[ARRL-ODV:10620] FWD: Reverse BPL

18 MAY, 2004 - 1530 CDT As the old saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them. 73 - Dick, W9GIG ====================================================================== This, thanks to N2ZD: I've come up with a real neat idea but I am relying on the fine members of eHam to produce the hardware (since I am too stupid to do that myself.) Anyway, I would like to create an interface that will allow the transmission of amateur RF over power lines, hence "HPL technology" obviously meaning >>>hamming over power lines<<< :-p Just think, no limits to the amount of power you could run (with a proper RF to AC mains interface) and since it's on a closed system, there may not be any rules regarding mode or band!!! Think of the pileups you will break running that old 8 foot tall Collins military 20-KW amp into your fuse box for an added kick! As we know, power lines can carry a signal quite far and since its a "closed system" and the power people already >>>>worked out the bugs<<<< And I am SURE they wont mind sharing the technology with us hams. Ham Heaven!!! No lousy covenants, silly antenna restrictions, unsightly towers or a homeowners association to deal with. No smelly coax or cables to be run around the house. The wife will be thrilled with this exciting new way of hamming! In fact, it gives grid squares and phased antennas a whole new meaning. The beauty of this is that the power companies admitted that the system is flawless, the FCC's distinguished Mr. Powell (a well known engineer for many years and electronics inventor BTW, I forget his call sign... Please remind me.) agrees with them 100 percent and hams are assured and should not fear any problems with the up and coming BPL system. In short this means >>>>no interference<<<< on our precious ham bands!!! For those fuddy duddies not willing to move into the 21st century of ham radio, you will still have the old way of operation available to you. But this is just the boost Amateur radio needed, new technology and more spectrum thru our AC outlets. We can now combine our HF gear with our computers so we can work that net and log 'em at the same time. Want to go portable, just find an outlet somewhere and set up shop. I sure hope that W4RT, MFJ and some of the other manufacturers can supply an interface allowing us to spread our amateur good will thru the walls of America. I hope to hear you soon on HPL... 73 and 60hz to you and your families. N2ZD
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