[ARRL-ODV:11544] Amateur Radio Community Education Project (CEP)

Good afternoon. Recently ARRL was granted an additional $90,000 as part of our 3rd year grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service, for a pilot program to educate Citizen Corps Councils and community organizations about Amateur Radio and its vital role in emergency planning, preparation and response. Operating under the leadership of Field Services Manager Rosalie White, CEP Coordinator Bill Barrett has been working with the DHS Citizen Corps office in Washington, ARRL's Steve Ewald, Norm Fusaro and Mark Spencer to identify 12 Citizen Corps Councils. In addition Rosalie has worked with Citizen Corps staffer Erika Rose to draft a letter of introduction from Citizen Corps leader Liz DiGregorio to pave the way for Bill Barrett's visit and presentation. I hope you share our excitement and enthusiasm for this special awareness project. 73, Mary K1MMH
From Rosalie White:
Attached is the list of the twelve locales that Bill Barrett will work with via the ARRL Community Education Program one-year grant, and it has been sent to the Department of Homeland Security. Under each Citizen Corps Council's name/locale, Bill has listed our Section Manager and Section Emergency Coordinator. The Councils will soon receive a letter from the Department of Homeland Security, asking them to work with ARRL. Bill will soon contact the ARRL folks to let them know they are officially on the list. A Rhode Island Citizen Corps Council is a first alternate for possible later opportunities (but not included on this list)
participants (1)
Hobart, Mary K1MMH