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Questions continue to come in asking for clarification of the changes or for copies of the band charts, etc. Most are coming in from non-members. A few member comments have been received asking for some changes on the downloadable color chart on the ARRL. These comments were shared with Steve Ford. To help facilitate a clean copy of Part 97 that is in synch with the version printed in the Federal Register, Chuck Skolaut and I completely reviewed and compared. Some changes were found that will be made on the ARRL Web and several errors were found in the version appearing in Federal Register. These were confirmed with Bill Cross at the FCC who will be sending them for correction. A clean, up-to-date copy of Part 97 will be finalized in the upcoming week for Production so they can work on their new publication of the Part 97 Rules which is planned. A list was prepared for Dr. Woolweaver of states that had some type of cell phone legislation on the books. Of the 23 states laws currently in force, most are addressing hands-free requirements or non-use by school bus drivers or newly licensed drivers. None are written that specifically prohibit the use of amateur radio while driving. Along these lines, we received word that the proposed legislation in Georgia was amended to include an amateur radio exemption. While the bill appears to be on track to die in committee, the author of the proposed legislation has agreed to keep that exemption in the bill if / when it is reintroduced. We also received news of a bill introduced into the Washington state legislature dealing with excise taxes due to counties. At least one county has interpreted the state rules to require an excise tax of 12% of what would be the fair market value of the monthly rental of the tower and space when an amateur repeater is provided no/low-rent space on state leased towers. The bill would exempt amateur radio repeaters from the excise tax. The WWA Section Manager Ed Bruette and his staff have been on top of several pieces of legislation that could affect amateur radio and doing a great job working to protect the amateur interests. The first draft of the QST article soliciting new applicants for the Volunteer Counsel and Volunteer Consulting Engineer programs was written and sent to Jay Bellows and Chris Imlay for review/edits. The final version will be sent to production next week. Media & Public Relations Boston TV-5s Chronicle piece about the history of radio in New England aired and is now on several websites. Interviews were done for WDRC in CT and also for KVON in CA. March Contact! is posted. EmComm 1 class planned for March 23 will be rescheduled do to date conflicts. Much higher than normal numbers of media hits continue to come in due to the code change. We are happy to announce that in February the HELLO and Emergency websites had their highest usage ever at over 857,000 hits. Development The Spectrum Defense Fund has topped $125,000 since the beginning of the year from 640 donors, far exceeding its budgeted target. The Education & Technology Fund stands at more than $64,842, on its way to the 2007 campaign goal of $80,000. In addition, funding requests for the Teachers Institute totaling $90,000 have been mailed, resulting in one renewed commitment of $25,000 with more to come. The mail campaign to 75,000 ARRL members is planned for mailing on April 16. New lifetime giving levels have been added to the Maxim Society. Recognition will now be available to donors whose lifetime support reaches $250,000 as a Fellow Class donor, $500,000 as a Century Class donor, $1,000,000 as a Millennium Class donor, and $5,000,000 or more as a Visionary Class donor. These levels will dovetail with a new initiative to attract endowment gifts of $1,000,000 or more for ARRL to name spaces and professional positions at ARRL. Thanks to Jon Bloom the Diamond Club web pages have been revised and updated to include the new Diamond Terrace Program. So far we have 20 requests for bricks for the Terrace. Rick Lindquist is preparing a story for the ARRL website which should boost response. The design of the replica has been a challenge but the talents of Sue Fagan have prevailed and a Lucite replica with an embedded insert will be sent to donors who request one. The brick personalization will be etched in the Lucite. Arrangements are moving forward for the annual Donor Recognition event on May 17, the evening before the Dayton Hamvention. The reception will take place at the Meadowbrook Country Club from 6 - 8 pm. Major donors who have contributed $500 or more during the past two years are invited to attend. Production/Editorial Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 26, No. 09, distributed to 64,548 members on Mar 2. Rick prepared/edited news stories on the flood of applications at ARRL VEC because of the new rules, ARRLs FOIA request for FCC documents relating to the dismissal of BPL interference complaints in Manassas, Virginia, first ARISS school contacts for India and Portugal, FCC denial of petition to require exam question pools in languages other than English, ham radio volunteer/ARES activity following severe weather Feb 24, Phil Goetz, N6ZZ, SK and numerous announcements and news briefs. Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for Mar 2. Sales and Marketing February membership highlights: Total Members: 149,567 [January 149,195] New Members: 903 [6 mo average 896] Returning lapsed-Members: 1,531 [6 mo average 1,342] There were 2,219 prospective membership New Ham packages mailed in February [6 mo average 1,632]. February sales of ARRL publications and products totaled $240,316, exceeding plan by $17,800. Postal rate increases are expected in May. The overall average increase will likely be 7.6% vs. the proposed 8.1%. Here is a sample of the revised rates: First class letters - .41 cents Standard Non Profit letters - 16.4 cents The fulfillment, warehouse and accounting groups are working together to improve inventory management, which will help support quarterly and year end inventory processes. These discussions have already resulted in improvements, implemented with help from ISD, that allow us to scan every package shippedthereby improving our ability to respond to customer service and delivery inquiries. The names of 80 new Life Members were submitted to be elected at the EC Meeting on March 2. 2007 Field Day products have been ordered: T-shirts, pins, water bottles and outdoor kits. Business Services We have wrapped up advertising for new edition of the ARRL Antenna Book and are beginning solicitation efforts for the ARRL General Class License Manual and the General Q & A. An email solicitation sent on Friday has already produced a sizable number of reservations. We are also beginning to work on reservations for May QST and the Dayton Hamvention tear-out section. Dealers have received a promotion with full descriptions of our new titles debuting within the next several months along with any updated order form. We are currently making telephone follow-ups. Membership & Volunteer Programs Awards Branch CategoryProcessedWAS Certificates (Manual)2WAS Certificates (LoTW)11A-1 Op Nominations5A-1 Op Certificates4WAC Certificates6VUCC New / Grids1 / 56VUCC Endorsement / Grids8 / 426Awards Charges12Awards Mailed29Processing Time2 Weeks Contest Branch During the week staff: entered logs received for the ARRL International DX CW contest; sent data for the 2006 November SS Phone contest to the column author; and received 171 pieces of correspondence requiring 120 responses. DXCC Branch CategoryProcessedBeginning Credits58,488Credits Received7,072Credits Processed12,014Ending Credits53,546YTD Credits Received49,312YTD Applications Received841YTD Credits Returned97,827Applications Pending662Processing Time9.5 Weeks DXCC is currently entering credits received on December 29, 2006. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on December 27, 2006. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system122,561,047QSL records have resulted 7,885,851Logs Processed336,475Active Certificates22,894Users registered in the system15,130Hybrids Pending Mail170 QSL Branch There is no delay in opening mail and a 3 day delay in slotting of cards. This week, 112 pounds of cards were received from members. W1AW Thanks to Katie Breen, W1KRB, Dan Henderson, N1ND and Mary Hobart, K1MMH for their operating W1AW in the ARRL International DX SSB contest. They worked 789 stations on 80 through 15 meters, for an initial claimed score of 559,887. Joe worked the early afternoon/night shift on Monday for the vacationing Scott Gee. He also processed 3 Qualifying Run certificates and 2 endorsements. Joe repaired a Heil headset and Heil footswitch that apparently were slightly damaged during the HF Open House event. Joe also updated the web code practice files and their archives. Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the middle part of the month of March. He has begun assisting the DXCC department with editing some DXCC applications. Scott also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots. Field Organization/Public Service Team The monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report has been compiled and forwarded to the IARU Region 2 Coordinator by Chuck Skolaut. The corps of Intruder Watch monitor stations has a new team member from North Carolina. Chuck also assisted Dan Henderson in proofreading the latest version of the FCC rules. Several ARRL members were successful in identifying and resolving an interference problem on 20 meters that was caused by spurious emissions from a shortwave broadcaster. Four new Official Observer test packages were sent out to those who were recommended, and two new OOs passed their exams. In addition, Leona Adams reports that over a dozen new Field Appointees were added to the data base and 20 supply packages were sent out to the appointees. At weeks end, ARES members and SKYWARN operators were activated in response to tornados and severe weather in states such as Missouri, Alabama, and Georgia. Steve Ewald kept in touch with the Section Leaders who provided initial reports. The plaque that honors Jettie Hill, W6RFF, as the receiver of the Joe Knight, W5PDY, and Distinguished Service Award has been as produced, and a presentation has been scheduled. ARISS PR: For the ARISS QSO with Vassant Valley (in India), taking part in the school activities were the niece and nephew of Astronaut Kalpana Chawla, KD5ESI, who died in the Columbia space shuttle accident. Vassant Valley got great media coverage including several newspaper and Web items, TV stories, Verizons Webcast, plus EchoLink and IRLP (these 2 got over 300 listeners). ARISS News Update: Rosalie continues to work with Space Civilian Charles Simonyis team on the schools he wishes to make QSOs with; there will be three. For ARRL Members: March QSTs special 8-page section works! When the Best Buy Geek Squad officer came to Rosalies office to encrypt her wireless network, he spotted her ARRL Life Member plaque, and said, Im an inactive ham. Rosalie handed him the 8-page section and a recent QST, and as he left her office he said, Im going to get on the air again! ARISS Effect on Students: Vassant Valley Schools Central Board of Secondary Education introduced new curriculum on Emergency Disaster Management with a chapter on ham radio. A ham station is being set up and the school and classes will be offered to students and teachers (who attended a workshop on amateur radio and its applications for students). International Aspects: Rosalie thanks Dan Henderson for his help with a third party traffic topic. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer There are currently 36 applications for the teachers institute (of 48 total slots). The July 30 section at HQ is filled. A reminder note has been sent to those that inquired about the TI application process the time to apply is now. This is the time of the school year when teachers start exploring summer in-service opportunities. I have made travel arrangements for the trip to Dayton Hamfest. Dayton forum descriptions were drafted and sent to HQ. The TI assessment survey has been further refined and is in final form. CQ VHF requested permission to reprint the Space in the Classroom article recently published in AMSAT Journal. CQ VHF intends to publish this and another of my education related pieces in an upcoming issue. Web/Software Development Using artwork supplied by Sue Fagan, Jon Bloom revamped the Diamond Club pages of the Web site to update them, to add support for the new Diamond Terrace, and to redesign the Diamond Club on-line application. Micah Murray continues to work on the new membership application Web process. We expect to have a functional version of this ready for testing by 3/9. While the CFO grappled with some legalities of our new credit-card processing system, Hugh Brower paused his work on that and instead worked on researching new options for our Web site hosting. The system we are using now is nearing capacity on several fronts, and we want to find solutions that will serve us for the forseeable future. Also, April QST material was posted to the site. Summary ARRL Web stats for February 2007 Page views 8.2 million (average per day: 282,000)Unique visitors436,000Busiest day2/26 - 320,000 page views, 33,000 visitorsMost popular areasNews, F&ES, Contests, TIS, W1AW, ARRL Letter, FCC, VECUser countriesUSA (82%), Italy, Canada, Japan, France, Germany, UKTop Referring SearchesARRL, ARES, Ham Radio, QST, Morse Code, LOTW Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 4/6 Holiday Leona Adams 3/9pm Vacation Joe Carcia 5/25 Vacation Ann Figat 3/23-3/26 Vacation Scott Gee 4/9 Vacation Ed Hare 3/13-3/15 IEEE Standards Dev. Committee, Piscataway, NJ `` 3/26-3/29 ANSI ASC C63 Committee, Piscataway, NJ Mary Hobart 3/9-3/10 NC Section Convention, Charlotte, NC `` 3/13 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 3/29-3/31 AES Superfest, Milwaukee, WI `` 4/16-4/20 Vacation Joel Kleinman 3/26-3/30 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 3/12 Vacation Bill Moore 3/9-3/11 NC Section Convention/Computerfair, Charlotte, NC Allen Pitts 4/23-4/27 Vacation Dave Sumner 3/2-3/5 Executive Committee Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT/Vacation `` 3/7-3/8 Washington `` 3/13-3/15 Meeting w/MFJ, Starkville, MS `` 4/11-4/23 IARU Reg.1 EC Meeting, Cavtat, Croatia/IRTS 75th, Cork, Ireland !"/G[\^tu< = 67z{VYABZ[jsÉË "$qsÌÎÏM÷ìâÛâÛâÐÂÛâÛâ·²ª·²ª}}uuh'9=CJaJh,Ïh,Ï6CJ]aJh,Ïh,Ï6CJaJh,ÏCJaJh,Ïh,ÏCJaJh,Ïh,Ï5 h,Ï5h,Ïh%ÌCJaJhXEh%Ì5CJ\aJh%Ì5CJ\aJh%Ì5\hXEh%Ì5\h2'h%ÌCJaJhXEh%Ì5. !"\]^uv 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Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ