[ARRL-ODV:9275] FW: Notification of candidates, ARRL elections

Here is the notification sent to candidates for Director and Vice Director. I have informed Patricia Hensley, N4ROS, by telephone that her petition appears to contain only nine valid signatures. Her petition had only ten signatures and one of the signers is not currently a member. However, the Election Committee has not yet formally ruled on her eligibility. David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary
-----Original Message----- From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 12:16 PM To: Hensley Patricia; Shattuck, Leslie, (Vice Dir, Roanoke); Bodson, Dennis (Dir, Roanoke); Fenstermaker, James (Vice Dir, NW); Milnes, Greg (Dir, NW); Raisbeck, Mike (Vice Dir, NE); Frenaye, Tom (Dir, NE); 'ka2anf@arrl.net'; Mendelsohn, Steve (Vice Dir, Hudson); Fallon, Frank (Dir, Hudson ); Huntington, Howard (Vice Dir, Central); Isely, Dick (Dir, Central) Subject: Notification of candidates, ARRL elections
The ARRL election schedule calls for the Secretary to notify each candidate of the names and call signs of other candidates on Monday, August 18. Here is the list of petitions and candidate's questionnaires that were received as of Friday's noon deadline. As yet, not all of the candidates have been certified to be eligible by the Election Committee.
In the case of candidates that do not have opposition, once they are certified to be eligible they will be declared elected or re-elected, as the case may be.
David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary, ARRL
Director uncontested: George R. Isely, W9GIG
Vice Director uncontested: Howard Huntington, K9KM
Director: Frank Fallon, N2FF - Stephen Mendelsohn, W2ML
Vice Director uncontested: Joyce Birmingham, KA2ANF
New England
Director uncontested: Thomas Frenaye, K1KI
Vice Director uncontested: Michael Raisbeck, K1TWF
Director uncontested: Greg Milnes, W7OZ
Vice Director uncontested: James Fenstermaker, K9JF
Director uncontested: Charles D. Bodson, W4PWF
Vice Director: Leslie Shattuck, K4NK -- Patricia Hensley, N4ROS
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ