[arrl-odv:22917] Director's Motion: Election Notifications

Motion The “Mass Communications at League Expense” section of the ARRL Rules & Regulations is modified by appending the following: A Director may send out an email announcing a Section Manager election within their Division after the candidates have been determined by Headquarters. The Director may send out an email notifying members in the affected Section(s) that they should have received their ballots, how to request a replacement ballot if they have not, and the deadline for the receipt of ballots at Headquarters. Should a Director choose not to send out this email, Headquarters will send such an email to the members in the affected Section(s) three weeks after the ballots were placed into the mail. All such emails shall be neutral and the only information about the candidates will be their names and callsigns. In elections for Division Director that are conducted utilizing electronic balloting, a postcard will be mailed to members receiving electronic ballots in the affected Division(s) stating that they should have received an email with voting instructions, how to request a replacement email or paper ballot if they have not, and the voting deadlines. Headquarters will send the postcards to the members in the affected Division(s) three weeks after the ballots were placed into the mail. In elections for Division Director that are conducted utilizing paper ballots, or where members receive a paper ballot in an otherwise electronic election, Headquarters will send out an email notifying members in the affected Division(s) receiving paper ballots that they should have received their ballots, how to request a replacement ballot if they have not, and the deadline for the receipt of ballots at Headquarters. The email will be sent three weeks after the ballots were placed into the mail. ***************************** The estimated cost for notification in Section Manager elections and paper ballot Director elections is negligible as existing facilities will be utilized and the additional staff time required is minimal. The average cost for postcard notification in an electronic Division Director election is estimated at $5,500 (Based on average Division size of 11,000 members and a printing/postage cost of $0.50 per postcard). The smallest Division would cost $1,726 and the largest would cost $7,670.50 Doug K4AC
participants (1)
Doug Rehman