[ARRL-ODV:10579] The Making of an American Monarchy

Recently we've seen much to disagree with in the media regarding FCC-related topics, but there may be some things we could agree with in a May 5 article in The Christian Science Monitor entitled, "The Accidental Arbiter - FCC Chairman Michael Powell... ". http://search.csmonitor.com/search_content/0505/p15s01-uspo.html A few resonant clips: "I think you'd [Powell] be a wonderful executive vice president of a chamber of commerce, but not a chairman of a regulatory commission..." -Sen Hollings, D-SC "It's seductive to always think somehow regulation is always in the public interest and somehow free markets aren't." "Name when the free market hasn't better delivered quality of life than anything else tried in the orld." -Powell The notion of trying to regulate the swiftly changing Internet is arrogant" -Powell "If you're a true free-market believer like I am, you're not credible unless - for the limited rules that are enforced - you're ruthless about them." -Powell One former staffer, when asked how Powell deals with being wrong, simply says, jokingly, "He's not ever been wrong." -FORMER staffer "Michael Powell suffers from what the Greeks call hubris" -Jeffrey Chester, executive director, Center for Digital Democracy Powell's Achilles' heel, some observers have suggested, may be that disconnect between his passion for technology & law, and an understanding of the people affected by his decisions. -Unspecified observers
participants (1)
Art Goddard