[arrl-odv:14933] IN-News

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Upcoming Meetings and Events Administration &Finance Committee January 18 in Newington, CT Annual Board Meeting January 19-20, 2007 in Windsor, CT Development After several days of strong returns, the Spectrum Defense campaign has reached $180,233 from 3356 donors. With only a couple of weeks until the end of the year, the goal of $250,000 appears challenging. Thanks to Rick Lindquist for including the campaign in a web story and in the recent ARRL Letter. November yielded healthy returns for the Diamond Club. The program now counts 1,965 donors who have contributed $188,104. Growth continued to come from terms members with 650 new donors so far in 2006, and 105 members upgrading to participate. The average new contribution rests at $94 while annual renewal contributions now average $132. In terms of higher level Diamond Club donors there are 5 Directors ($5000 per year), 5 Platinum level ($2500 per year), 51 Gold level ($1000 per year), 50 Silver level ($500 per year) and 81 Brass level ($250 per year). The renewal rate of Diamond Club donors remains at 70%. Historically, December is stronger than November in terms or response, so Development looks to be close to target by the end of 2006. ARRL has received praise from the Board of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) for the new promotional brochure developed by Allen Pitts and Sue Fagan, and funded by a contribution from DARA. Media & Public Relations PR presentations were done at the WCF Convention last week. The EmComm brochure for 2007 (funded by DARA) has been completed with the help of Sue Fagan and is off to the printer. Work on the two EmComm videos for 2007 (a 5 min one and a 30 min one) continues and the 5min version should be completed before Christmas. Collecting files for the 2007 Swiss Army Knife for PIOs resource CD is almost completed and work has begun to create the user interface. Both major and minor US media outlets have asked for information about the Dec 29-30 event, but so far there is no commitment by them - efforts continue. Meanwhile, more US groups are joining in the activities and this is being posted to HYPERLINK www.hello-radio.org/event www.hello-radio.org/event . CONTACT! and Media Hits has been done. Production/Editorial Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 25, No. 48, distributed to 64,757 members on Dec 8. Rick prepared and/or edited these news items: ARRL charges FCC chairman's BPL presentation biased, inaccurate; Spectrum Defense Fund donations critical to BPL court appeal; German astronaut, ISS commander speak with students via ham radio; FCC strips convicted felon of ham ticket; ARRL Humanitarian Award nominations due by Dec 31 and several news briefs and announcements. With voiceover/soundbite assistance from Khrystyne Keane and Mary Hobart, Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for Dec 8. NOTE: The final 2006 edition of The ARRL Letter and ARRL Audio News will be Friday, Dec 22. Joel Hallas gave a talk on How to select HF and VHF transceivers and did a book signing event at the Fairfield Amateur Radio Association meeting Saturday morning. There were about 25 in attendance. Joel Kleinman gave a talk on Amateur Radio during WWII to the Newington Amateur Radio League Dec 4. LAB Antenna Assistance Mike Tracy and Mike Gruber completed the Penny Harts antenna installationexpect to hear N1NAG on HF! Books Mike Gruber continues to review chapters for the new RFI book. BPL A number of developments have been proceeding on the BPL front. BPL Standards The IEEE BPL EMC committee has been proceeding with the development of an IEEE standard on BPL test methods. At the meeting held in Piscataway, NJ on November 1, 2006, the committee reaffirmed its earlier decision to not include any specific information on distance extrapolation factors. A motion by Ed Hare to revisit that issue did not receive a second, but the Electric Power Research Institute representative made a motion that will require informative information about distance extrapolation. At this point, Ed is discussing this issue with the committee chair, with the understanding that if ARRLs stake is not reasonably represented somehow, a negative ballot is almost certain. P1775 also provided a response to an earlier request by the cosponsoring IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society for information about the reasons that P1775 has written some of the provisions of the standard the way they have been written. The IEEE EMC Society Standards Development Committee (SDCom) met in Houston, TX on November 9, 2006. At this meeting, the P1775 response was discussed and, in general, was not well received. It is likely that EMCS will have major technical issues with the developing P1775 standard. Ed Hare serves as the elected SDCom Secretary. The ANSI accredited C63"! Committee met at ARRL HQ from October 23 through 26, 2006. This is the major US standards committee, working on a wide range of standards. Many of its standards have been adopted or referenced in the FCC s rules. ARRL is a full voting member of the committee, with Ed Hare serving as the primary representative. Ed also serves as the Chair of Subcommittee 5, Immunity. The Committee had grown some since the decision was made to hold one of its meetings at ARRL HQ, so the Thursday session in the ARRL Conference Room was a bit friendly. BPL Systems Houston, TX is the site of a major, developing BPL deployment. The BPL equipment there is manufactured by Corinex, a Canadian BPL company. The system is being integrated by IBM and the involved electric utility is CenterPoint. CenterPoint had previously looked at Amperion and Mitsubishi equipment, but chose not to implement their systems. At that time, Ed Hare established good liaison with Greg Angst, his counterpart on the CenterPoint engineering staff. During the interim, that communications with CenterPoint has continued. Prior to the deployment, Angst has continually emphasized that CenterPoint is determined that this system not cause harmful interference to Amateur Radio or other licensed services. The system is not intended (at this time?) to provide access BPL to consumers, but will be used for utility applications only (meter reading, equipment control, etc.). The system was reported to notch all of the ham bands. When Ed was in Houston for the SDCom meeting, he stayed a couple of extra days, working with the local BPL team to assess the system. The results were very encouraging. Although Ed did find a few couplers that were operating above the FCC limits, the majority of the system was operating correctly. (The violations were reported to CenterPoint and reportedly corrected.) In the other areas, when Ed tuned across spectrum, although the BPL noise was loud and clear outside the ham bands, inside the bands the notching was good enough to drop the BPL noise below the ambient noise levels in the area. One Houston ham had reported strong interference to his fixed station. Reportedly, CenterPoint had responded within two days of his report and corrected the problem within two weeks, in several stages. Ed verified that there was no noise in the ham bands, although WWV and international shortwave broadcast spectrum was severely impacted. Concord, MA -- Corinex is also about to implement a BPL system in Concord, MA. On December 6, Ed Hare gave a presentation on BPL to the Colonial Wireless Association in Concord. Although the event was pretty well attended by the club members, of more importance was the fact that two representatives from the local power company and a representative from PowerGrid, the BPL integrator, were also present. PowerGrid send its President of International Markets, Phil Hunt. The hams, the utility representatives and PowerGrid all expressed a desire to ensure that the positive experiences in Houston, discussed by Ed during the presentation, could be carried forward into the Concord implementation. The first interference complaint has already been received by the utility, although the system is months away from being installed. It does appear that it could be an in-premise, non-HomePlug BPL modem, however. Ed is working with the complainant to correctly identify it. QST Mike Gruber looked at a noise locating antenna submitted to QST. Sales and Marketing Bob traveled to Huntsville, Alabama and met with the Huntsville Hamfest Association as planning begins for the 2007 ARRL National Convention (August 18-19). The visit was organized by SM Greg Sarratt, W4OZK and Hamfest Chairman Charlie Emerson, N4OKL. Also present was SE Division Vice Director Sandy Donahue, W4RU. The meetings included site visits to the convention center, area hotels and attractions, and the local visitors bureau. Bob also attended an evening meeting with many of the hamfest organizersall very enthusiastic and eager to help! Membership Update The membership tally climbed for the second month in a row. November ended with 147,684 members--a net increase of 70 members over the previous month. The membership mailing to 50,000 lapsed General, Advanced and Extra class licensees mailed has returned 1,051 applications. Another mailing, this one to Technician licensees (30,000 never-members and 30,000 lapsed-members), was mailed Dec. 6-7. Product Sales Update Now shipping: The ARRL Software Library for Hams, CD-ROM version 2.0; The ARRL Instructor's Manual for Technician Class License Courses, Third Edition. Circulation and Fulfillment Update Some new data-entry tools were developed to help us register members for e-newsletters as an additional service following their membership application processing. The holiday rush is on! Membership and product fulfillment are operating at peak levels. Over 250 publication and product orders were received over the weekend. The mailing data for February QST will be run on Friday, Dec. 15. Membership Services Awards Branch CategoryProcessedWAS Certificate (Manual)8WAS Certificate (LoTW)6WAC Certs6A-1 Op Nominations18A-1 Op Certificates9VUCC Initial apps/Grids1/325VUCC Endorsement/Grids1/111Awards Charges 15Awards Mailed 30DXCC plaques shipped15Processing Time2 Weeks Contest Branch During the week staff: finalized the 2006 IARU HF World Championship data and sent it to the QST column author (with a big assist from Dan Henderson. Thanks Dan!); received a Gavel order from Modern Craft covering the Affiliated Club competitions for the 2005 June and September VHF QSO Parties, the 2005 10 and 160 Meter Contests, the 2006 RTTY Roundup, the 2006 January VHF Sweepstakes, the 2006 International DX Contest, and the 2006 June VHF QSO Party; and received plaques for the 2006 International DX Contest. Staff also fielded several questions regarding this weekends 10 Meter contest. DXCC Branch CategoryProcessedBeginning Credits17,123Credits Received16,132Credits Processed12,543Ending Credits20,712YTD Credits Received534,197YTD Applications Received4,978YTD Credits Returned588,110Applications Pending323Processing Time3.7 Weeks DXCC is currently entering credits received on December 4, 2006. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on November 14, 2006. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system114,781,783QSL records have resulted 6,985,610Logs Processed297,768Active Certificates21,636Users registered in the system14,304Hybrids Pending Mail96 QSL Branch There is no delay in opening mail and a 2 day delay in slotting of cards. This week, 134 pounds of cards were received from members. W1AW Thanks to Dan Henderson, N1ND for operating W1AW in the ARRL 10-Meter Contest. He made about 270 phone QSOs, with 68 sections and 30 DX stations, for an initial claimed score of 26,636. After the contest, he spent some time on the 80-meter Geritol net. Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives. He finished breaking down the old antennas (that were located near the station). Joe also replaced all the UHF bulkhead connectors on the Harris patch panel. He also processed all regular W1AW QSL card requests. Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the middle part of the month of December. He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots. Field & Educational Services Field Organization/Public Service Team Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly ARRL Monitoring System report to the IARU Region 2 coordinator. Three new Official Observers were added this week. Interference on 2 meter repeaters in Tennessee is being investigated as well as interference on 75 meters in Wisconsin. More information was received concerning problems on a 75 meter frequency. A report of a new type of swishing CODAR type of radar was reported on 40 meters and is being checked on. More 80 meter CW nets are preparing to move their net frequencies by the time December 15 arrives. NTS leaders, CW net managers, digital operators and others seem to be cooperating with one another on these moves. Steve Ewald has been updating the online ARRL Net Directory to show these changes. The National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster co-sponsored a teleconference and Web-based seminar for NVOAD member organizations on Friday afternoon to learn more about and to discuss issues surrounding preparations for a potential pandemic influenza. Representatives of the Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted the presentation. Steve monitored the discussion. Iowa Section Manager Jim Lasley, NØJL, has been nominated for a new 2-year term of office starting in April, 2007. The nomination deadline for that election cycle was December 8. HQ will conduct two SM elections this winter: North Texas and Kentucky. Leona Adams has also been processing several Section expenses especially now since the end of the year is near. Over a dozen new Field Appointees were received and added to the data base. ARISS PR: Rosalie will receive help from Johnson Space Center in getting NASA approvals for a feature article about SuitSat-2. Shell work with Allen Pitts on possible use of the story, which will be posted on the NASA Web site for all of the teachers, worldwide, who browse there. For ARRL Members: The packet radios were turned on last weekend for a short while. Astronaut Lopez-Allegra made a QSO with the Brownsville (TX) National Weather Service Office for Skywarn Recognition Day. ARISS News Update: The US ARISS Team pulled together data for a report that NASA Hq asked us to prepare on the number of volunteers we have, and the types of work the volunteers do for ARISS. The US Team believes that NASAs interest in international projects for its Exploration Initiative will be our (ARISS) doorway to become part of this initiative. Weather scrubbed the shuttle launch, so the ARISS Team will be re-scheduling schools. ARISS Effect on Schools: Astronaut Suni Williams hopes to do a large amount of school QSOs in early 2007, possibly more than one QSO a week, which will help whittle down the US backlog of school applications. International Aspects: Sergej Samburov asked the US Team to develop a presentation about SuitSat-2 to show his bosses when he asks them about crew time to deploy the space suit during a space walk. Field & Education Team Hamfest & ConventionsHamfestsHamfest Apps. Sent to Division Director for Approval7Hamfest Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor6Handouts and Door Prize Material Orders Processed0Label Requests for Upcoming Events1Conventions Convention Apps. Sent to Division Director for Approval1Convention Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor0Convention Apps. Sent to the EC for Approval0EC Convention Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor0Clubs New Club Apps. Reviewed1Acknowledgement Letters Sent to Club Officials1New Club Apps. Sent to Directors and SMs for Approval1New Club Apps. Sent to the EC for Approval0EC Approval Letters Sent to Newly-Affiliated Clubs1Charter of Affiliation Certs. Sent to Newly-Affiliated Clubs1Newly-Affiliated Clubs Entered into Siebel1New SSC Apps. sent to Director, SM, & ACC for Approval0SSC Approval Letter Sent to Club Official0SSC Certificate Sent to Newly-Designated SSC Club0QSTHamfest Announcements for February Issue26Convention Announcements for February Issue4 Clubs & MentorsClubsClub Updates26Club assistance and histories2Below 51% notification1SSC SSC sent to ACC SSC Certificates 7 letters sent2InstructorsInstructor Reg Teachers Teacher Reg Materials & Brochures Class Materials Graduation Kits4Exhibit Kits/brochure requests7Jota Kits Label Requests Filled1Sales Orders Processed3Public Service Reports Regulatory Information A good deal of time was spent this week trying to resolve an on-going tenant/landlord dispute in Wisconsin. Many thanks to Wisconsin Section Manager Don Michalski, W9IXG, and Richard Polivka, N6NKO in trying to help resolve this between the tenants, management and cable TV company. We also had follow-up phone calls with K2PMV on his CC&R problem in Hiram, GA. Many thanks to Georgia Section Manager Susan Swiderski, AF4FO, for soliciting help from the Silver Comet Radio Club to help try and work out a solution to this one. Due to the illness of the new contest manager, and in order to try to meet the fast approaching QST deadline, N1ND spent a good deal of time this week helping handle a couple of problems that had arisen with the processing of data and scores for the IARU HF Championships. He will continue to help as needed during the transition and search for a new contest manager. There was a request from the FCC Enforcement Bureau asking if the ARRL had information on a situation where a US licensee had over 60-different people using his mailing address for their US address. (This situation was brought to the EBs attention during routine examinations by the FBI). We quickly discovered that the amateur in question frequently acts as a clearing house address for numerous friends overseas with DXCC applications, etc, and as a QSL manager for most of the parties involved. This information was relayed back to the FCC Enforcement Bureau. As usual, with the fast approaching implementation of 04-140, there were emails and phone calls where to find the new frequency charts, etc. There were also about a dozen queries about reciprocal licensing and travel-related questions (as the winter travel season approaches). Also several license renewal issues emails and phone calls were handled during the week. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer I have completed construction of the Modulation demonstration activity boards for the TI. The December 15th suspense for EC votes for the next round of ETP grants is coming up, to date I have received one vote. I have been working on a draft proposal for a Math for Hams text. The requests for the Cheaper Beeper plans as detailed in December QST continue to come in at a steady pace and well as requests for the Sat688 circuit boards (of which my supply is just about exhausted). Next week I will be out-of-pocket and attending an AAAS curriculum and standards development seminar in Portland, ME, back on duty December 18th. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 12/25 Holiday All Staff 1/1 Holiday Zoe Belliveau 12/28-12/29 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 12/19 Vacation `` 12/26 Vacation Steve Ford 12/25-1/2 Vacation Scott Gee 12/22-12/26 Vacation Joel Hallas 12/19 Jury Duty `` 12/26-12/29 Vacation Dan Henderson 12/20-1/3 Vacation Mary Hobart 12/15 Washington DC luncheon Tom Hogerty 12/26-12/29 Vacation Amy Hurtado 12/21-12/22 Vacation `` 12/27 Vacation Gail Iannone 12/26-12/29 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 12/26 Vacation `` 12/29 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 12/26 Vacation Mindy Lajoie 12/26-12/27 Vacation `` 1/2 Vacation Rick Lindquist 12/26-12/29 Vacation Wayne Mills 12/27-1/3 Vacation Bill Moore 12/22-1/2 Vacation Cathy Stepina 12/15 Vacation Sharon Taratula 12/19pm Vacation `` 12/28-12/29 Vacation !,JWXYZcwx€š³¶·Ìßï÷ìâÛâÍÛâÛâźÛâ³¢tht_VM³hF>*CJ\hF5CJ\h:5CJ\h:B*CJaJph33hXEh:B*CJaJph33h:>*B*CJaJph33 hXEh:>*B*CJaJph33 hXEh:5B*CJaJph33 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Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ