Discussion with Members Outside Your Division

Recently a number of you have mentioned talking to Steve Waterman. Steve, of course, is a national figure and gets around a lot and it is good that he, as a member, has access to many of you. I want to caution you, though, about having any in-depth discussions regarding ARRL policy with Steve, or any member from outside your division without FIRST discussing it with the appropriate Director and making sure the Director is in the loop, and also it is your responsibility to ensure the member you are talking to understands he/she should be discussing the issue with their elected director. The reason is very simple. You are elected to represent a geographical constituency and if the elected representative from a division is approached by a member in their division regarding a policy issue and isn't convinced it has merit, there should not be an end-run arrangement to cut the respective director out of the loop. There is historical precedence here as well. We had an issue several years ago with one director who felt it was his "duty" to respond and discuss policy matters with any member from anywhere, and a couple of members who could not convince their duly elected representative of the merits of an issue simply cut their director out of the loop and went to the director outside their division, and this director felt it was his obligation to bring the issues to the board. It is NOT and this practice is simply out of line and does nothing but agitate, aggravate and destroy the democratic process by which our Articles of Association and By-Laws are founded. This director was informally admonished by the board and finally got the message. So, just remember, if you are called on the phone or discuss a matter with a member from outside your division it is REQUIRED that, if policy questions arise, you advise the person he must speak with his director and that you must bring the respective director in the loop BEFORE you have any discussion with the member from outside your division. If the respective director does not want you discussing policy matters with the member, then it is imperative that you honor that request. It doesn't matter who called who or how the contact was initiated. This is a very simple rule that I believe everyone understands, but is worth repeating given some of the comments I've heard recently concerning this issue. Just remember, again, bring the respective director in the loop BEFORE and honor any request that your appropriate colleague may have. 73 Joel W5ZN
participants (1)
Joel Harrison