[arrl-odv:13864] FCC Action - BPL Interference Complaint-Manassas, VA

Previously reported to you was a statement of our intention to file a complaint to the FCC Inspector General over the FCC's lack of action on the BPL interference complaints from radio amateurs in Manassas, VA. Our target date for the complaint was February 28. On that date, we received information from FCC that the interference complaint was being worked and something would be forthcoming. This information was credible enough that we decided to wait a few additional days. Monday, I gave Dave and Chris the green light to file the complaint with the FCC Inspector General. Yesterday, just prior to doing so, Chris telephoned Joe Casey at FCC to make one last inquiry about this matter. Mr. Casey told him letters had been written and signed and were being sent that day, and that Chris would receive a copy. At the end of the day yesterday, the correspondence was received from FCC and is attached. Dave, Chris, Paul and I have just completed a teleconference about this matter. Obviously, this is a stall from the FCC but they do acknowledge an interference problem with Mr. Agnew's situation. The FCC has tasked the city of Manassas to perform its own measurements and has requested additional information from the remaining four radio amateurs that have filed interference complaints, as you can see in the attached letters. Here is our further assessment:: 1. FCC is apparently not planning to perform their own test measurements. 2. Adhering to the 20 dB level will not solve the problem, but the city of Manassas will have a problem meeting that requirement. 3. We have previously rebutted the 20 dB level in our complaint to FCC. 4. The detail of information being requested from the amateurs by FCC has never been required in interference cases before, and it is unclear why Mr. Agnew's case was singled out based on detail since the other complaints also contained detailed documentation. Here is our approach: 1. Publicize this extensively since FCC is taking action against the city of Manassas for BPL interference. A web story is being prepared. 2. Rinaldo will meet this week with the radio amateurs that have been requested to provide additional information and offer assistance/advice in responding. He has already been in telephone contact with the group. 3. File our own response addressing our concern over the level of detail the FCC is requiring in this matter, which we have already provided. We will also take the opportunity to advise the FCC that Joe Casey promised us a web based complaint form, and that is yet to be seen. Our response will be discussed/reviewed at the EC meeting this weekend. 4. Send letters to each ARRL member in the 20110 zip code (Manassas) alerting them to this action in their area. 5. Prepare to have additional field measurements of our own taken, if needed, to rebut the city's measurements. . More information as this develops in the coming days. 73 Joel W5ZN -----Original Message----- From: w3kd@aol.com [mailto:w3kd@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 4:24 PM To: dsumner@arrl.org; joelh@centurytel.net; w5zn@arrl.org; ehare@arrl.org; prinaldo@mindspring.com; prinaldo@arrl.org Subject: Fwd: Manassas BPL complaints -----Original Message----- From: Katherine Power <Katherine.Power@fcc.gov> To: George <K4GVT@comcast.net>; James.Horwood@spiegelmck.com; Bill South <williamsouth@comcast.net>; Dwight <da@agnew.us>; Imlay, Chris <w3kd@arrl.org>; Walter Adams <wadams@comtechnologies.com>; W4HJL@aol.com; WC4J@arrl.net Cc: Joseph Casey <Joseph.Casey@fcc.gov> Sent: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 15:48:46 -0500 Subject: Manassas BPL complaints Gentlemen: Attached you will find copies of correspondence that we are sending you today via U.S. mail. The two letters from the FCC are self-explanatory and address complaints of harmful interference in the Manassas, Virginia area. The third attached file, "Agnew", is an attachment to both letters. Please remember that the FCC's ex parte rules apply to this matter. Consequently, in responding to these letters you must send a copy to all parties as listed above and in the body of the letters. We prefer to have the responses sent to us by U.S. mail, but you may send Email copies as well. Thank you, Katherine Power Spectrum Enforcement Division, Enforcement Bureau <<Complainant Letter.pdf>> <<Manassas Letter.pdf>> <<Agnew.pdf>>
participants (1)
Joel Harrison