[arrl-odv:12887] Re: Atlantic Division Election; Confidential and Priv...

In a message dated 8/28/2005 7:31:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, bodsond@att.net writes: Chris: I believe that Dick Isley, Chairman of the E&E Committee, is also a member of the ExCom. If true, then Dick should absent himself from voting on this matter as it could be construed as putting the fox in the hen house. Furthermore, I want to know what are the specifics of the alleged conflict of interest Dennis Dennis, that is an issue, I think, for the Executive Committee to handle on its own. I would not want to usurp the EC's authority here. I would think that Mr. Haynie and the rest of the Executive Committee will want to address that issue, but I am sure they will seriously consider your point here. It is important to clarify that no one has concluded that Carl Stevenson has any conflict of interest now. That was not the finding of the Elections and Ethics Committee. Rather, the finding was that Carl's business connections constitute a violation of Article 11, which is rather specifically stated. Carl has done nothing wrong, and it is important that that be clarified. It appears to the Elections Committee that he has business connections that make him ineligible to run for Director of the Atlantic Division. That is the issue that will apparently be reviewed by the EC, if Carl submits materials by this Friday, as he said he will do. Carl disagrees with the Elections Committee's interpretation of Article 11, and suggests that others on the Board have similar business involvements, and that he therefore is being discriminated against in terms of the interpretation and application of Article 11. Dennis, if you wish to review the matter for yourself, the information that the Elections Committee had before it included Carl's web site explanation about his regulatory consulting business, and his campaign materials, which describe his consulting business. Article 11, of course, you have, and it is available on our web site. 73, Chris W3KD
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