[arrl-odv:21538] IN-News

<<021313.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 36, No. 7 February 13, 2013 -- Covers the period February 3-9. Upcoming Meetings and Events Executive Committee: March 9 @ 8:30am - Irving, TX Administration & Finance Committee April 13 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Regulatory Information Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND The past several weeks have been spent with a wide variety of routine tasks. Once the January Board of Director's minutes were approved, the Legislative agenda and associated pages on the website were updated. Several other updates were made to various pages on the website. A problem in updating VC/VCE information was discovered and resolved by the IT Staff. The 2013 ARRL Field Day information packet was proofed, finalized and posted to the ARRL Web on January 31st. Since posting the file, we have started to receive a regular stream of questions from members and groups. Special thanks to Angel Santana, WP3GW, for the Spanish translation of the rules. The 2013 Field Day shirt design has been approved and should be available by April 1st. The Straight Key Night write-up for QST was also drafted and sent to the Contest Branch for handling. We have worked with General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, on trying to clarify a series questions related to the Myles Landstein antenna case. At the request of Ron Hashiro, AH6RH, we reviewed a piece of mobile electronics legislation that was introduced into the Hawaii legislature. As written, the bill should not impact Amateur Radio mobile operation. The issue of whether the ROS mode is legal for HF in the US was again raised by a member. Seems the developer (a Spaniard) continues to blame the ARRL for it not being allowed on HF bands in the US. ROS is Spread Spectrum modulation and is therefore not permitted in the US on bands below 222 MHz by Part 97. Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD Acceptance for scholarship applications through the ARRL Foundation closed on February 1. 212 submissions were received for 80 scholarship awards. The ARRL Foundation Scholarship Committee, headed by Director Dick Isely, W9GIG, will begin review of applications shortly, and recipients will be announced in May. The ARRL Foundation Board of Directors held the annual meeting via conference call on Tuesday, February 5. Along with standard reports, the Board also elected officers for 2013. Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM, was accepted to the Foundation Board of Directors. Motions included approving the 2012 Bill Orr W6SAI Technical Writing Award, awarding two grant proposals, and approving the Terms of Reference for two new memorial scholarships. Other Development activities include preparation for leadership giving, Legacy and Second Century Campaign donor listing for the annual report and preparation for expanding the SCC solicitation beyond the initial phase. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Bob Inderbitzen and Harold Kramer attended Orlando HamCation, the ARRL Southeastern Division Convention. Along with Director Greg Sarratt, they supported the busy ARRL booth throughout the 3-day event. Over 230 membership applications were collected, totaling 500 membership years, plus one initial Life Member payment. Monies collected at the event (largely dues) will approach $18,000. A breakdown of "new" memberships vs. "renewals" will be reported as soon as the applications are all processed. An emailing sent by Diane Petrilli to all Southeastern Division members and lapsed-members just 2 days before the convention contributed to the excellent membership results. 23 ARRL Award applications were also returned (mostly DXCC). As we've found at many recent events, there continues to be significant interest in the digital edition of QST-which was demonstrated on an iPad. Bob kept a photo blog throughout the event, posted on the ARRL Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151313711237408.472830.20069 212407&type=1&l=1b87c67b48. The photos generated lots of positive interest from members around the world. Bob has assembled a list of ARRL-sponsored presentations for Dayton Hamvention. We hope to have these committed to the slate of Hamvention forums very soon. Jackie Ferreira is working with Sue Fagan to produce a couple of ads for QST, promoting new publications. She's also wrapping-up planning for this year's line-up of ARRL Field Day gear; T-shirts, hats, pins, mugs, etc. Diane Petrilli reports that a large membership campaign is scheduled for mailing on February 21. The mailing list includes lapsed and "never" members. Prospective members and prospective hams can now sample a complete issue of the digital edition of QST. A prominent invitation to the sample issue is featured on the ARRL home page. Users must share their name, call sign, and email address (required) to receive a link to the sample edition. We're hopeful the effort will help grow our list of prospective member email addresses. Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity (reported by Steve Capodicasa): Week of Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 2/4/2013* 714 355 * Early closure on Friday, February 8 due to the blizzard. Most carriers canceled package pick-ups. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 6 Weeks W1AW Joe began the process of getting quotes from various contractors to perform electrical and mortar work at W1AW. The plans call for the station's brick exterior to be completely repointed. Also new lights and ceiling fans will be installed in the upstairs conference room. Joe processed one Qualifying Run certificate and one endorsement. He updated the web code practice files. Joe created the texts for the February W1AW Qualifying Runs. He also tracked down an issue with hum on the digital transmissions. Field Organization/Public Service Team Late in the week on Friday, February 8th, when a large blizzard/winter storm approached and hit the Northeast, ARRL Field Organization members, ARES and SKYWARN participants were among the radio amateurs who were activated or were placed on stand-by status to support their local served agencies. Some of after-action reports are beginning to be submitted to ARRL Headquarters. The deadline is Friday, February 15, for receipt of the Montana Section Manager election ballots. The Field Organization Team here at Headquarters is preparing to count the ballots on Tuesday, February 19. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All staff 2/18 Holiday Dan Henderson 2/14-2/18 AZ State Convention, Yuma, AZ Bob Inderbitzen 3/20-3/21 MAKE Media, Sebastopol, CA `` 3/22-3/24 RadioFest, Monterey, CA `` 3/25-3/26 PTO `` 4/4-4/6 AES Superfest, Milwaukee, WI Zack Lau 3/7-3/12 PTO Diane Petrilli 3/9-3/13 ASAE Conference, Colorado Springs, CO Barry Shelley 2/20-2/25 PTO
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ