RE: [arrl-odv:13936] Central Division House Resolution 230 Report

Way to go, Dick! I took someone's previous idea seriously and took my laptop and a printer to the Nebraska ARRL State Convention. The weather kept attendance down, but I had a steady stream of letter writers. Over the course of the day I had 24 letters that covered all three Nebraska congressional districts, South Dakota, and one Iowa congressional district. Each letter was actually three copies: one to the congressional DC office, one to the congressman's (congressperson?) local office, and one copy to Chwat. 73, Wade W0EJ -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:40 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:13936] Central Division House Resolution 230 Report 26 MAR 2006 - 1330 CST Fellow Board Family Members... Please do not regard what follows as bragging on my part. Rather, I want to demonstrate what a little persistence can produce. My last (2006-03) division newsletter produced an initial response of 36 confirmations of constituent letters asking support of House Resolution 230 sent to U.S. Representatives. My first, somewhat pointed, follow-up message generated 3 complaints and an additional 130 confirmations. Last Friday, I sent follow-up message #2 which produced 50 more confirmation in about 36 hours. The total now stands at 215 confirmations. This letter-writing process does work if you spend a little time on it. 73 - Dick, W9GIG
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