[ARRL-ODV:7926] Re: (no subject)

Kay sent a good reply to him that she might share if suitably goaded. Members are certainly not unanimous in their support of HR 4720. We have run some exchanges in QST "Correspondence" debating the whole matter of CC&Rs. If you're not personally affected it's easy to dismiss it as a waste of time and resources. I think the best tack to take with such members is to point out that while this may not be their issue, to succeed on other issues that are important to them we need the support of other members for whom those issues may not be important. As Ben Franklin said, "If we don't hang together, we most assuredly will hang separately." I'd be wary of downplaying the commitment of resources we're making to HR 4720. The incremental cost may not be huge since we'd be on the Hill anyway, but the lion's share of our legislative relations effort over the part eight months has been devoted to getting the bill introduced and getting cosponsors. Dave K1ZZ -----Original Message----- From: Johnston, Gary (Dir, GL) Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 7:38 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:7925] Re: (no subject) on 11/4/02 8:47 PM, W5JBP@aol.com at W5JBP@aol.com wrote: Sirs, I don't support the CC&R issue and feel the ARRL should stop wasting resources on it. People know the restrictions imposed on them when they move into a controlled area and must live with them. Nothing the ARRL is going to do will change this. If the ARRL continues to waste resources in this manner, it will certainly loose it's credibility with much of its membership. Of course if the only reason the ARRL is doing this is a result of donations received from its membership. Then it is easy to see why it would peruse an obviously futal cause. The clock is ticking and such causes will only hurt this organization in the long-run. Regards, James M Smith KC8SKX I have heard this same sentiment from at least one other ham in the GL Division. It is premised on a "don't rock the boat" - "don't wake the sleeping giant" mentality. And indeed there is some slight fear that the condo associations lobby will come out of the woodwork for this one. But so what? If I were in a condo association I would expect a radio organization to take this stance. And if we don't fight the CC&R's, I suspect it will embolden others attempt to erode the federal preemption itself. This is a good fight for us, and I believe we should be putting more resources into this than a few trips low budget trips to Washington. But let me be even more clear. If James here represents the 2nd person from the Great Lakes Division to echo this line of thought, there have been hundreds of others who have sat through my PowerPoint presentation on CC&R's and all but cheered the League's efforts. Far from doing this just because "donations have been received from the membership," we are doing this because we have a mandate from the membership to save/restore their antennas, and they are articulating that mandate with their wallets. 73, Gary KI4LA
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ