[arrl-odv:32409] Fwd: QSO Today Ham Expo - <# CFPSesTitle #>

ODV; We haven't had much controversy in a while, so I'll stir things up a bit. I received the following e-mail this morning from Eric Guth, 4Z1UG regarding my submission to do a technical presentation for the next QSO Today Hamfest in August. Apparently Mr. Minster, on his own, had my presentation pulled from contention as a potential conflict of interest due to the fact that I MAY be running for re-election this year. This action did not come from the E&E committee, it went from Minster to Eric directly, and is the first I've heard about this. I find this action to be appalling, to say the least. As far as I know, there is no ownership relationship between ARRL and QSO Today. I am not presenting the seminar as a Director of the ARRL, I'm presenting as an experienced ham to teach other hams. I'm not wearing a red badge while presenting, or even sporting an ARRL shirt. There is NO mention of the ARRL in my presentation, it is a shortened version of my HF Noise Mitigation seminar, similar to one I recently did for the ARRL. The backdrop of the PowerPoint is the same QSO Today one that everybody else is using. I can remove the reference to my ARRL positions from my bio, so that should not be an issue. What is the justification for this action? What gives Mr. Minster the right to tell me that I cannot do a presentation, not related to anything with the ARRL, to a group of hams? 73; Mike W7VO
---------- Original Message ---------- From: Eric Guth <eric@qsotoday.com> To: w7vo@comcast.net Date: 05/26/2021 12:52 AM Subject: QSO Today Ham Expo - <# CFPSesTitle #>
Dear Mike,
Regarding your submission, HF Noise Mitigation. The ARRL is our partner in the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo. Because of this, the ARRL, its representatives, and David Minster, have asked me to withdraw your application from the Expo, as a presenter, because of your current run for ARRL Board of Directors. I am obligated to also withdraw any of the others running for board member who also may apply for the August Expo.
I hope that you will submit your application to join us in the next March 2022 Expo.
Eric, 4Z1UG QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo
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There’s no reason to have controversy or to be appalled. A quick call could have covered this! I have been told that effective July 1st, ARRL HQ cannot be viewed as doing anything to support one candidate versus another, and that we err on the side of being conservative. If this is not correct then I need to be updated. ARRL is a Partner to the QSO Today meeting in August. We will be all over their ads and working with them on content. We did NOT direct Eric to cancel YOUR talk. Your name never came up. We told him, weeks ago, that as a Partner to his event, it could be an issue if someone running for office was seen as being promoted by HQ as a speaker. We also told him that if a candidate came forward to offer a session, it would be best to schedule it for the March QSO Today instead of August to avoid even a hint of bias. This wasn’t an attempt by me to create policy: it was me following policy. If this is something that needs to go to E&E, that’s fine. If you, or E&E, or the Board feels that HQ is too conservative or too restrictive with regard to our posture regarding our treatment of candidates, I am happy to follow whatever the guidance is! There was nothing specific or personal about our direction to Eric and I am certain that if everyone is fine with it, he’s happy to have as many speakers as he can get. David From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org> On Behalf Of Michael Ritz Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 11:28 AM To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Subject: [arrl-odv:32409] Fwd: QSO Today Ham Expo - <# CFPSesTitle #> ODV; We haven't had much controversy in a while, so I'll stir things up a bit. I received the following e-mail this morning from Eric Guth, 4Z1UG regarding my submission to do a technical presentation for the next QSO Today Hamfest in August. Apparently Mr. Minster, on his own, had my presentation pulled from contention as a potential conflict of interest due to the fact that I MAY be running for re-election this year. This action did not come from the E&E committee, it went from Minster to Eric directly, and is the first I've heard about this. I find this action to be appalling, to say the least. As far as I know, there is no ownership relationship between ARRL and QSO Today. I am not presenting the seminar as a Director of the ARRL, I'm presenting as an experienced ham to teach other hams. I'm not wearing a red badge while presenting, or even sporting an ARRL shirt. There is NO mention of the ARRL in my presentation, it is a shortened version of my HF Noise Mitigation seminar, similar to one I recently did for the ARRL. The backdrop of the PowerPoint is the same QSO Today one that everybody else is using. I can remove the reference to my ARRL positions from my bio, so that should not be an issue. What is the justification for this action? What gives Mr. Minster the right to tell me that I cannot do a presentation, not related to anything with the ARRL, to a group of hams? 73; Mike W7VO ---------- Original Message ---------- From: Eric Guth <eric@qsotoday.com<mailto:eric@qsotoday.com>> To: w7vo@comcast.net<mailto:w7vo@comcast.net> Date: 05/26/2021 12:52 AM Subject: QSO Today Ham Expo - <# CFPSesTitle #> Dear Mike, Regarding your submission, HF Noise Mitigation. The ARRL is our partner in the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo. Because of this, the ARRL, its representatives, and David Minster, have asked me to withdraw your application from the Expo, as a presenter, because of your current run for ARRL Board of Directors. I am obligated to also withdraw any of the others running for board member who also may apply for the August Expo. I hope that you will submit your application to join us in the next March 2022 Expo. 73, Eric, 4Z1UG QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo ________________________________ Unsubscribe/Change Preferences<http://email.eventrebels.com/ls/click?upn=lp8FXT9BadgVTYDTtsf61YkWsCPNhqI7Ay6yDeg2p5zLrIPQaNymwGcy2il1rWdGq5lU2pLGjXl-2FV4OVgUYGpmRE4t2TfP6Eo3grZAjh343zFn5F7lW5Jfip-2FM4wb3ZnRaFxgM83NInEaAL3g-2FfOvqaDpOY-2BJmsgPqevBSPjYJRca6Zve0xPYIi7HEa744XkZhbWMTEAJSHtDpO0vYRVDTWo5XAQsRsmxbNksZhsQ6DVnfeeWLKKN1Kq-2F4wTzKz0epzH_vbnwJ-2BguyseScIIt11UmMRdmmb2I8AQ1uoe3kHa8GuAFVYslRfNN5EdTehqB-2BGLlp-2Fqk5we9mP0-2BGgTTNgPxB9Rywyaa9mKNuCPfifv0BNHPkCOzGc-2FPOQhEP63QeCRI1bRWsHdUza75X821a72k4JcKAtj9B-2F0Brh2VDUAtBF5oWZ-2F-2FIjb4i9c4DvjMLl6bK7PXJyMAmPpa5BF4-2Bt0i9n3K7drg-2Ff73K7pudFlPTc8zI6-2FRo9ssR0-2FjoLtrWB3hiW1SSP0TK-2FhXK0i1Oluow2Xmgz-2Bha2Fu4ypjO6VFJk4-3D> You are receiving this email because you are signed up for QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Aug 2021. We value your privacy and the protection of your data. You can alter your consent to subscriptions in EventRebels at any time by clicking on this link<http://email.eventrebels.com/ls/click?upn=lp8FXT9BadgVTYDTtsf61YkWsCPNhqI7Ay6yDeg2p5wL4lGw-2BE36r309mnHQcE1cbT-2FFEPSsV7mET6YwchzR8Xw3PYpxd1ywyGZFqkeww8Z2wizxDHzRl-2Fyl4GrnfTCN99P4A9gkYd5jK1EakWrHeKvk2EnBTuKuzTPe800L8lU9R1ibQAc7E6stKl2myWD6fn5VgvIAP1g49F2-2BN-2BONpqtvlrSACITgqR8tmN0t-2FOvaMniSSeKsf5Mm1kqkB7pIy5o2_vbnwJ-2BguyseScIIt11UmMRdmmb2I8AQ1uoe3kHa8GuAFVYslRfNN5EdTehqB-2BGLlp-2Fqk5we9mP0-2BGgTTNgPxB9Rywyaa9mKNuCPfifv0BNHPkCOzGc-2FPOQhEP63QeCRI1bRWsHdUza75X821a72k4PcYYgLhpqq4wQSdPP2nnr2HW-2FEMUomWujbBLP3I-2B0y-2BekyHJJQk6K1FqZ4kw5ZenpwTAHPkEOt3rjg28RHDGoF1EcxNkb-2F-2FSLmA9kw8h6fTpoyBrUIqLpErBnOKVvFykvxiO1wqvXD4-2BOu-2FNSxamOg-3D>. ________________________________ Powered by EventRebels<http://email.eventrebels.com/ls/click?upn=lp8FXT9BadgVTYDTtsf61WxzCGfowuuC53LoaEUjwJjfepdPSh77wV57UZJ3Hc0vcYmZyzFhfigqkugGgFo4p8loMBbP3CIaMhjhb0YiINQ-3DZm6w_vbnwJ-2BguyseScIIt11UmMRdmmb2I8AQ1uoe3kHa8GuAFVYslRfNN5EdTehqB-2BGLlp-2Fqk5we9mP0-2BGgTTNgPxB9Rywyaa9mKNuCPfifv0BNHPkCOzGc-2FPOQhEP63QeCRI1bRWsHdUza75X821a72k4KKUhDBQAfV1txS3NDXq5z2NhJeln6fhXUvHm0n19N8ACIkkhfdXLrBvOlCdyEQmGUhq-2FZkSh7beQIAa7T1ts3J5UjHoJMtmgEg6I-2FberNU6HH9V-2FLiCiXpyyg270NWOJVLIIjytebWrf69L0ukNMhM-3D>

Interesting thread. I was just getting ready to submit my proposed presentation to QSO Today about doing HF mobile from a Cessna 170B. The Central Division has elections this year, so as it stands right now I guess I won't submit this. I'm also scheduled to give many Zoom and in-person presentations after July 1 mostly about solar and propagation topics to clubs/conventions in the Central Division and elsewhere. Several of the big ones are W8DXCC in late August, W9DXCC in mid September and the Antenna Applications Symposium (Univ of Illinois/Penn State) in late September. What about these? Carl K9LA Vice Dir, Central Div

I think the ‘issue’ is whether ARRL HQ looks to be ‘promoting’ the event/presentation or not. This isn’t intended to shut those running for office down! Go crush it!!! Go online, go to in person events, wear your badge proudly, etc. etc. It is ONLY about the perception that ARRL HQ (which is what I am responsible for) is in some way promoting a candidate or playing favorites, etc. David From: Carl Luetzelschwab <carlluetzelschwab@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 12:50 PM To: Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org> Cc: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:32410] Re: Fwd: QSO Today Ham Expo - <# CFPSesTitle #> Interesting thread. I was just getting ready to submit my proposed presentation to QSO Today about doing HF mobile from a Cessna 170B. The Central Division has elections this year, so as it stands right now I guess I won't submit this. I'm also scheduled to give many Zoom and in-person presentations after July 1 mostly about solar and propagation topics to clubs/conventions in the Central Division and elsewhere. Several of the big ones are W8DXCC in late August, W9DXCC in mid September and the Antenna Applications Symposium (Univ of Illinois/Penn State) in late September. What about these? Carl K9LA Vice Dir, Central Div

Hi David With due respect, I think a determination for this should come from E&E with the ability for Mike to appeal this to the full Board if necessary. They may or may not agree with you but it needs to come from them. I don't really see anything in the rules that supports this. There is prohibition for mass communication at League expense and there is a prohibition specifically for QST. There is nothing for ARRL sanctioned events otherwise this would put the kibosh on pretty much any incumbents campaigning at hamfests or large ARRL sanctioned conventions. QSO today is paying for the convention, and not the ARRL, so this is not at League expense. But it really needs to come from E&E and the Board. 73 Ria, N2RJ On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 1:16 PM Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org> wrote:
I think the ‘issue’ is whether ARRL HQ looks to be ‘promoting’ the event/presentation or not.
This isn’t intended to shut those running for office down! Go crush it!!! Go online, go to in person events, wear your badge proudly, etc. etc.
It is ONLY about the perception that ARRL HQ (which is what I am responsible for) is in some way promoting a candidate or playing favorites, etc.
From: Carl Luetzelschwab <carlluetzelschwab@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 12:50 PM To: Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org> Cc: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:32410] Re: Fwd: QSO Today Ham Expo - <# CFPSesTitle #>
Interesting thread.
I was just getting ready to submit my proposed presentation to QSO Today about doing HF mobile from a Cessna 170B. The Central Division has elections this year, so as it stands right now I guess I won't submit this.
I'm also scheduled to give many Zoom and in-person presentations after July 1 mostly about solar and propagation topics to clubs/conventions in the Central Division and elsewhere. Several of the big ones are W8DXCC in late August, W9DXCC in mid September and the Antenna Applications Symposium (Univ of Illinois/Penn State) in late September. What about these?
Carl K9LA
Vice Dir, Central Div
_______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv

Hello ALL - I plan to again this year MC the W9DXCC-2021 Convention inNaperville, IL along with K9CT. I do not see how this would be a conflictfor the League even though it is a sanctioned specialty operating event.This had not been a problem in the past.... 73, Kermit W9XA On Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 12:37:43 PM CDT, rjairam@gmail.com <rjairam@gmail.com> wrote: Hi David With due respect, I think a determination for this should come from E&E with the ability for Mike to appeal this to the full Board if necessary. They may or may not agree with you but it needs to come from them. I don't really see anything in the rules that supports this. There is prohibition for mass communication at League expense and there is a prohibition specifically for QST. There is nothing for ARRL sanctioned events otherwise this would put the kibosh on pretty much any incumbents campaigning at hamfests or large ARRL sanctioned conventions. QSO today is paying for the convention, and not the ARRL, so this is not at League expense. But it really needs to come from E&E and the Board. 73 Ria, N2RJ On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 1:16 PM Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org> wrote:
I think the ‘issue’ is whether ARRL HQ looks to be ‘promoting’ the event/presentation or not.
This isn’t intended to shut those running for office down! Go crush it!!! Go online, go to in person events, wear your badge proudly, etc. etc.
It is ONLY about the perception that ARRL HQ (which is what I am responsible for) is in some way promoting a candidate or playing favorites, etc.
From: Carl Luetzelschwab <carlluetzelschwab@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 12:50 PM To: Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org> Cc: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:32410] Re: Fwd: QSO Today Ham Expo - <# CFPSesTitle #>
Interesting thread.
I was just getting ready to submit my proposed presentation to QSO Today about doing HF mobile from a Cessna 170B. The Central Division has elections this year, so as it stands right now I guess I won't submit this.
I'm also scheduled to give many Zoom and in-person presentations after July 1 mostly about solar and propagation topics to clubs/conventions in the Central Division and elsewhere. Several of the big ones are W8DXCC in late August, W9DXCC in mid September and the Antenna Applications Symposium (Univ of Illinois/Penn State) in late September. What about these?
Carl K9LA
Vice Dir, Central Div
_______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv
_______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv
participants (5)
Carl Luetzelschwab
Kermit Carlson
Michael Ritz
Minster, David NA2AA (CEO)