Coy, That would be a long time without power. Glad they lights came back on. - Bill N3LLR AR>Hi Folks, AR>Yes, last night the lights came on. Thirteen days without electricity makes AR>you appreciate what happens each time you flip a switch. I was really tired AR>of smelling like generator gasoline and lamp oil. I know Judy was tired of AR>me smelling like that. ;-) AR>I have one antenna back up, the 80 meter inverted vee that I use to check AR>into the nets. I have no idea when I'll get the rest repaired and back up. AR>Maybe I can catch Ducie Island on 80 meters. AR>Coy AR>------ AR>Coy Day, N5OK, ARRL West Gulf Division Director, AR>RR 1 Box 254, Union City, OK 73090-9726 (405) 483-5632 AR>mailto:n5ok@arrl.org Web: http://home.att.net/~n5ok.ok/
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