Good morning. Tropical Storm Isaias blew through CT yesterday leaving over 700,000 homes without power which will take days, possibly more than a week in some cases, to recover. This is certainly a setback to the 50% of the HQ staff that is working remotely and we'll try to continue operations as best as possible. HQ has power and Internet connection this morning. Damage to the HQ property appears to be mostly small limbs downed from the trees except one very large branch that came off a tree back by the loading dock. (picture attached) Surprisingly, Joe Carcia reports no serious visible damage to the W1AW towers or antennas. There was some minor damage to the W1HQ 160 meter dipole hung in the trees on the back of the building that should easily be repaired. We haven't been able to get on the roof this morning but there doesn't appear to be any significant damage to the W1HQ array on the roof. Also, work on the front part of the HQ building roof continued this morning. We're still assessing the situation and if there is anything serious that arises, I will let you know. 73, Barry, N1VXY
participants (1)
Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO)