[ARRL-ODV:8855] IN-News

IN-Newsletter Vol. 26, No. 22 June 4, 2003 Development Campaign Updates: The 2003 Education & Technology Campaign has reached $74,300 from 1408 donors for an average contribution of $52.77. The Special Campaign for WRC-03 has raised $32,019 from 706 donors for an average contribution of $45.35. These results bring the campaign total for 2003 Spectrum Defense to $334,464 from 7,223 donors. The test campaign for Historic Preservation is scheduled to mail the week of June 9 to 10,000 ARRL members Diamond Club solicitations were mailed to Life Members and select prospects the week of May 27. Other news: The month of June will be filled with activity around our Emergency Communications grants. A response to the CNCS report from our site visit is due June 9. A progress report on the national UTC grant is due June 20. And the application and budget for the second year of the CNCS grant is due in early July. Development will attend the ARRL National Convention in Dallas. Media Relations A recap of the PR Committee meeting in Dayton was posted to the PRC reflector. Some of the committee members have begun tackling the individual projects they volunteered to take on during the meeting. The next conference call will be scheduled shortly. The March "clip reports" have been sent out to Directors, and Derek Riker has been added to the distribution list. During visits on the Hill, he's found that presenting positive news stories from a representative's district is a helpful tactic. Thanks go to Lisa Kustosik for her invaluable assistance with the clip report project. A fill-in-the-blank Field Day release has been posted to the PR site. During the last week, Jennifer has been working one-on-one with some PR volunteers who needed help with their Field Day publicity efforts. Publicizing the ARRL National Convention, including the Homeland Security connection is high on the list of priorities. Work has begun on that project, and Jennifer is working with PR staff from the Office of Homeland Security in Washington. Final details on the PR forum at HamCom will be firmed up shortly. PR projects for the month also include the national Field Day release and Kid's Day publicity. Production/Editorial Welcome back Helen! Technical Secretary Helen Dalton has returned to the Book Team area after recovering from a serious injury. Dave Hassler compiled the monthly "ARRL in Action" feature for the ARRLWeb. Rick Lindquist filed stories for the Web on the first Amateur Radio on the International Space Station school group contact for the current two-person crew, an advancer for Kid's Day (June 21 this year), and an update (in cooperation with Jon Bloom and Dave Patton) on the "Logbook of the World" beta-testing effort. He also edited and posted the latest FCC enforcement letters. The ARRL Letter (Vol 22, No 22) distributed to 66,045 subscribers on May 30, up from 65,853 the previous week. With voiceover assistance from Brennan Price and Jennifer Hagy, Rick also edited, voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for May 30. As the July issue of QST was being wrapped up, Shelly Bloom pitched in to assist the Advertising Department in completing ad production. Sue Fagan worked over last weekend to finish the 2002 Annual Report. Despite his illness, Larry Wolfgang continued to work from home on the Technician video course revisions. Maty Weinberg assisted Helen Dalton in cleaning up the Technical Advisor database. Sales & Marketing Members of the Sales & Marketing group collaborated on a new full-page ad for QST advertiser Array Solutions. The customer is delighted with the finished ad which features the OptiBeam product line. Array Solutions will track the ad closely, and provide feedback on its impact over the next few months. Another created effort resulted in an ARRLWeb ad banner for Black Feather Electronics featuring their key chain products. Meanwhile, Joe Bottiglieri is finishing up with advertising insertions for the July/August issues of both NCJ and QEX. We are already beginning work on insertion orders for August QST. Bob Inderbitzen wrapped up planning for the exhibit at the ARRL National Convention. An attractive special commemorative button has been designed to handout to convention attendees. With the additional orders received during the Memorial Day weekend web special, Fulfillment staff took time out of their holiday weekend to come in to process a number of these orders. Staff wanted to be sure we stayed within our order fulfillment standards. It also proved to be a very busy end of the week at the warehouse. Our Dayton consignment returns were received back in Newington and quite a few incoming product shipments arrived. In addition, several large dealer orders came at the very end of the sales month and were turned around in record time. Deb Jahnke worked with Bob Inderbitzen to provide feedback for the ARRL E-Store parameters document. Bob turned in material to complete the cover of the upcoming FCC Rule Book--13th edition. The book has a slightly modified title which more closely follows our book-naming conventions. It will be titled The ARRL FCC Rule Book. The following items are now available for ordering via the ARRLWeb catalog: * 2002 DXCC Yearbook (order from dxcc@arrl.org <mailto:dxcc@arrl.org>); description at <http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=no-dxyb> * Antenna Topics (RSGB) <http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=8963> * Practical Projects (RSGB) <http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=8971> Membership Services Awards Branch WAS QSL Cards Checked 150 WAS Ends. (150 QSLs F/C) 3 WAC Certs. 11 L/T Member Inquiries 3 A-1 Operator Noms. 5 RCC Awards 3 Friendship Award 1 VUCC Initial Apps. 1 Grids 216 VUCC End. App. 2 Grids 128 Awards Mailed 15 Also, completed filing chores from LTMA correspondence from the year 2002. Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks. For the coming week-WAC QSL card checking, Basic WAS awards for May, OTC awards, filing chores associated with all LTMA correspondence from this year to date, and on-going VUCC awards processing/mailing. Contest Branch A scoring error was discovered in the 10-Meter Log Checking software and was corrected. This entailed a complete review and revision of the 2002 10-Meter Results for QST and the web. The changes/corrections were completed and the revised article for QST was completed in time. The web changes were made and the web material re-opened to the public. The checked scores for the 2003 January VHF SS and 2003 International DX CW contest were received, formatted and incorporated to their respective master databases. Raw data was provided to the authors to begin the work on the result articles. Field Day queries continue to flow in and are being addressed. Work on updating various Overall and Division records for several contests is being done in-house. DXCC Branch Weekly Report June 1, 2003 Beginning Cards 120,283 Cards Received 6,337 Cards Processed 25,326 Ending Cards 101,294 Applications Pending 819 Processing Time 6.4 Weeks Year-to-date (2003) Cards Received 225,500 Cards Returned 327,177 QRPs Issued this week 0 QRP's Issued total 294 DXCC is currently mailing applications received on April 16, 2003. DXCC is currently entering cards received on April 24, 2003. Diana Lamson-Lucas left our employ on Friday May 30. She is finishing up coursework needed for a position in the insurance industry. She was an asset to the DXCC program and we'll miss her. We wish her luck in her new career. Bill Moore is interviewing to fill her position in the DXCC Branch. QSL Branch QSL Service Status: Current. Cards mailed as of 06/01/003: 623,125. No cards were mailed this week. Heather Dzamaba spent 3 hours conducting tours around HQ. Martin and Bill Moore covered the morning bulletins at W1AW for the vacationing Joe Carcia. There is a significant decrease in cards coming in from members for processing. At this time in 2002, we had processed 951,000 cards. Field & Educational Services The Klem South School in Webster, NY, was the first successful ARISS QSO for the new ISS crew, and got good local media coverage. Rosalie worked with NARTE and Rick Lindquist to publicize NARTE's new technical net; ARRL and NARTE have an MOU. She developed a story on three of NASA's Aerospace Education Specialists who tout ARISS. She prepared a talk for the Rocky Mountain Division Convention on volunteerism, and made notes for the traffic-handling, ARISS and youth forums. EmComm Grants Dan Miller says registrations have slowed just a bit, probably due to summertime, as in past years. Level I registrations remained open a little longer -- 16 hours. Level II registration remained open 40 hours. Level III remained open for a week and closed with 5 vacant seats. Dan prepared for ARECC Seminars at the Rocky Mountain Division Convention on May 30, and at EMCOMM WEST in Reno on May 31. Field & Education Support Team Jean Wolfgang is receiving many suggestions for a future Web youth page. She developed a glossary and short explanations of radio to be included. Some awards rating sheets have been returned, so Jean will begin assembling recommended winners packets for the VRC. She has been reviewing the 20 meter JOTA CW frequency; a few PSK-31 hams think JOTA signals at the suggested CW frequency (14.070) may overpower PSK-31 signals. Margie Bourgoin sent affiliation paperwork for 8 new Clubs to the Executive Committee for a vote. She also processed one new SSC application, this one in Hawaii, and one SSC renewal. She and Linda are making progress proofreading the future online Club Primer. Linda Mullally compiled emergency communications reports to be reviewed. She updated 39 club records. She registered 10 Volunteer Instructors and 3 schoolteachers. She sent 14 Exhibit Kits and 2 JOTA Kits, and 10 Videos to HandiHams. She sent 23 Initial Supply Packages to new Field appointees. Gail Iannone sent 6 hamfest approval letters and 2 convention approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Directors' approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned; she sent 33 packages of handouts for upcoming events and processed 16 door prize orders and 1 label request. CCE Howard Robins has been going over revisions to the new RF Propagation course; he feels it will be a super course for our members. For the CCE Web site, he revised the registration calendar to make it clearer to readers. Jerry Ellis has processed results from field exam sessions received recently, along with the usual phone and email inquiries. CNCS, UTC, and field exam graduates were mailed their printed certificates, ID cards and refund checks (where appropriate). Regulatory Information John Hennessee turned over final updates to Production for the FCC Rule Book; updates were held pending FCC's decision on 60 meters and the upgrade in status of 2400-2402 MHz. John assisted an amateur with a local zoning matter in Jenks, OK (KC5TJT). He processed 3 new VC applications: Paula Uscian, K9IR, IL; Michael Sandor, N2NMB, NY; and Gregory Douds, KB3GDD, GA. Field Organization/ Public Service Team SM Al Shuman, N1FIK, reports that Governor Benson proclaimed June as Amateur Radio Month in New Hampshire; the proclamation text is on Al's NH Section Web Page. Arkansas SM Dennis Schaefer, W5RZ, announced that Governor Huckabee has scheduled the signing of a proclamation for June 23-30 as Amateur Radio Week in Arkansas; former SM Bob Ideker, WB5VUH (now Arkansas PIC and SGL), was instrumental in making these arrangements. Steve Ewald is working work with the following Section Leaders who have not, in the last month or so, been active on their ARRL Web sites or electronic messages: AL, ENY, LAX, MDC, NFL, SBAR, TN, UT. Leona Adams continues to work with SMs and Section Leaders to update Field Organization appointment records. Some 20 initial appointee supply packages were shipped including a half dozen OO test packages to those who have been recommended. Amateur Radio Education and Technology Program Three more schools have just sent applications to be Big Project Schools. Rosalie acknowledged them, but will let our new staffer Mark Spencer, WA8SME, correspond with them. He hopes to be in the office for his first day on June 9, and has already been reviewing emails. 73, Sincerely, Mark Wilson, K1RO Chief Operating Officer MW: lk Staff Absentee List Name Date(s) Reason All Staff 7/4 Holiday Dave Sumner 6/3-7/6 WRC 2003, Geneva Mark Wilson 6/13 Vacation Jennifer Hagy 7/7-7/11 Vacation `` 7/18-7/22 Vacation Chuck Skolaut 5/27-6/6 Vacation Bart Jahnke 5/29-6/5am Vacation Brennan Price 6/6 Georgia State Convention 6/13 Iowa State Convention Joel Kleinman 6/10 Vacation Rick Lindquist 6/20-6/22 National Convention Mary Lau 6/1-6/4 Vacation Dan Miller 6/9 Vacation `` 6/12-6/15 SeaPac, Oregon Steve Ewald 6/13-6/14 TN State Convention `` 6/16-6/20 Vacation Eileen Sapko 6/6 Vacation Jon Bloom 6/13-7/7 Vacation Monique Levesque 6/30-7/3 Vacation Kristy Perillo 7/7-7/18 Vacation
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ