[arrl-odv:12260] Re: Bandplan Proposal & Marketing

Hi All: Yep, I agree. We should not hunker down nor retreat. I never said that. My point the other day was I'm against us going on the turf of the chat rooms. Instead, let's stay on target enhancing our own communications efforts, web info, FAQ, etc., plus getting off our rear ends and getting out there to our members and selling it. I don't need to wait on a PR campaign out of Newington to do that. In fact, we all should have been doing that already! Thus, my strong feelings that we each have our own ways and techniques to do that, and I'll take care of my Division. Yep, it takes some homework. Even with my own involvement in the proposal, I had to sit down and spend a considerable amount of time thinking it through and outlining just how I would be presenting it to people. I talked about the proposal for over an hour to a group just recently and I didn't have one person in the end say they were against it, I'm happy to say. Yes, it took a lot of work discussing the semi-automatic issues, and addressing those concerns. I was glad that I took the extra time to really think that through and was prepared. It takes an individual effort to study the issues and be able to address them adequately, and again, we don't need to wait on a PR campaign to do that for us. Just study it, do your homework, and let's get with it. 73, Rick - K5UR In a message dated 5/3/2005 7:21:13 PM Central Standard Time, n2ff@optonline.net writes: We cannot appear to be hunkering down in the bunker.
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