[arrl-odv:15772] CAC Report

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Club Competition Score Eligibility - the CAC requests authorization to review eligibility rules in section 8.3 and that the ARRL Contest Department be requested to clarify the processes associated with eligibility of members and scores. Remote Operation - authorization is requested to review the subject and make recommendations, if necessary. Log Checking Standards Background - this topic was originally proposed by Dave Pruett K8CC on the basis that log checking was being performed differently for different ARRL contests. (Dave does the 10-Meter Contest log checking.) He suggested that the basic structure of log checking should be consistent for ARRL contests. In November 2006 the CAC voted as follows: Should having consistent standards be discussed? YES (9-0 in favor) Should the standards be made public? YES (7-2) where appropriate Should the standards be promoted for non-ARRL contests? NO (2-7) During our internal discussions of the subject, it became clear that the CAC does not have the expertise (or the mandate) to develop or publish the standards. That is the responsibility of the ARRL Contest Department and of the volunteers that develop and apply log checking software to contest logs. The CAC does recommend, however, that the ARRL Contest Department take the necessary steps to see that the standards are created, published, and applied. The standards should: Broadly align the log handling and manipulation processes for consistency across the ARRL contests; Define the major steps and components of that process, deciding which should be public and which kept private to the process; and Specify what data will be collected, processed, generated and published and in what formats. Administrative Discussion The task of developing these standards should be performed by a group of authors of log manipulation software and result reports. This would be much easier to accomplish if the primary software and result report authors were all present in person. An online forum for the software authors, followed by a one- or two-day in-person meeting would probably suffice to get agreement on the most important items. Club Competition Score Eligibility In May 2007 the Potomac Valley Radio Club submitted a voluntary self-disqualification from the ARRL Sweepstakes Unlimited Competition due to having submitted scores from stations that were located outside the 175-mile circle. In the ensuing discussion it was observed that the processes for compliance with Club Competition rules are not well understood. In addition, section 8.3 of the rules regarding submitting of eligible scores was found to be inconsistent. To address these issues, three votes were taken by the CAC: 1) Should the CAC request authorization to discuss the Affiliated Club Competition rules for club listings (8.3) and recommend improvements? YES (10-2 in favor) 2) Should the CAC request that the Contest Department publish a clarification of the process by which submitted scores are determined to be eligible for a particular club total score? YES (11-1 in favor) 3) Should the CAC request that the Contest Department publish a clarification of the process by which individual members are determined to be eligible for membership in a particular club? YES (10-2 in favor) The PSC is hereby requested to authorize the CAC to review section 8.3 of the Club Competition rules and make specific recommendations for improvement. It is also recommended that the PSC request the ARRL Contest Department to clarify to the contesting public the processes of determining the eligibility of members and scores. Remote Operation The increasing availability of station equipment that can be operated transparently via the Internet is stretching some of the contest rule definitions to their limit. The Contest Administrator has made some rulings in this area, but the time is ripe to consider the implications of using remote receiving and transmitting equipment and decide whether new definitions or categories are appropriate. By a vote of 9-2 in favor, the CAC requests authorization to discuss Remote Operation and make recommendations to the PSC, if they are found to be necessary. Administrative Notes There are no administrative concerns at this time. Ward Silver NØAX CAC Chairman Northwestern Division Representative CONTEST ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 2007 Atlantic - Mike Gilmer, N2MG 4600 State Route 26, Vernon, NY 13476-3706 Email: n2mg@contesting.com Central - Greg W. Clark, K9IG 4280 West Whiteland Rd., Bargersville, IN 46106 Email: greg@k9ig.com Dakota - Al R Dewey, K0AD 14800 38th Pl N, Plymouth, MN 55446-3341 Email: Aldewey@aol.com Delta - Jimmy D. Roller, N4IR 714 Foot Hills Road, Kingsport, TN 37663-2716 Email: n4ir@charter.net Great Lakes - Dave Pruett, K8CC 2727 Harris Rd., Ypsilanti, MI 48198 Email: k8cc@comcast.net Hudson - Dr. George Wilner, K2ONP 336 Bulson Road, Troy, NY 12180 Email: k2onp@aol.com Midwest - Jon K Jones, N0JK 8949 Churchill Ct, Wichita, KS 67206-4434 Email: n0jk@arrl.net New England - Dick Green, WC1M 190 Lyme Road, Hanover, NH 03755-6602 Email: wc1m@msn.com Chairman Northwestern - H. Ward Silver, N0AX P. O. Box 927, Vashon, WA 98070 Email: n0ax@arrl.net Pacific - Michael J. Gibson, KH6ND Box 31193, Honolulu, HI 96820 Email: kh6nd@hawaii.rr.com Roanoke - Don Daso, K4ZA 515 Withershinn Drive, Charlotte NC 28262 Email: k4za@juno.com Rocky Mountain - Robert Neece, K0KR P.O. Box 3159, Boulder, CO 80307-3159 Email: rneece@bwsm.com Southeastern - Charles T. Wooten, NF4A P.O. Box 4183, Panama City, FL 32401 Email: nf4a@knology.net Southwestern - Bruce Horn, WA7BNM 4225 Farmdale Avenue, Studio City, CA 91604 Email: bhorn@hornucopia.com West Gulf - Joe Staples, W5ASP 10031 Meadow Lake, Houston, TX 77042 Email: w5asp@earthlink.net RAC - Dave Shipman, VE7CFD 1013 Sinclair Street, West Vancouver, BC V7V 3W1, Canada Email: ve7cfd@rac.ca or davidshipman@shaw.ca Board Liaison - Bruce Frahm, K0BJ P.O. Box DX, Colby, KS 67701 Email: k0bj@arrl.org Staff Liaison - Tom Hogerty, KC1J Contest Branch Manager 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 Email: kc1j@arrl.org Administrative Liaison - Sharon Taratula 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 Email: staratula@arrl.org CAC Semi-Annual Report July 2007 page PAGE 3 of 3 ¢Âøùú 71Tð2GÀÜpy& ' ) * , - / 0 X Y _ ` a b g j k û÷ûõòêãêãêãêãßÜßÜßÜ××××ÐÍÐÅÐÍÜ0JmHnHu0J j0JU jUCJ5CJCJOJQJ5CJOJQJCJ(55CJ 5CJ(& 4GHl¢ÂÍÞìúNƳýøóóóóóóóóóóóóóñììììêêêÜÜ &F Æh€€^€$a$$a$$a$& j ýý³ 78fgÖ X Y 89|}01UVdeñïïïïïïéééïïïäääïïïïïïïïïï &F Ð^Ð &F Æh€€^€ÔÕ¥Š>?ïð12GH{|¿ÀÜæç/Sýýýýýýýýýýýýýûûûûûûûûõïïïïï0ý]0ýö]öSU{®ÄÆá "$®ÙÛ@Y[}³µÑû3Ynpùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù0ý]0ýpyÁù3Qlm²ÈÊBZ\šÁÃå/1s³µùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù0ý]0ýµÐ ":Ik áAdz|à & ( ) + , . / 1 2 h i j ùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷õ÷÷0ý]0ýj k ù0ý]0ý 0°Ð/ °à=!°"°# $ %°5 0°Ð/ °à=!°Ð"°Ð# $ %°P0ò&òìò i0@ñÿ0Normal_HmH sH tH L@L Heading 1$7$8$@&H$5CJOJQJ\aJ:@: Heading 2$$@&a$5CJ<A@òÿ¡<Default Paragraph Font0B@ò0 Body Text$a$CJ(4Z@4 Plain TextOJQJ^J.U@¢. 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participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ