[arrl-odv:20371] 60 Meter operator guidance under new rules; update

On November 22 Kay sent *[arrl-odv:20328] 60 meter band plan*, tasking the HF Band Plan committee with proposing a band plan and Best Operating Practices for the five channels at 5 mHz, and calling for Director input. The need for this is the channel change, allowable emission type expansion and increase in permitted power that will take effect 30 days after publication of the recent FCC Report and Order in the Federal Register (see [arrl-odv:20324 & 20325] of Nov 20/21). Today the Band Plan committee met by online meeting. Among other things we determined to collect member and stakeholder input through two methods. The first is an email address hf-band-plan@arrl.org<https://mail.google.com/mail/h/wolw5r5wuffd/?&v=b&cs=wh&to=hf-band-plan@arrl.org>which will archive email inputs for review by our committee and consultants, much the same way that we have called for member and user input on other topics in the past decade. The second is a ~15 question Zoomerang survey. Hq's Jackie KB1PBW is formatting the survey now. Sometime probably by midweek next week an ARRL News story will publicize the email address and a link to the Zoomerang survey. The story will explain the R&O, effective date and changes, and the desirability of trying to organize usage of the channels to minimize QRM and maximize throughput. It will also invite input via the two means covered above. You're now advised in case you get queries on this. Ideally we want only people who have operated on 60 Meters, or who intend to after the new rules are in effect, to take the Zoomerang survey. Non-users might have worthwhile ideas about how to designate channel usage and are welcome to file pertinent email comments. The upcoming situation is an odd paradigm. I believe it is the first time ARRL will have conducted a self-nominated Zoomerang survey. Accurate statistics aren't of as much concern as practical experience from real users so this should be a good method. Secondly, and what must be foremost in the minds of the committee and ultimately the board -- it is not "normal" to promulgate Band Plans prior to establishment of usage patterns and loading. However in the instant case, with a limited resource of five channels which are suddenly going to be opened up to more modes than the current SSB, it benefits the amateur community to have some sort of guidelines established prior to commencement of the new privileges. If we dare to label our output a Band or "channel" Plan it must be subject to rather quick modification as usage trends are established (in order to maintain relevancy). It may be possible to craft a general guideline with alot of flexibility, which should have more shelf life. I am leaving for Europe Saturday, returning 30 December. I hope to have some email access. Kay asked for you to forward your thoughts on a 60M band plan and Best Practices to me for distribution to the HF Band Plan Committee. Through the end of 2011 it might be safer to utilize the hf-band-plan@arrl.org email as that will automatically post your input for consideration by the committee. FYI between the advanced date of the 2012 Annual BoD meeting and the fact the R&O has not yet been published the HF Band Plan committee will utilize that opportunity to have an in-person meeting Wednesday 11 January. Unless R&O publication occurs in the next couple days that should allow time for the board to consider and act upon the committee output and get it to the user community before the on-air festivities. 73 Bruce K0BJ
participants (1)
Bruce Frahm