[ARRL-ODV:9605] Re: Fwd: ARRL code/no-code feedback

Andy, The devil is sitting here on my shoulder making me ask this...... "Is this another California legislation by referendum thing?" Just joking..... and feeling a bit depresses because I know you can't get reelected in the Hudson Division by "groping" around hamfests. I was under the impression that HQ was going to tell members to let their directors know how they felt about the issue and or conduct a survey. I was told at the St. Louis meeting that there would be no HQ survey. I was a bit surprised and not too happy as I see us going down the same path as we did with the move of Section News to the Web. Flawed implementation here we come again. As we are a membership service organization above all we must always involve the members in the process. We are not doing that in this instance and we are setting ourselves up for some severe and perhaps well deserved criticism about our pending January decision. I think most members are unaware that we will make a decision in January. As a result, I sent out a questioner to all division members who get the web based monthly bulletin, which is a bit more than half the division members. At this point less than 10% of those receiving the bulletin responded, but of those that did many said they were happy that they had been asked. I had a guy at a hamfest on Saturday tell me that his was the first time in forty years anyone asked him for input. Although I thought that was probably a slight exaggeration I did not correct him. Andy, I agree with you that members should be asked. BUT, and this is a BIG BUT, they must also realize that they may not get what they or the majority vote for in the survey. Other factors are going to be entered into the decision making process of the directors voting on the issue. But we still need to ask. While I am still a long way off from completing the survey (too busy kissing babies) the response is pretty well divided on the issue. I must also comment that I found it more than a bit interesting that we voted for "leadership training" for the SM's at the July meeting but we did nothing for directors. (I await Darth's take on that one.) We are going to need some leadership skills to explain to about half our members why we did not do what they wanted. We may have to create a "spinmaster position" at HQ to solve that one. I hope everyone is having a good Columbus Day. I was a bit surprised that HQ is open today on this fine sunny 70 degree day. Frank Fallon........ N2FF
participants (1)
Frank Fallon - N2FF