[arrl-odv:20314] Digital QST Contract Approved

Good morning, Yesterday afternoon, Dave signed the agreement with nxtbook media <http://www.nxtbookmedia.com/> that initiates the publication of the digital edition of QST. The contract was approved unanimously by the A&F Committee and by Chris Imlay. Nxtbook has been our preferred vendor and I believe that they will do a great job helping us create the digital edition. Many of you have seen the browser based nxtbook QST edition that we demonstrated at recent Committee and Board Meetings. Here is the link to the demo version if you want to review it again: http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/arrl/qst_201009 <http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/arrl/qst_201009/> /#/0 <http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/arrl/qst_201009/> . All of us that have worked on this project are excited about the launch of the digital edition that is still slated for the June 2012 issue of QST. I asked Steve Ford, as Editor of QST and Publications Manager, to write a few words about the digital edition. Steve said that "The digital edition of QST is going to present some challenges to my staff, but it also offers fascinating opportunities, particularly with multimedia such as video and audio. At the very least, digital QST gives us an important foothold in a rapidly changing media universe." Because of this rapidly changing digital media universe, it's an exciting, and challenging time for us. As I said in my original presentation to the Board: "This is just the beginning of the ongoing migration of print content to digital content. It is our first major step in creating a long term ARRL publishing strategy that includes our currently produced content and our massive collection of valuable legacy content. " I would also like to acknowledge the contribution of the Digital QST Team here at HQ for getting us to this point. This team includes Katie Glass, Lead; Steve Ford; Bob Inderbitzen; Amy Hurtado; Shelly Bloom; and Debra Jahnke. Michael Keane also contributed as head of IT. 73, Harold Harold Kramer, WJ1B Chief Operating Officer ARRL -the national association for Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 (860) 594 -0220

This is great news, Harold! As I mentioned in a previous ODV e-mail, CQ (and PopComm) have introduced their digital versions for an additional cost to their print subscribers. I think this will be a very valuable member benefit, and look forward to the launch in June! Thanks to all the HQ staff that have contributed to this effort, as well as Chris Imlay and the A&F committee for their evaluation of the project! '73 de JIM N2ZZ ARRL Vice Director Roanoke Division ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT From: arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Kramer, Harold, WJ1B Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 11:26 AM To: arrl-odv@arrl.org Subject: [arrl-odv:20314] Digital QST Contract Approved Good morning, Yesterday afternoon, Dave signed the agreement with nxtbook media <http://www.nxtbookmedia.com/> that initiates the publication of the digital edition of QST. The contract was approved unanimously by the A&F Committee and by Chris Imlay. Nxtbook has been our preferred vendor and I believe that they will do a great job helping us create the digital edition. Many of you have seen the browser based nxtbook QST edition that we demonstrated at recent Committee and Board Meetings. Here is the link to the demo version if you want to review it again: http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/arrl/qst_201009 <http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/arrl/qst_201009/> /#/0 <http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/arrl/qst_201009/> . All of us that have worked on this project are excited about the launch of the digital edition that is still slated for the June 2012 issue of QST. I asked Steve Ford, as Editor of QST and Publications Manager, to write a few words about the digital edition. Steve said that "The digital edition of QST is going to present some challenges to my staff, but it also offers fascinating opportunities, particularly with multimedia such as video and audio. At the very least, digital QST gives us an important foothold in a rapidly changing media universe." Because of this rapidly changing digital media universe, it's an exciting, and challenging time for us. As I said in my original presentation to the Board: "This is just the beginning of the ongoing migration of print content to digital content. It is our first major step in creating a long term ARRL publishing strategy that includes our currently produced content and our massive collection of valuable legacy content. " I would also like to acknowledge the contribution of the Digital QST Team here at HQ for getting us to this point. This team includes Katie Glass, Lead; Steve Ford; Bob Inderbitzen; Amy Hurtado; Shelly Bloom; and Debra Jahnke. Michael Keane also contributed as head of IT. 73, Harold Harold Kramer, WJ1B Chief Operating Officer ARRL -the national association for Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 (860) 594 -0220

FYI- Here is the FCC Website link: http://www.fcc.gov/document/amateur-radio-service-5-mhz '73 de JIM N2ZZ ARRL Vice Director Roanoke Division ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT

Thanks to Jim Boehner for sending this out over the weekend. To summarize the changes, which take effect 30 days after publication in the Federal Register (which hasn't occurred yet): 1. The frequency 5368.0 kHz (carrier frequency 5366.5 kHz) is withdrawn and a new frequency of 5358.5 kHz (carrier frequency 5357.0 kHz) is authorized. 2. The effective radiated power limit in the 60 meter band is raised by 3 dB, from 50 W PEP to 100 W PEP relative to a half-wave dipole. 3. Three additional emission types are authorized: Data (emission designator 2K80J2D, for example, PACTOR-III), RTTY (emission designator 60H0J2B, for example, PSK31) and CW (150HA1A, i.e. Morse telegraphy by means of on-off keying). For CW the carrier frequency must be set to the center frequency. For data and RTTY the requirement to transmit "only on the five center frequencies specified" may be met by using the same practice as on USB, i.e. by setting the suppressed carrier frequency of the USB transmitter used to generate the J2D or J2B emission to the carrier frequency that is 1.5 kHz below the center frequency. The new provisions for data and RTTY require some additional explanation. First of all, automatic control is not permitted; a control operator must be in a position to exercise either local or remote control over the transmitter. Also, "Amateur operators must exercise care to limit the length of transmissions so as to avoid causing harmful interference to Federal stations." This is a very important caveat. If a Federal station requires amateurs to cease using a frequency we must be able to do so without delay. A reasonable person might wonder what the difference is between data and RTTY. According to Paul Rinaldo, W4RI, "There used to be a distinction that B (Telegraphy for automatic reception [i.e. narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy emissions]) meant decoding and display on a teletypewriter (TTY) - a mechanical machine - and D signified transmission of data, telemetry or telecommand intended for data processing or just storage for possible future use. When computers or computer-like devices were introduced to emulate RTTY transmission and/or reception, the line between telegraphy and data transmission blurred to the point of little or no practical distinction." PACTOR-III and PSK31 are cited in the new rules as examples of data and RTTY emissions, respectively, that will be authorized. However, in paragraph 28 of the R&O the Commission states that amateur stations will be permitted to use "any unspecified digital code, subject to the requirements of Section 97.309(b)." Therefore, as a practical matter it appears that any J2D data emission is to be permitted up to a bandwidth of 2.8 kHz, provided that care is exercised to limit the length of transmissions. Note that the FCC declined to specify a time limit but expects the ARRL to set out "best practices" guidelines. The ARRL Ad Hoc HF Band Planning Committee chaired by Vice President Frahm has its work cut out for the next few weeks. 73, Dave Sumner, K1ZZ From: arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of James F. Boehner MD Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 12:55 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:20324] FCC Report and order, 5 MHz 11/18/11 FYI- Here is the FCC Website link: http://www.fcc.gov/document/amateur-radio-service-5-mhz '73 de JIM N2ZZ ARRL Vice Director Roanoke Division ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio(tm)

To our entire and extended board family, Have a very Happy Thanksgiving! '73 de JIM N2ZZ ARRL Vice Director Roanoke Division ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT

We have talked about Winlink 2000, both on the amateur bands and agency licensing. Just received the info below on one of my reflectors: '73 de JIM N2ZZ ARRL Vice Director Roanoke Division ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT 022220Z DECEMBER 2011
ATD-LHCB (Al Melito)
1. HQ Army MARS has been directed to phase out Winlink 2000 (WL2K). This decision is based on AR 25-2 (Information Assurance) which defines standards for internet operations. WL2K is unable to achieve the required IA certification.
2. Two other important factors reinforce this decision:(a) the DoDI 4650.02 which specifies MARS must be able to operate in an RF-only environment and (b) support to military and federal agencies requires use of Mil/Fed-Std wave forms.
3. While this is effective immediately agencies will have a transition period to make appropriate operational changes and adjustments for RF only operations.
4. Army MARS is focusing on HF radio for text messages using common military standards.
5 HQ Army MARS is ready to provide assistance and training to agencies if desired.
6. Please contact HQ Army MARS if you have any questions.
Jim Griffin AAA9A
Chief, Army MARS
participants (3)
James F. Boehner MD
Kramer, Harold, WJ1B
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ