[arrl-odv:34131] W6UOU SK in 2021

In the 1950s and 60s, Henry Radio, with three stores run by the Henry brothers, W0ARA, W6ZN, and W6UOU, was likely the largest ham radio equipment dealer in the USA. Later, Henry amplifiers, such as the 2-K were widespread. There was an ARRL News story about Ted Henry, W6UOU, in 2020. Henry Radio Los Angeles Founder Ted Henry, W6UOU, is 100 | | | | | | | | | | | Henry Radio Los Angeles Founder Ted Henry, W6UOU, is 100 The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the... | | | At last Saturday's San Diego Hamfest in Lakeside, I learned that Ted had passed away at age 101.5, a year and a half ago. It was surprising that this did not even make Silent Keys, but I guess the family kept it quiet. I also learned that Bob Burchett, WB6SLC, recently purchased the remainder of the Henry Radio business. Bob is now operating two radio stores. The newest of the stores is All Day Electronics Radios in Ramona, CA, operated with WA6HXM, Peter Von Hagen. I was chairman of the DX Convention in 1978, when I moved it from Fresno to Visalia. Ted Henry was the banquet speaker that year. Just before the convention, I had the opportunity to visit him in his newly rebuilt home, and see the swimming pool that Ted and his family were in while watching their house burn during one of Southern California's big wildfires. Ted's talk allowed a good number of hams to get to know something about an otherwise very quiet, prominent California ham. 73, Dick, N6AA
participants (1)
Richard Norton