[ARRL-ODV:11081] Re: DHS National Preparedness Month

Yesterday HQ/F&ES received word of plans surrounding the Department of Homeland Scurity's National Prepredness Month in September 2004. As an federal Homeland Security grantee and partner with Citizen Corps/DHS ARRL is promoting the participation of all hams in this national effort. Under the leadership of Rosalie White an F & ES team of Steve Ewald and Norm Fusaro with input from Jen Hagy met this morning to coordinate promotion and suggestions of local activities to Clubs, SMs, SECs, DECs, ECs, ARES groups, schools and PIOs. Alerts via list servs will suggest inclusion of the DHS special month in any drills, demonstrations, SET plans etc. A press release will be edited with updated information for PIOs to use at the local level. Mark Spencer and Dan Miller will be kept in the loop for information that would be relevant to the EMCOMM community (especially for Dan's presentations in the coming month) and schools that could be interested in participating. The goal is informal cross pollination at the local level. F & ES continues to work on informal plans and coordinated messages to the Field Organization. Rosalie is in touch with DHS to be included on the national participants list and to encourage early advice on future DHS activities. 73, Mary K1MMH
participants (1)
Hobart, Mary K1MMH