[ARRL-ODV:7727] Re: ARRL HQ Computer System Upgrade

Dave, Barry and I met with Alan Cohen and the ISD staff yesterday to review the status of the enterprise software. We are comfortable proceeding with the scheduled September 3 switchover from the old TASS system to the new Siebel/Great Plains system. As with any major system conversion, we expect a bumpy ride for the first few days, but a full team including representatives from our software developers will be available and ready to deal with any problems during the transition and startup. Data entry in the TASS system will stop at 5 PM Wednesday, August 28. The database (membership records, appointments, club records, VE activity, publication sales history, etc) as of that moment will be saved and converted to the new system. The conversion will take place starting Thursday, August 29, and will run through the Labor Day weekend. Staff will be here throughout the weekend monitoring and testing the data conversion. Absent unforeseen problems with the data conversion, data entry will resume in the Siebel system when we open for business Tuesday morning (September 3). Any changes, memberships, etc that arrive at HQ between 5 PM Wednesday and 8 AM Tuesday will be entered in the new system beginning Tuesday morning. During the conversion there will be an interruption in the daily updates to the databases that drive the various lookups available on the Web. This information is used to update the club, exam and instructor lookups available to everyone; the member lookups available to the official family and SMs; and the Field Organization appointments displayed on the Section pages and available to SMs. All of the normal lookup features will still be available via the Web, but the information will be as of 5 PM August 28. We anticipate resumption of the regular updates by Friday, September 6 (earlier if everything works as expected). Please note that this also freezes the membership database that controls new registrations for access to members-only features. Members who are already registered for the Web site will experience no change in access to these features, and members in the database as of August 28 will be able to register, but any brand new members will not be able to register for members only Web features until September 6 (or earlier if everything goes our way). We expect to ship some publication orders on Thursday and Friday (August 29-30), but it is likely that orders placed during the conversion period will be delayed by a few days as we bring the new system and business procedures on line. We expect delays in producing the regular monthly reports such as Continuity Breaks, but will get to them as soon as possible as we work our way through the conversion process. No member's continuity will be affected by any delays in entering renewals. We'll publish information at appropriate places on the ARRL Web site to manage members' expectations for service during this transition period. Please bear with us as we work our way through the conversion. Staff is a little nervous about flipping the switch, but excited about seeing all of the work and preparation that went into developing the system turn into reality. 73, Mark K1RO
participants (1)
Wilson, Mark K1RO