The response to Tom's question leaves me more confused than he probably was when he asked it. Tom has been operating on guidance indicating that we are not supposed to be calling out the troops to carpet-bomb the Congress with messages on this issue. I'm having difficult making the guidance he received square up with ODV:10519, which involved a grass-roots BPL package posted on the Web site and sent to the SM's, which clearly calls on people to write. I also can't get it to align with our ARRLWeb story dated April 27 which said, in part, "It is important for radio amateurs to get the facts across to the White House as well as to our Congressional representatives and senators." The ARRL Web site provides an information package explaining how members can contact the White House and members of Congress to express their views on BPL deployment and why they need to do so. "Do it now!" Sumner urges in his call to arms. "We need thousands of responses from all parts of the country, right away, if we are to make an impression." Did I goof when I wrote Bush, Cheney, my Senators, and my Congressman? If so, a lot of locals around here goofed also, thinking they were following the advice of the ARRL. What we s'posed to do? 73 - Kay N3KN
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Kay Craigie