resignation for personal reasons on October 31. Bauer had served as Section Manager since January 2000. There will be a Section Manager election this winter in Arkansas. Dale Temple, W5RXU, of North Little Rock, has been nominated to run for the Arkansas Section Manager position. Incumbent Arkansas SM J.M. Rowe, N5XFW, has already been nominated to run for a new term. Mississippi Section Manager Malcolm Keown, W5XX, has been nominated to run for a new term of office. Nominating petitions for this election cycle are due at HQ by December 10. Chuck Skolaut received news that the Mexican XE1FAS beacon has moved to 24928 kHz. This relieves interference to the NCDXF 24930 kHz beacon. An unidentified pulse type signal was reported on 40 meters, and unknown Spanish speaking stations operating on 40 meter USB were heard in the Southern Florida area. Questions received this week included operating overseas, Technician class band privileges, remote overseas stations, the 150 MHz commercial band, and a Vermont Field Day entry. One radio amateur from Western Pennsylvania and one from Western Washington completed their examinations and became Official Observers this past week. Chuck also assisted at W1AW while visitors were operating. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 11/25-11/26 Holiday All Staff 12/24 Holiday All Staff 12/31 Holiday Leona Adams 11/19 Vacation `` 12/3pm Vacation Margie Bourgoin 12/20-12/24 Vacation Hugh Brower 11/22-11/24 Vacation Steve Ewald 11/29-12/3 Vacation Jackie Ferreira 12/23 Vacation `` 12/30 Vacation Steve Ford 12/23-12/31 Vacation Scott Gee 12/6-12/7 Vacation `` 12/23-12/27 Vacation Dan Henderson 12/20-1/5 Vacation Mary Hobart 12/27-12/28 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 12/27-12/30 Vacation Sabrina Jackson 12/6-12/7 Vacation Rose-Anne Lawrence 11/19 Vacation Maryann Macdonald 12/27-12/31 Vacation Diane Petrilli 11/22-11/24 Vacation `` 12/20-12/22 Vacation `` 12/27-12/29 Vacation Steve Sant Andrea 11/29 Vacation Barry Shelley 11/23-11/24 Vacation `` 12/16-12/23 Vacation Chuck Skolaut 11/22-11/24 Vacation Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative Mike Corey 11/17 NPSTC Meeting, Washington, DC Joel Hallas 12/3-12/4 W. Central Florida Section Convention, Palmetto, FL Dan Henderson 11/12-11/16 Indiana State Convention, Ft. Wayne, IN/Vacation Harold Kramer 11/9 Westchester County Emergency Comm. Assoc. Brennan Price 11/1-11/24 SCRPM, SG5 & subsidiary Working Parties, Geneva
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ