[arrl-odv:26732] Fwd: Thanks from Amateur Radio

Hi all: I thought you might be interested in seeing the letter Tom wrote to Brock Long, Administrator of FEMA, regarding some positive coordination with FEMA. 73 Rick - K5UR ... -----Original Message----- From: Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF (CEO), NY2RF (CEO) <tgallagher@arrl.org> To: brock.long <brock.long@fema.dhs.gov> Cc: Roderick, Rick, K5UR (President), K5UR (President) <K5UR@arrl.org> Sent: Mon, Sep 18, 2017 7:48 am Subject: Thanks from Amateur Radio Hon. William B. Long Administrator Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, DC Dear Administrator Long: It’s with profound appreciation that I write you to thank you for the assistance of FEMA in delivering Ham Aid kits to the US Virgin Islands following Hurricane Irma. In the larger context of the past four weeks, it’s a small matter, but one of great importance to us. ARRL HQ received an urgent request for high frequency digital radio equipment from our USVI official on Thursday, 7 September. The kits enable long-range communications throughout the Island and to the US mainland. While we were able to provision the equipment in 15 hours, we were unable to arrange for its transportation to St Thomas. A telephone call to FEMA’s CTO Ted Okada, K4HNL, also a ham radio operator, connected us with a Virgin Island-bound FEMA CACI contractor in the person of Jeff, N1KBY. He arrived at our HQ on Friday afternoon, taking several kits along with him. He delivered one to the island’s FEMA-fortified PEP broadcast station this week. Without the logistical intervention of FEMA, this vital equipment might still be awaiting shipment. This assistance was repeated for Puerto Rico.
From my earliest recollection, I have admired the efforts of FEMA. My late father served as a deputy administrator of SBA under presidents Nixon and Ford. A man not inclined to gratuitous praise, he always spoke admiringly of FEMA’s joint efforts in the 1970’s Johnston (PA) floods. Much as he spoke about the WWII US Navy. And my experience last week is just a small tribute to your larger efforts.
At ARRL we value our relationship with Ted, with Chris Smith and with all our diverse FEMA contacts. First, they help us achieve our primary emergency communications mission by lending FEMA’s unique capabilities as occurred in the US VI last week. Secondly, they have spurred us on to ambitious experimentation with specialized communications techniques harnessed to arrays of sensors designed, built and installed by Radio Amateurs, and other amateur experimenters around the country, to report flood, atmospheric and other conditions. Lastly, they assist us in anticipating, and plotting a path to intercept, the future. In my view, the effort of citizen-volunteers serving their communities in times of disaster is the more powerful model than government, alone. Guided by government agencies like FEMA, these volunteers—whether they operate communications equipment or pilot a bass boat—can be a powerful force projection in the service of their communities and their country. I know that I speak for our 165,000 members and for all 750,000 ham radio operators in the US when I say—thank you. Respectfully, Tom Tom Gallagher – NY2RF Chief Executive Officer ARRL Headquarters ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™ 860 594 0404 cell 704 907 7158 tgallagher@arrl.org
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