[arrl-odv:16689] Re: FW: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio

Just to be on the safe side, I forwarded it to Riley Hollingsworth, and he indicated, in a charitably paraphrased reply, that he has received numerous other similar complaints from Reich, and that no one has ever been able to substantiate any of them. Riley is comfortable that if a police department is getting jammed, they will very quickly raise the subject with FCC directly. 73, Chris W3KD -----Original Message----- From: K8JE <K8JE@arrl.org> To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 12:19 pm Subject: [arrl-odv:16687] FW: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio Ladies and Gentlemen, Knowing the writer of the attached memo, it is likely that each of you (but not me) has received the same memo directly from him. Vice Director Marty Woll was kind enough to forward the memo on to me. My only comment is, "You have to know Dale Reich before you judge the memo." 73, Jim Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director ARRL Great Lakes Division 5065 Bethany Rd. Mason, OH 45040 E-mail: k8je@arrl.org; Tel.: 513-459-0142 ARRL - The Reason Amateur Radio Is! Members - The Reason ARRL Is! -----Original Message----- From: Marty Woll [mailto:n6vi@socal.rr.com] Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 11:58 AM To: Jim Weaver K8JE Subject: Fw: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio Hi, Jim. I presume you received this already from your constituent, but just in case . . . 73, Marty Marty Woll N6VI Vice-Director, ARRL Southwestern Division ADEC, ARES-LAX-NW BCUL 15, LAFD ACS CERT ----- Original Message ----- From: <k8ad@neo.rr.com> To: <n6aa@arrl.org> Cc: <n6vi@arrl.org> Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 2:04 AM Subject: Fwd: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio
We have hams helping jammers, FCC won't act... Dale Reich 141 North Center Seville, Ohio 44273
Telephone (330) 769-3071
Attached Message From: k8ad@neo.rr.com To: hq@arrl.org Cc: k8ad@hotmail.com Subject: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:41:36 -0400 Hello: A repeater jammer who apperently is jamming at times several repeaters including stations on 442.150 Mhz, 444.200 Mhz, 146.760Mhz, and a host of other frequencys in North Eastern Ohio. At times have been noticed in the Greater Columbus, Ohio repeaters at time. This jammer has also been harassing Public Safety frequencys in this general area. This general "Big Bozo" (As named by the folks on the 442.150 Group) has als made mention that he has been in there area on police and fire frequencys jammiong and harassing police / fire dispatchers mobile.
From monitoring reports on one Sunday Morning till about noon the jammer was noticed mobile, and perhaps at 3 vast distance apart in two far to travel at even fast highway speed to travel from one point to another. So the conclusion would be there are at least 2 violators, or even 3 violators in a planned attack on the police repeaters.
While I was home yesterday in the morning the "Big Bozo" was active in the early morning to past mid-noon in the greater Ashland / Mansfield Area. This pattern of active harassment started in the greater Barberton / Norton Ohio several years ago on Police Frequencys, then Later Fire Frequency we are speaking of the same "Tape Segment" broad cast over and over again. It was noticed on some police frequencys on the output of police repeater in the simplex mode with a absence of the PL Tone. Perhaps this is to make the general public think who monitor via scanner that the police and fire employees are a bunch of jerks or goof balls. A active bad PR campaing by a "Nut-Case" to bring public a thought that the public safety folks are goofing off. However at time the same "Big Bozo" go on the input of the police repeater with active PL tone to broadcast the harasment. A monitor repoerted on WED this week the Jammer was present on the 444.200 Mhz Repeater in Summit County, and that same monitor also reported that a GMRS repeater in Summit County experenced the same repeater jamming at times also in the past. A major issue is the suspect's travels and the unusual time patterns in the area along with the ability to jam VHF and UHF witch switching back and fourth rasing radio cahos. With a Technical data that on repeater tones in all services. In talking with several police and fire officals there is no cordinated attack on the "Big Bozo" no one is making formal complaints to the FCC or FBI and the thinking from each department is that its one of there own employee's or department members. One fire offical stated they set off the Tornado Sirens more than once all day long and they blaimed the Medina County Sheriff Office, but in fact perhaps a year later The Brunswick Police department also experenced the same problem. In talking to friends and folks conected with the +270 Tornado Sirens in Greater Columbus Area told of story as with the Medina County Sheriff system, and it cost $700 each to fix to prevent un-authorized access. The incidents on a collective view point suggest that this could be several business in a collective effort to sell new systems or services, as one low ranking police officer offered as motive for the inforamtion he has. I had the chance to hear the voice that was jamming one police dispatch point and the voice was of a local ham because of his pattern, sysntex, and wording it could have been a digital tape. I was having trouble with my UHF base station and for more than a year it would not work with a full 50 Watts Ouput, High SWR, Bad Antenna, Bad Cable. it was working and I had lots of spare part's for the system all used or cheep ham fest items. After a long time of trial I was getting read to send the transeiver back for repairs as it had me beat, as I disconected the antenna the UHF jumped to life, it was a Brand New N conector Adaptor to UHF that was not making center pin connection to the UHF Hard line. Upon inspection the Adaptor was ok. the N conector was the wrong on on the hard line cable it had a 72 Ohm on one end and a 50 Ohm on the other. Each one of the Hard Lines had the same configerations making some changes the UHF now worked. I made a Sereis of UHF ham test calls using the several UHF antennas I had late that night perhaps 2 AM to 5 AM. I did ID with call sign perahps a little unusual, but wanted to hear the reepater come back, and perhaps talk to some one just to re-insure my ability to get into them. Most ham will just plunk the repaper with out ID, but I used ID becasue I was also using a several small beams. The very next day my voice started to appear with my Test Calls on VHF repeaters in the greater Cleveland, and Akron Ham Repeaters. My digital voice came over my 1,000 channel scanner of and on for several weeks. The violator is in this area with a base station and a digital voice recorder perhaps scannering a host of frequencys. This limits it to a few countys in the ares. I recall a e-mail a few years ago that told of a ham with a computer in the area hooked up to radio digital recording his club repeater that was far away his home near Strongville, I get a lot of e-mails and from time to time keep some and pitch othere, but I just recalled it while typing this message. This fellow works a regular job at a fixed location and could not be mobile at the times of the incidents. In conclusion the "OO" of the arrl are to slow to react to a rappid chanin of events from this group of suspect jammers. Both the Wadsworth Police Chief, and the Safety Director who' s officers caught a jammer ID as "Matt-Moss" (Fake Name in the News Paper Articles) did not charge the Jammer who is un-licensed, and even had to return his radio. This Jammer lives in RITTMAN, Ohio and also Inprosinated a Medina County Sheriff Officer to my mother reported to the Seville, Police Department several times. He was also reportedt in his mobile to have police frequencys installed TX and RX, had a Motorola Portable TX and Rec on Wadsworth Police and this also was reported to Seville Police witch was not shared with Wadsworth Police from the Seville Police Report. This fellow had help from Hams, and Police officers to Program his radio in the area. This person also sold offduty radio to police officers and firemen in the ares. So his true ID becasue of the help provided by police officers was shieled by the police members, who had a intrest of some bad Police Public relations if it should ever be know radios that officer purchassed came from this "one" jammer. News paper report state they could not charge the guy, Its a felony to breqak into the public service in Ohio, Ohio Criminal Tools pehaps the the radio is. Oh by the way he has several radios. Not only only one radio. However a extensive search for the "Matt-Moss" a fake name given to the news media, reveiled only one in the State from near Columbus with is not the Jammer, perhaps Matt-Moss needs to get a Lawyer and Talk to the Wadsworth Police Chief, and Former Safety Diorector of Wadsworth. I had a conversation with the Wadworth Police Chief, witch the true name was ID to me. This fellow has been reported harassing folks on MURS radio in the area also. The fellow came by trying to sell some "Hot" CB radios witchwe chassed him off and reported him to the police again they did nothing. The Wadsworth Police chief told me he did have "Hot" radios, so why did they return the radios? The wadworth police chief also stated the FCC would not act. The Wasworth Police chief inplyed they were trying to clean up there act internal of sorts, but again nothing is being shared with other agency, or repeater folks. Again I stress a number of Hams in the area including some who are cops hellped this fellow with programing, of his radios knowing he was not a cop, not licensed, and porogramed his radio TX on numbers of channels. This is a "Jig-Saw" puzzle of radio services harassed, and aid rendered to a un-licensed fellow. The police give him his radio back, while he make a jamming or harassing call rite in frount of his face! Obstruction of offical business is a felony in Ohio. So there are at best (3) felonys in then direct presence of a investigationg police officer view and no charges. OH Well Dale Reich 141 North Center Seville, Ohio 44273 Telephone (330) 769-3071 From: <k8ad@neo.rr.com> To: <hq@arrl.org> Cc: <k8ad@hotmail.com> Subject: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:41:36 -0400 Message-ID: <30663934.326861209112897013.JavaMail.root@cdptpa-web22-z02> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 11 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3198 Thread-Index: Acim7lJIWTnunn+mSqufCvTI/8w+8A== Hello: A repeater jammer who apperently is jamming at times several repeaters including stations on 442.150 Mhz, 444.200 Mhz, 146.760Mhz, and a host of other frequencys in North Eastern Ohio. At times have been noticed in the Greater Columbus, Ohio repeaters at time. This jammer has also been harassing Public Safety frequencys in this general area. This general "Big Bozo" (As named by the folks on the 442.150 Group) has als made mention that he has been in there area on police and fire frequencys jammiong and harassing police / fire dispatchers mobile.
From monitoring reports on one Sunday Morning till about noon the jammer was noticed mobile, and perhaps at 3 vast distance apart in two far to travel at even fast highway speed to travel from one point to another. So the conclusion would be there are at least 2 violators, or even 3 violators in a planned attack on the police repeaters.
While I was home yesterday in the morning the "Big Bozo" was active in the early morning to past mid-noon in the greater Ashland / Mansfield Area. This pattern of active harassment started in the greater Barberton / Norton Ohio several years ago on Police Frequencys, then Later Fire Frequency we are speaking of the same "Tape Segment" broad cast over and over again. It was noticed on some police frequencys on the output of police repeater in the simplex mode with a absence of the PL Tone. Perhaps this is to make the general public think who monitor via scanner that the police and fire employees are a bunch of jerks or goof balls. A active bad PR campaing by a "Nut-Case" to bring public a thought that the public safety folks are goofing off. However at time the same "Big Bozo" go on the input of the police repeater with active PL tone to broadcast the harasment. A monitor repoerted on WED this week the Jammer was present on the 444.200 Mhz Repeater in Summit County, and that same monitor also reported that a GMRS repeater in Summit County experenced the same repeater jamming at times also in the past. A major issue is the suspect's travels and the unusual time patterns in the area along with the ability to jam VHF and UHF witch switching back and fourth rasing radio cahos. With a Technical data that on repeater tones in all services. In talking with several police and fire officals there is no cordinated attack on the "Big Bozo" no one is making formal complaints to the FCC or FBI and the thinking from each department is that its one of there own employee's or department members. One fire offical stated they set off the Tornado Sirens more than once all day long and they blaimed the Medina County Sheriff Office, but in fact perhaps a year later The Brunswick Police department also experenced the same problem. In talking to friends and folks conected with the +270 Tornado Sirens in Greater Columbus Area told of story as with the Medina County Sheriff system, and it cost $700 each to fix to prevent un-authorized access. The incidents on a collective view point suggest that this could be several business in a collective effort to sell new systems or services, as one low ranking police officer offered as motive for the inforamtion he has. I had the chance to hear the voice that was jamming one police dispatch point and the voice was of a local ham because of his pattern, sysntex, and wording it could have been a digital tape. I was having trouble with my UHF base station and for more than a year it would not work with a full 50 Watts Ouput, High SWR, Bad Antenna, Bad Cable. it was working and I had lots of spare part's for the system all used or cheep ham fest items. After a long time of trial I was getting read to send the transeiver back for repairs as it had me beat, as I disconected the antenna the UHF jumped to life, it was a Brand New N conector Adaptor to UHF that was not making center pin connection to the UHF Hard line. Upon inspection the Adaptor was ok. the N conector was the wrong on on the hard line cable it had a 72 Ohm on one end and a 50 Ohm on the other. Each one of the Hard Lines had the same configerations making some changes the UHF now worked. I made a Sereis of UHF ham test calls using the several UHF antennas I had late that night perhaps 2 AM to 5 AM. I did ID with call sign perahps a little unusual, but wanted to hear the reepater come back, and perhaps talk to some one just to re-insure my ability to get into them. Most ham will just plunk the repaper with out ID, but I used ID becasue I was also using a several small beams. The very next day my voice started to appear with my Test Calls on VHF repeaters in the greater Cleveland, and Akron Ham Repeaters. My digital voice came over my 1,000 channel scanner of and on for several weeks. The violator is in this area with a base station and a digital voice recorder perhaps scannering a host of frequencys. This limits it to a few countys in the ares. I recall a e-mail a few years ago that told of a ham with a computer in the area hooked up to radio digital recording his club repeater that was far away his home near Strongville, I get a lot of e-mails and from time to time keep some and pitch othere, but I just recalled it while typing this message. This fellow works a regular job at a fixed location and could not be mobile at the times of the incidents. In conclusion the "OO" of the arrl are to slow to react to a rappid chanin of events from this group of suspect jammers. Both the Wadsworth Police Chief, and the Safety Director who' s officers caught a jammer ID as "Matt-Moss" (Fake Name in the News Paper Articles) did not charge the Jammer who is un-licensed, and even had to return his radio. This Jammer lives in RITTMAN, Ohio and also Inprosinated a Medina County Sheriff Officer to my mother reported to the Seville, Police Department several times. He was also reportedt in his mobile to have police frequencys installed TX and RX, had a Motorola Portable TX and Rec on Wadsworth Police and this also was reported to Seville Police witch was not shared with Wadsworth Police from the Seville Police Report. This fellow had help from Hams, and Police officers to Program his radio in the area. This person also sold offduty radio to police officers and firemen in the ares. So his true ID becasue of the help provided by police officers was shieled by the police members, who had a intrest of some bad Police Public relations if it should ever be know radios that officer purchassed came from this "one" jammer. News paper report state they could not charge the guy, Its a felony to breqak into the public service in Ohio, Ohio Criminal Tools pehaps the the radio is. Oh by the way he has several radios. Not only only one radio. However a extensive search for the "Matt-Moss" a fake name given to the news media, reveiled only one in the State from near Columbus with is not the Jammer, perhaps Matt-Moss needs to get a Lawyer and Talk to the Wadsworth Police Chief, and Former Safety Diorector of Wadsworth. I had a conversation with the Wadworth Police Chief, witch the true name was ID to me. This fellow has been reported harassing folks on MURS radio in the area also. The fellow came by trying to sell some "Hot" CB radios witchwe chassed him off and reported him to the police again they did nothing. The Wadsworth Police chief told me he did have "Hot" radios, so why did they return the radios? The wadworth police chief also stated the FCC would not act. The Wasworth Police chief inplyed they were trying to clean up there act internal of sorts, but again nothing is being shared with other agency, or repeater folks. Again I stress a number of Hams in the area including some who are cops hellped this fellow with programing, of his radios knowing he was not a cop, not licensed, and porogramed his radio TX on numbers of channels. This is a "Jig-Saw" puzzle of radio services harassed, and aid rendered to a un-licensed fellow. The police give him his radio back, while he make a jamming or harassing call rite in frount of his face! Obstruction of offical business is a felony in Ohio. So there are at best (3) felonys in then direct presence of a investigationg police officer view and no charges. OH Well Dale Reich 141 North Center Seville, Ohio 44273 Telephone (330) 769-3071

Ah, yes, to know Dale is to love Dale. Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director ARRL Great Lakes Division 5065 Bethany Rd. Mason, OH 45040 E-mail: <mailto:k8je@arrl.org> k8je@arrl.org; Tel.: 513-459-0142 ARRL - The Reason Amateur Radio Is! Members - The Reason ARRL Is! _____ From: w3kd@aol.com [mailto:w3kd@aol.com] Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 12:36 PM To: K8JE@arrl.org; arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:16687] FW: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio Just to be on the safe side, I forwarded it to Riley Hollingsworth, and he indicated, in a charitably paraphrased reply, that he has received numerous other similar complaints from Reich, and that no one has ever been able to substantiate any of them. Riley is comfortable that if a police department is getting jammed, they will very quickly raise the subject with FCC directly. 73, Chris W3KD -----Original Message----- From: K8JE <K8JE@arrl.org> To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 12:19 pm Subject: [arrl-odv:16687] FW: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio Ladies and Gentlemen, Knowing the writer of the attached memo, it is likely that each of you (but not me) has received the same memo directly from him. Vice Director Marty Woll was kind enough to forward the memo on to me. My only comment is, "You have to know Dale Reich before you judge the memo." 73, Jim Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director ARRL Great Lakes Division 5065 Bethany Rd. Mason, OH 45040 E-mail: k8je@arrl.org; Tel.: 513-459-0142 ARRL - The Reason Amateur Radio Is! Members - The Reason ARRL Is! -----Original Message----- From: Marty Woll [mailto:n6vi@socal.rr.com <mailto:n6vi@socal.rr.com?> ] Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 11:58 AM To: Jim Weaver K8JE Subject: Fw: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio Hi, Jim. I presume you received this already from your constituent, but just in case . . . 73, Marty Marty Woll N6VI Vice-Director, ARRL Southwestern Division ADEC, ARES-LAX-NW BCUL 15, LAFD ACS CERT ----- Original Message ----- From: <k8ad@neo.rr.com> To: <n6aa@arrl.org> Cc: <n6vi@arrl.org> Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 2:04 AM Subject: Fwd: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio
We have hams helping jammers, FCC won't act... Dale Reich 141 North Center Seville, Ohio 44273
Telephone (330) 769-3071
Attached Message From: k8ad@neo.rr.com To: hq@arrl.org Cc: k8ad@hotmail.com Subject: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:41:36 -0400 Hello: A repeater jammer who apperently is jamming at times several repeaters including stations on 442.150 Mhz, 444.200 Mhz, 146.760Mhz, and a host of other frequencys in North Eastern Ohio. At times have been noticed in the Greater Columbus, Ohio repeaters at time. This jammer has also been harassing Public Safety frequencys in this general area. This general "Big Bozo" (As named by the folks on the 442.150 Group) has als made mention that he has been in there area on police and fire frequencys jammiong and harassing police / fire dispatchers mobile.
From monitoring reports on one Sunday Morning till about noon the jammer was noticed mobile, and perhaps at 3 vast distance apart in two far to travel at even fast highway speed to travel from one point to another. So the conclusion would be there are at least 2 violators, or even 3 violators in a planned attack on the police repeaters.
While I was home yesterday in the morning the "Big Bozo" was active in the early morning to past mid-noon in the greater Ashland / Mansfield Area. This pattern of active harassment started in the greater Barberton / Norton Ohio several years ago on Police Frequencys, then Later Fire Frequency we are speaking of the same "Tape Segment" broad cast over and over again. It was noticed on some police frequencys on the output of police repeater in the simplex mode with a absence of the PL Tone. Perhaps this is to make the general public think who monitor via scanner that the police and fire employees are a bunch of jerks or goof balls. A active bad PR campaing by a "Nut-Case" to bring public a thought that the public safety folks are goofing off. However at time the same "Big Bozo" go on the input of the police repeater with active PL tone to broadcast the harasment. A monitor repoerted on WED this week the Jammer was present on the 444.200 Mhz Repeater in Summit County, and that same monitor also reported that a GMRS repeater in Summit County experenced the same repeater jamming at times also in the past. A major issue is the suspect's travels and the unusual time patterns in the area along with the ability to jam VHF and UHF witch switching back and fourth rasing radio cahos. With a Technical data that on repeater tones in all services. In talking with several police and fire officals there is no cordinated attack on the "Big Bozo" no one is making formal complaints to the FCC or FBI and the thinking from each department is that its one of there own employee's or department members. One fire offical stated they set off the Tornado Sirens more than once all day long and they blaimed the Medina County Sheriff Office, but in fact perhaps a year later The Brunswick Police department also experenced the same problem. In talking to friends and folks conected with the +270 Tornado Sirens in Greater Columbus Area told of story as with the Medina County Sheriff system, and it cost $700 each to fix to prevent un-authorized access. The incidents on a collective view point suggest that this could be several business in a collective effort to sell new systems or services, as one low ranking police officer offered as motive for the inforamtion he has. I had the chance to hear the voice that was jamming one police dispatch point and the voice was of a local ham because of his pattern, sysntex, and wording it could have been a digital tape. I was having trouble with my UHF base station and for more than a year it would not work with a full 50 Watts Ouput, High SWR, Bad Antenna, Bad Cable. it was working and I had lots of spare part's for the system all used or cheep ham fest items. After a long time of trial I was getting read to send the transeiver back for repairs as it had me beat, as I disconected the antenna the UHF jumped to life, it was a Brand New N conector Adaptor to UHF that was not making center pin connection to the UHF Hard line. Upon inspection the Adaptor was ok. the N conector was the wrong on on the hard line cable it had a 72 Ohm on one end and a 50 Ohm on the other. Each one of the Hard Lines had the same configerations making some changes the UHF now worked. I made a Sereis of UHF ham test calls using the several UHF antennas I had late that night perhaps 2 AM to 5 AM. I did ID with call sign perahps a little unusual, but wanted to hear the reepater come back, and perhaps talk to some one just to re-insure my ability to get into them. Most ham will just plunk the repaper with out ID, but I used ID becasue I was also using a several small beams. The very next day my voice started to appear with my Test Calls on VHF repeaters in the greater Cleveland, and Akron Ham Repeaters. My digital voice came over my 1,000 channel scanner of and on for several weeks. The violator is in this area with a base station and a digital voice recorder perhaps scannering a host of frequencys. This limits it to a few countys in the ares. I recall a e-mail a few years ago that told of a ham with a computer in the area hooked up to radio digital recording his club repeater that was far away his home near Strongville, I get a lot of e-mails and from time to time keep some and pitch othere, but I just recalled it while typing this message. This fellow works a regular job at a fixed location and could not be mobile at the times of the incidents. In conclusion the "OO" of the arrl are to slow to react to a rappid chanin of events from this group of suspect jammers. Both the Wadsworth Police Chief, and the Safety Director who' s officers caught a jammer ID as "Matt-Moss" (Fake Name in the News Paper Articles) did not charge the Jammer who is un-licensed, and even had to return his radio. This Jammer lives in RITTMAN, Ohio and also Inprosinated a Medina County Sheriff Officer to my mother reported to the Seville, Police Department several times. He was also reportedt in his mobile to have police frequencys installed TX and RX, had a Motorola Portable TX and Rec on Wadsworth Police and this also was reported to Seville Police witch was not shared with Wadsworth Police from the Seville Police Report. This fellow had help from Hams, and Police officers to Program his radio in the area. This person also sold offduty radio to police officers and firemen in the ares. So his true ID becasue of the help provided by police officers was shieled by the police members, who had a intrest of some bad Police Public relations if it should ever be know radios that officer purchassed came from this "one" jammer. News paper report state they could not charge the guy, Its a felony to breqak into the public service in Ohio, Ohio Criminal Tools pehaps the the radio is. Oh by the way he has several radios. Not only only one radio. However a extensive search for the "Matt-Moss" a fake name given to the news media, reveiled only one in the State from near Columbus with is not the Jammer, perhaps Matt-Moss needs to get a Lawyer and Talk to the Wadsworth Police Chief, and Former Safety Diorector of Wadsworth. I had a conversation with the Wadworth Police Chief, witch the true name was ID to me. This fellow has been reported harassing folks on MURS radio in the area also. The fellow came by trying to sell some "Hot" CB radios witchwe chassed him off and reported him to the police again they did nothing. The Wadsworth Police chief told me he did have "Hot" radios, so why did they return the radios? The wadworth police chief also stated the FCC would not act. The Wasworth Police chief inplyed they were trying to clean up there act internal of sorts, but again nothing is being shared with other agency, or repeater folks. Again I stress a number of Hams in the area including some who are cops hellped this fellow with programing, of his radios knowing he was not a cop, not licensed, and porogramed his radio TX on numbers of channels. This is a "Jig-Saw" puzzle of radio services harassed, and aid rendered to a un-licensed fellow. The police give him his radio back, while he make a jamming or harassing call rite in frount of his face! Obstruction of offical business is a felony in Ohio. So there are at best (3) felonys in then direct presence of a investigationg police officer view and no charges. OH Well Dale Reich 141 North Center Seville, Ohio 44273 Telephone (330) 769-3071 From: <k8ad@neo.rr.com> To: <hq@arrl.org> Cc: <k8ad@hotmail.com> Subject: Repeater Jammers - Public Safety Radio Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:41:36 -0400 Message-ID: <30663934.326861209112897013.JavaMail.root@cdptpa-web22-z02> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 11 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3198 Thread-Index: Acim7lJIWTnunn+mSqufCvTI/8w+8A== Hello: A repeater jammer who apperently is jamming at times several repeaters including stations on 442.150 Mhz, 444.200 Mhz, 146.760Mhz, and a host of other frequencys in North Eastern Ohio. At times have been noticed in the Greater Columbus, Ohio repeaters at time. This jammer has also been harassing Public Safety frequencys in this general area. This general "Big Bozo" (As named by the folks on the 442.150 Group) has als made mention that he has been in there area on police and fire frequencys jammiong and harassing police / fire dispatchers mobile.
From monitoring reports on one Sunday Morning till about noon the jammer was noticed mobile, and perhaps at 3 vast distance apart in two far to travel at even fast highway speed to travel from one point to another. So the conclusion would be there are at least 2 violators, or even 3 violators in a planned attack on the police repeaters.
While I was home yesterday in the morning the "Big Bozo" was active in the early morning to past mid-noon in the greater Ashland / Mansfield Area. This pattern of active harassment started in the greater Barberton / Norton Ohio several years ago on Police Frequencys, then Later Fire Frequency we are speaking of the same "Tape Segment" broad cast over and over again. It was noticed on some police frequencys on the output of police repeater in the simplex mode with a absence of the PL Tone. Perhaps this is to make the general public think who monitor via scanner that the police and fire employees are a bunch of jerks or goof balls. A active bad PR campaing by a "Nut-Case" to bring public a thought that the public safety folks are goofing off. However at time the same "Big Bozo" go on the input of the police repeater with active PL tone to broadcast the harasment. A monitor repoerted on WED this week the Jammer was present on the 444.200 Mhz Repeater in Summit County, and that same monitor also reported that a GMRS repeater in Summit County experenced the same repeater jamming at times also in the past. A major issue is the suspect's travels and the unusual time patterns in the area along with the ability to jam VHF and UHF witch switching back and fourth rasing radio cahos. With a Technical data that on repeater tones in all services. In talking with several police and fire officals there is no cordinated attack on the "Big Bozo" no one is making formal complaints to the FCC or FBI and the thinking from each department is that its one of there own employee's or department members. One fire offical stated they set off the Tornado Sirens more than once all day long and they blaimed the Medina County Sheriff Office, but in fact perhaps a year later The Brunswick Police department also experenced the same problem. In talking to friends and folks conected with the +270 Tornado Sirens in Greater Columbus Area told of story as with the Medina County Sheriff system, and it cost $700 each to fix to prevent un-authorized access. The incidents on a collective view point suggest that this could be several business in a collective effort to sell new systems or services, as one low ranking police officer offered as motive for the inforamtion he has. I had the chance to hear the voice that was jamming one police dispatch point and the voice was of a local ham because of his pattern, sysntex, and wording it could have been a digital tape. I was having trouble with my UHF base station and for more than a year it would not work with a full 50 Watts Ouput, High SWR, Bad Antenna, Bad Cable. it was working and I had lots of spare part's for the system all used or cheep ham fest items. After a long time of trial I was getting read to send the transeiver back for repairs as it had me beat, as I disconected the antenna the UHF jumped to life, it was a Brand New N conector Adaptor to UHF that was not making center pin connection to the UHF Hard line. Upon inspection the Adaptor was ok. the N conector was the wrong on on the hard line cable it had a 72 Ohm on one end and a 50 Ohm on the other. Each one of the Hard Lines had the same configerations making some changes the UHF now worked. I made a Sereis of UHF ham test calls using the several UHF antennas I had late that night perhaps 2 AM to 5 AM. I did ID with call sign perahps a little unusual, but wanted to hear the reepater come back, and perhaps talk to some one just to re-insure my ability to get into them. Most ham will just plunk the repaper with out ID, but I used ID becasue I was also using a several small beams. The very next day my voice started to appear with my Test Calls on VHF repeaters in the greater Cleveland, and Akron Ham Repeaters. My digital voice came over my 1,000 channel scanner of and on for several weeks. The violator is in this area with a base station and a digital voice recorder perhaps scannering a host of frequencys. This limits it to a few countys in the ares. I recall a e-mail a few years ago that told of a ham with a computer in the area hooked up to radio digital recording his club repeater that was far away his home near Strongville, I get a lot of e-mails and from time to time keep some and pitch othere, but I just recalled it while typing this message. This fellow works a regular job at a fixed location and could not be mobile at the times of the incidents. In conclusion the "OO" of the arrl are to slow to react to a rappid chanin of events from this group of suspect jammers. Both the Wadsworth Police Chief, and the Safety Director who' s officers caught a jammer ID as "Matt-Moss" (Fake Name in the News Paper Articles) did not charge the Jammer who is un-licensed, and even had to return his radio. This Jammer lives in RITTMAN, Ohio and also Inprosinated a Medina County Sheriff Officer to my mother reported to the Seville, Police Department several times. He was also reportedt in his mobile to have police frequencys installed TX and RX, had a Motorola Portable TX and Rec on Wadsworth Police and this also was reported to Seville Police witch was not shared with Wadsworth Police from the Seville Police Report. This fellow had help from Hams, and Police officers to Program his radio in the area. This person also sold offduty radio to police officers and firemen in the ares. So his true ID becasue of the help provided by police officers was shieled by the police members, who had a intrest of some bad Police Public relations if it should ever be know radios that officer purchassed came from this "one" jammer. News paper report state they could not charge the guy, Its a felony to breqak into the public service in Ohio, Ohio Criminal Tools pehaps the the radio is. Oh by the way he has several radios. Not only only one radio. However a extensive search for the "Matt-Moss" a fake name given to the news media, reveiled only one in the State from near Columbus with is not the Jammer, perhaps Matt-Moss needs to get a Lawyer and Talk to the Wadsworth Police Chief, and Former Safety Diorector of Wadsworth. I had a conversation with the Wadworth Police Chief, witch the true name was ID to me. This fellow has been reported harassing folks on MURS radio in the area also. The fellow came by trying to sell some "Hot" CB radios witchwe chassed him off and reported him to the police again they did nothing. The Wadsworth Police chief told me he did have "Hot" radios, so why did they return the radios? The wadworth police chief also stated the FCC would not act. The Wasworth Police chief inplyed they were trying to clean up there act internal of sorts, but again nothing is being shared with other agency, or repeater folks. Again I stress a number of Hams in the area including some who are cops hellped this fellow with programing, of his radios knowing he was not a cop, not licensed, and porogramed his radio TX on numbers of channels. This is a "Jig-Saw" puzzle of radio services harassed, and aid rendered to a un-licensed fellow. The police give him his radio back, while he make a jamming or harassing call rite in frount of his face! Obstruction of offical business is a felony in Ohio. So there are at best (3) felonys in then direct presence of a investigationg police officer view and no charges. OH Well Dale Reich 141 North Center Seville, Ohio 44273 Telephone (330) 769-3071 _____ Plan your next roadtrip with MapQuest.com <http://www.mapquest.com/?ncid=mpqmap00030000000004> : America's #1 Mapping Site.
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