[ARRL-ODV:10291] Re: RM-10867 assigned to ARRL restructuring petition

Folks, please don't read anything more into the "date change" by the FCC Secretary's office than there really was; it is apparent to me what happened. The cover sheet of our petition indicates that it was for the attention of the Chief, WTB. There was no cover letter with the petition. When it arrived at the Mass Avenue filing location outside FCC, some moron working there sent it to the Wireless Bureau, which lost it, and the copies filed with it. It should have been delivered to the Secretary's office at FCC. When Cross took a copy down showing our date stamp (which read "bureau" on it rather than "Office of the Secretary" the Secretary's office realized that they had never had it before, and they couldn't process the petition in their normal course unless they had it stamped in as of some date in that office. So, they considered the day that Cross brought it to them as the date received by them, hence the date change. There isn't anything worthy of a Congressional hearing about this; it was just normal FCC screwing up. Occam's Razor applies: the simplest explanation is the best. 73, Chris W3KD
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