IN-Newsletter Vol. 37, No. 8 March 5, 2014 -- Covers the period February 23-March 1. Upcoming Meetings and Events Centennial Convention Committee Meeting March 11 @ 3:30pm in Newington, CT Vice Director Orientation March 24 in Newington, CT Executive Committee: March 29 @ 8:30am - St Louis, MO Administration & Finance Committee April 12 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD We are pleased to welcome Gene McPherson NØMHJ as our 143rd Maxim Society. The recent direct mail sent to 150,000 members to raise funds for the Second Century Campaign is yielding strong results. Additionally, CDO Hobart has been having many conversations with members who are considering commitments. There has been a very positive response to the Challenge Match offered by Mike Valentine, W8MM. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 5 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 3-5 Business Days W1AW Thanks to Dan Henderson, N1ND for operating W100AW in the ARRL International SSB DX contest. Joe created the texts for the March W1AW Qualifying Runs. He processed six (6) Qualifying Run certificates and one (1) endorsement. Joe updated all the various W1AW web schedules and processed regular QSL card requests. He continues updating Logbook of the World with the various W1AW/xx Centennial operations as well as sorting/storing the QSL card requests being received for each operation. Field Organization/Public Service Team Nevada Section Manager Joe Giraudo, N7JEH, announced last week that was stepping down from his position as of March 1 because his new job responsibilities now takes him outside of Nevada much more than previous jobs. Joe had been Section Manager since August of 2008. Gary Grant, K7VY, of Reno, has been appointed as the Nevada Section Manager, effective March 1, to complete the current term of office that extends until June 30, 2015. Membership and Volunteer Programs Manager Dave Patton, NN1N, received Giraudo's recommendation of Gary Grant to succeed him. Patton then consulted with Pacific Division Director Bob Vallio, W6RGG, before making the appointment. Gary has been an ARRL member for more than 50 year and he has been an Assistant Section Manager, Official Observer Coordinator and Official Observer within the Nevada Field Organization. Steve Ewald and Leona Adams have been in touch with Gary to help him get started in this new position. Chuck Skolaut reports that radio amateurs from West Virginia and Idaho completed requirements to become Official Observers this past week. Two cases of call signs being bootlegged were reported: KCØMUX on a local Iowa repeater and K7JL on 75 meters on the west coast. The appropriate OOs were alerted. Documentation was received regarding a Technician Class amateur continuing to operate on 75 meter phone, and OOs were alerted. Later information on this situation was forwarded to the FCC. Documentation was also received regarding operation on 14.313 MHz. An unidentified signal reported on 28.600 MHz may be an Over the Horizon Radar. Recent discussion on the OO reflector covered several topics including the use of "10 codes" and CEPT and IARP agreements. Several reports of a station continuously calling CQ on 28.425 MHz seemingly with no intention of establishing QSOs were reported. Several times in the past this practice was found to actually be other another station using the first station's call and was used as a form of jamming. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 4/18 Holiday Bob Allison 3/21-3/23 South Texas Section Convention, Rosenberg, TX Joe Carcia 5/2 PTO `` 5/23 PTO Mike Corey 3/14-3/16 Delta Division Convention, Rayne, LA Norm Fusaro 3/7-3/9 West Gulf Division Convention, Claremore, OK `` 4/18-4/20 Roanoke Division Convention, Raleigh, NC Scott Gee 3/10-3/12 PTO Mike Gruber 5/2 PTO `` 6/2-6/6 PTO `` 6/27 PTO Mary Hobart 3/7 DARA Meeting, Dayton, OH `` 3/14-3/17 PTO Karen Isakson 3/10-3/14 PTO Harold Kramer 3/12 The Bears of Manchester ARC, Manchester, CT `` 3/21-3/23 Communications Academy, Seattle, WA `` 4/17 Mt. Airy VHF Radio Club, Warminster, PA Zack Lau 3/12 PTO Diane Middleton 3/12-3/14 Insurance Meetings Dave Patton 3/14-3/16 Nebraska State Convention, Lincoln, NE Barry Shelley 3/12-3/14 Insurance Meetings
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ