[arrl-odv:31450] Fwd: The most reasont ARRL election

A blind member's opinion of the election process... -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: The most reasont ARRL election Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2020 16:28:59 -0600 From: Matt Arthur <mattda@hickorytech.net> To: k1vr@arrl.org, w7vo@arrl.org, k0rm@arrl.org, Tom Karnauskas <n0uw@arrl.net> Fred, Mike, and Jerff, I am Matt Arthur ka0pqw I have been an ARRL member for menny years and i do valyu being a member. However i am not happy about this most recent election. I had been wondering when i would receive a balad so i could vote in the election. I have never received a balad for this years election and i see today they have anouced the resalts. I do know the last time there was an election there was some kind of problem with getting balads out and had quite a time getting one. I had to call Dan Henderson and he did send me one but also i felt smarted off to me telling me maybe i really didn't need to vote. So now i would like to know what is going to be done to make sure that all members can vote? I really feel the most recent election should be redone, or members who wern't given the chance to vote should be some how compensated for not being able to take part in the election. I do expect this to be worked out some how. I feel as an ARRL member i should be able to vote for the people i would like to represent me at the ARRL. Just so it is understood i have copied my radio club ppresident so he is aware of the situation. I hope to hear from you all soon. I also most certainly expect something to be done about this. Thank you for your time and service. 73 Matt ka0pqw
participants (1)
Matt Holden