IN-Newsletter Vol. 40, No. 4 February 4, 2015 - Covers the period January 25-31. Upcoming Meetings and Events Executive Committee March 21 @ 8:30am in Dulles, VA Administration & Finance Committee April 11 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Diane Petrilli reported January ended with 165,739 members, a small gain of 75 members over December, but 427 short of the gain goal of 502 for the month. Loss is close to last January though acquisition is down by 450. Response to the December mailing is down (1.02%) compared to every mailing sent throughout 2014 (though it was identical to November's mailing). The on-time renewal rate for January is 79.38% vs. 72.25% last January. Jackie Ferreira reported January product sales were at $218,613, falling short of the sales forecast of $253,229. Direct sales were $126,601; dealer sales were $91,012. A follow-up promotion featuring the 2015 ARRL Handbook, contributed $10,758 in sales this month, helping the "Handbook" category exceed forecast by 66%. The "Other Books" category experienced the largest shortfall. Unlike previous January sales, no new book titles were introduced this month. Purchases of the Kindle edition of The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual has exceeded 1,000 units. Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity, reported by Steve Capodicasa: Week ending Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 1/30/2015 794 358 1/23/2015 803 615 1/16/2015 746 911 1/9/2015 1,052 487 Field Services & Radiosport Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 5 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 5 Weeks All 2014 applications have been completed in the DXCC program. Incoming 2015 paper applications have been typed and edited. Final processing of paper applications should be completed in two weeks. Also, 2015 Logbook applications should be processed in approximately two to three weeks. Logbook of the World Category 2015 QSO Records Entered Into System 649,428,703 QSL Record Matches 104,519,597 Logs Processed 7,364,096 Active Certificates 109,957 Registered Users in System 73,982 Logbook Inquiries Jan 2015 Time on the Phone 34 Hours Phone Calls 316 Emails 2,158 Total 2,474 W1AW Joe processed three Qualifying Run certificates. He also created the Qualifying Run text files for February and continued with the research of missing W1AW/portable LoTW QSOs for amateurs inquiring about them. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files. He completed the compiling of a database of visitors to W1AW in 2014 using the station's visitor sign-in guest book as the data source. Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams received and acknowledged two Section Manager nomination forms. Ron Harden, Jr., KB5HGM, of Baird, Texas, has been nominated to run for the West Texas Section Manager position. John Bigley, N7UR, of Las Vegas, has been nominated to run for the Nevada Section Manager position. Petitions for this election cycle are due at Headquarters by March 6 and new terms of office are scheduled to begin on July 1. Chuck Skolaut received a report on an electrical interference situation in Nebraska, and this was referred to our laboratory staff. The Eastern Pennsylvania OOC is attempting to assist with a reported case of extreme interference a neighbor to a ham is experiencing. Several complaints were received about an operation on 3.843 MHz. An OO reported very negative feedback after sending an advisory addressing the problem. Information was forwarded to the FCC regarding interference in the Amateur Radio bands that is occurring in southwestern Connecticut from a CB operator allegedly using high power while mobile. Questions addressed this past week included "Roger" beeps, operating overseas, station identification, and broadcasting. Follow-up on a report from California of linked 6 & 440 repeaters keyed continuously revealed the trustee has been unable to access the mountain-top repeater site due to road conditions to repair a defective controller. Several OOs along the East Coast reported hearing continuous "dits" on 1827.8 MHz from about midnight on Jan 29 through 6 AM ET the next morning. The source was not pinpointed. Chuck also conducted a tour of Headquarters for one of our visitors. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 2/16 Holiday Bob Allison 2/17-2/20 PTO Steve Capodicasa 2/9 PTO `` 2/17 PTO Joe Carcia 2/27 PTO `` 3/5-3/6 PTO Scott Gee 2/17-2/18 PTO Mike Gruber 2/9-2/13 Orlando Hamcation, Orlando, FL/PTO Bob Inderbitzen 2/12-2/17 Orlando Hamcation, Orlando, FL/PTO Harold Kramer 2/12-2/17 Orlando Hamcation, Orlando, FL/PTO Barry Shelley 2/4-2/6 PTO Dave Sumner 3/24-4/1 PTO
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ