[ARRL-ODV:9703] Re: Fwd: Fwd: Today's Water & Wastewater Treatment News Headlines

Greetings, The response below translates to "Our staff will soon terminate the e-mail account of the wastewater spammer". Spammers are roadkill when they use a U.S. based ISP. The problem is that most of it comes from Asia-Pacific where the ISPs could care less. -- Andy Oppel, N6AJO
Delivered-To: andy@5 Date: 8 Nov 2003 21:20:27 -0000 MBOX-Line: From foo@bar Sat Nov 8 15:20:27 2003 To: andy@andyoppel.com Subject: Re: Fwd: Today's Water & Wastewater Treatment News Headlines X-Loop: abuse@twtelecom.net From: abuse@twtelecom.net
Our staff is reviewing your concern and will take all appropriate action to enforce our Acceptable Use Policy.
If you have any questions with regard to this issue, please call the Time Warner Telecom Internet NOC at (800)898-6473.
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|>Return-Path: <nde_62013319@informz.net> |>Delivered-To: andy@5 |>Received: (qmail 62812 invoked by uid 89); 8 Nov 2003 17:48:06 -0000 |>Received: from unknown (HELO M2.ARRL.ORG) ( |> by mail.inthecreasetv.com with SMTP; 8 Nov 2003 17:48:06 -0000 |>Received: from mail.ARRL.ORG ([]) by M2.ARRL.ORG with=20 |>Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713); |> Sat, 8 Nov 2003 12:47:57 -0500 |>Received: from mailer4.informz.net ([]) by mail.ARRL.ORG=20 |>with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713); |> Sat, 8 Nov 2003 12:47:56 -0500 |>Date: Fri, 07 Nov 03 17:32:33 GMT |>From: "WaterTech e-News Daily"<ntp_wt@informz.net> |>Reply-To: mperkins@ntpinc.com |>Subject: Today's Water & Wastewater Treatment News Headlines |>To: n6ajo@arrl.org |>Message-ID: <62013319@informz.net> |>MIME-Version: 1.0 |>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=3D"informzzzzemailboundaryzzz= |" |>Return-Path: nde_62013319@informz.net |>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 08 Nov 2003 17:47:56.0906 (UTC)=20 |>FILETIME=3D[71736CA0:01C3A620] |> |> |>As a professional in the WATER & WASTEWATER INDUSTRIES, ou have been=20 |>selected to receive a sample copy of today's edition of Water Tech e-News= |=20 |>Daily=99, a FREE industry news service being sent to you as an introductory= |=20 |>offer. |> |>This is a one-time mailing. 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|Andy Oppel |andy@andyoppel.com |--=====================_1308801==_.ALT |Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" |Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
|<html> |<br> |<blockquote type=3Dcite class=3Dcite cite>Return-Path: |<nde_62013319@informz.net><br> |Delivered-To: andy@5<br> |Received: (qmail 62812 invoked by uid 89); 8 Nov 2003 17:48:06=20 |-0000<br> |Received: from unknown (HELO M2.ARRL.ORG) (<br> | by mail.inthecreasetv.com with SMTP; 8 Nov 2003 17:48:06 |-0000<br> |Received: from mail.ARRL.ORG ([]) by M2.ARRL.ORG with |Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713);<br> |<x-tab> </x-tab>Sat, 8 Nov |2003 12:47:57 -0500<br> |Received: from mailer4.informz.net ([]) by mail.ARRL.ORG |with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713);<br> |<x-tab> </x-tab>Sat, 8 Nov |2003 12:47:56 -0500<br> |Date: Fri, 07 Nov 03 17:32:33 GMT<br> |From: "WaterTech e-News Daily"<ntp_wt@informz.net><br> |Reply-To: mperkins@ntpinc.com<br> |Subject: Today's Water & Wastewater Treatment News Headlines<br> |To: n6ajo@arrl.org<br> |Message-ID: <62013319@informz.net><br> |MIME-Version: 1.0<br> |Content-Type: multipart/alternative; |boundary=3D"informzzzzemailboundaryzzz"<br> |Return-Path: nde_62013319@informz.net<br> |X-OriginalArrivalTime: 08 Nov 2003 17:47:56.0906 (UTC) |FILETIME=3D[71736CA0:01C3A620]<br> |<br> |<font face=3D"verdana" size=3D1 color=3D"#FFFFFF"><b><br> |</font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D2 color=3D"#FF0000">As a professional i= |n |the <u>WATER & WASTEWATER INDUSTRIES</u>, |</font><font face=3D"arial" size=3D2 color=3D"#FF0000">ou have been selected= | to |receive a sample copy of today's edition of <i><u>Water Tech e-News |Daily=99</u></i>, a FREE industry news service being sent to you as an |introductory offer.</b></font><font face=3D"arial" size=3D4 color=3D"#FFFFFF= |"> |<br> |<br> |</font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D1 color=3D"#000080"><b>This is a one-ti= |me |mailing. If you do not specifically request to continue receiving it on a |FREE basis, it will not be sent to you in the future. <br> |</b></font><font face=3D"arial" size=3D4 color=3D"#FFFFFF"><br> |</font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D1 color=3D"#000080"><b><i><u>CLICK HERE= | to |go to the web page containing the FREE request |form.</font><font face=3D"arial" size=3D4 color=3D"#FFFFFF"> <br> |</b><br> |</i></font><div align=3D"center"> |<font face=3D"verdana" size=3D1 color=3D"#004080"><b>A member of the WaterTe= |ch |B2B Trade Group</b></font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D2 color=3D"#004080"> |<br> |</font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D2 color=3D"#FFFFFF"><b>Send this |newsletter to a friend!<br> |</b></div> |Friend Email:</font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D2 color=3D"#000080"> |<a href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red3.asp?ah=3D28573&u=3D22625370">= |<br> |</a><br> |</font><div align=3D"center"> |<font face=3D"verdana" size=3D2 color=3D"#0000A0"><b>Top Stories for 7 Novem= |ber |2003:</b></font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D1 color=3D"#000080"><br> |</font><font face=3D"arial" size=3D1 color=3D"#000080"><i>For more informati= |on |about a story, click on its headline or click |<a href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red5.asp?mi=3D74334&u=3D22625370&a= |mp;l=3Dhttp://www.watertechonline.com">here</a> |for summaries. </font><font face=3D"arial" size=3D2 color=3D"#000080"><br> |</i></font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D2 color=3D"#000080"><br> |</font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D2 color=3D"#FF0000"><b>Today's= | Circulation: 21,773</b></font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D2= | color=3D"#000080"> <br> |</div> |<br> |<div align=3D"center"> |<b><a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red4ntpwt.asp?nh=3D103821&u=3D226253= |70">Plains water projects closer to getting millions</a><br> |<br> |<a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red4ntpwt.asp?nh=3D103822&u=3D226253= |70">$12 million Poland Spring settlement accepted</a><br> |<br> |<a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red4ntpwt.asp?nh=3D103823&u=3D226253= |70">Clean Water Act exemptions may be on tap</a><br> |<br> |<a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red4ntpwt.asp?nh=3D103824&u=3D226253= |70">Water appropriations bill hailed in New Mexico</a><br> |<br> |<a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red4ntpwt.asp?nh=3D103825&u=3D226253= |70">Old desal plant may help Arizona drought</a><br> |<br> |<a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red4ntpwt.asp?nh=3D103826&u=3D226253= |70">Lake Michigan plan may cost millions less</a><br> |<br> |<a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red4ntpwt.asp?nh=3D103827&u=3D226253= |70">Mexican president blames water debt on predecessors</a><br> |<br> |<a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red4ntpwt.asp?nh=3D103828&u=3D226253= |70">President Bush OK's increase in Superfund budget</a><br> |<br> |<a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red4ntpwt.asp?nh=3D103829&u=3D226253= |70">Recycled wastewater may solve FL woes</a><br> |<br> |<a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red4ntpwt.asp?nh=3D103830&u=3D226253= |70">Texas water summit eyes conservation</a><br> |<br> |</font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D4 color=3D"#FF0000">Today's Featured= | Product<br> |</b></font></div> |<font face=3D"arial" size=3D4 color=3D"#FFFFFF"><br> |</font><div align=3D"center"> |<font face=3D"verdana" size=3D4 color=3D"#FFFFFF"><b>Severn Trent introduces= | the Eclox Rapid Response Water Test System and the Eclox Water Test Kit,= | rapid and portable field water quality assessment systems for use in= | detecting intentional or accidental contamination of water for civilian or= | military applications.<br> |</div> |For more information, contact: <br> |<a href=3D"mailto:lsysman@watertechonline.com">lsysman@watertechonline.com</= |a> <br> |</b></font><font face=3D"arial" size=3D1><br> |</font><div align=3D"center"> |<font face=3D"verdana" size=3D1><b>ResinDepot Brand <br> |click here and scroll down to find the complete classified listing. <br> |</b></div> |The <b>Water Tech Online Bulletin Board</b> gives you access to hundreds of= | industry professionals, who can help answer your questions. <br> |<a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red5.asp?mi=3D74334&u=3D22625370&= |;l=3Dhttp://www.watertechonline.com/board.asp">Post a message.</a> <br> |</font><br> |<div align=3D"center"> |<font size=3D1 color=3D"#0000A0"><a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red5.asp?mi=3D74334&u=3D22625370&= |;l=3Dhttp://www.watertechonline.com">Home</a> <a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red5.asp?mi=3D74334&u=3D22625370&= |;l=3Dhttp://www.watertechonline.com/article.asp">Article Archives </a> = | <a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red5.asp?mi=3D74334&u=3D22625370&= |;l=3Dhttp://www.watertechonline.com/board.asp">Bulletin Board</a> <br> |<a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red5.asp?mi=3D74334&u=3D22625370&= |;l=3Dhttp://www.watertechonline.com/classifieds.asp">Classifieds</a> &n= |bsp; <a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red5.asp?mi=3D74334&u=3D22625370&= |;l=3Dhttp://www.watertechonline.com/NewProducts.asp">New= | Products</a> <a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/clk/red5.asp?mi=3D74334&u=3D22625370&= |;l=3Dhttp://www.watertechonline.com/buyers_guide.asp">Online Buyers'= | Guide</a></font><font size=3D1> <br> |</font></div> |<font size=3D2>If you have water treatment industry information you'd like= | to share, please contact Heather Thomson by e-mail at <a= | href=3D"mailto:hthomson@watertechonline.com">hthomson@watertechonline.com</= |a> or via fax: 518-783-1386.</font><font size=3D1> <br> |</font><font size=3D2>For information on electronic advertising and= | sponsorship opportunities, please contact Sales Associate, Leah Sysman at= | +1 518-783-1281 ext. 3184, or via fax: +1 518-783-1386; or e-mail at <a= | href=3D"mailto:lsysman@watertechonline.com">lsysman@watertechonline.com</a>= |.</font><font size=3D1> <br> |You are subscribed with address: n6ajo@arrl.org</font><font size=3D2><br> |<br> |</font><font face=3D"verdana" size=3D2>Copyright 2003 National Trade= | Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.<br> |<br> |The publisher reserves the right to reject any and all materials not in= | keeping<br> |with the publication's standards, whether such standards are written or= | not.<br> |The publisher makes no judgements as to claims of products or services= | advertised.<br> |</font><br> |<div align=3D"center"> |Please enter the e-mail address of a friend or colleague who would benefit= | from the information in WaterTech e-News Daily.<br> |</div> |<br> |<div align=3D"center"> |<font face=3D"arial" size=3D2><a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/ntp_wt/default.asp?action=3Dunsubscribe&= |email=3Dn6ajo@arrl.org&mi=3D74334">Click here</a> to unsubscribe from= | WaterTech e-News Daily.<br> |</font></div> |<br> |<div align=3D"center"> |<font face=3D"arial" size=3D2><a= | href=3D"http://www.informz.net/ntp_wt/default.asp?action=3Dmodify&email= |=3Dn6ajo@arrl.org">Click here</a> to update your subscription= | information.<br> |</font></div> |</blockquote> |<x-sigsep><p></x-sigsep> |Andy Oppel<br> |andy@andyoppel.com</u></html>
Andy Oppel andy@andyoppel.com
participants (1)
Andy Oppel