[ARRL-ODV:8328] Re: Video on Closed Circuit

In a message dated 1/30/2003 7:59:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, k1ro@arrl.org writes:
Jim: I want to clarify my previous position of "broadcasting" of the new ARRL video. This video is NOT to be transmitted over the air, even on a microwave setup, and not to be put on local cable systems, etc. If there is any possibility that someone other than the intended audience (IE: junior high school kids and teachers) will see the video, then it shouldn't be shown.
We are all pleased that this video is being so well received, but the ARRL's rights are severely limited and everybody should know that.
If a school or school system gets its classroom videos over a closed circuit system, that's fine. If it's an open circuit system, IE: microwave or VHF, then it's not okay.
This poses far more questions than it answers. If the distribution is as limited as Bell says, then we can't put it up on our web site again. The "severely limited" reference that "everybody should know" is not at all clear. I have no idea what we can do with this and what we can't now, but based on this, and based on the fact that we don't have any written releases from anyone at all, I suggest that we not put the video back up on the web site, because at that point, there is a possibility that others will see it and use it. Chris
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