[arrl-odv:19123] What would make linked-repeater-networks better within the Amateur Service? (fwd)

This dude that Bill Edgar briefed us on in an earlier email is apparently taking his cause to, what I assume, repeater organizations across the country. This was sent to the organization that I am President of (which is why I got his email). 73, Brian N5ZGT ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2010 19:43:37 -0400 From: Keith <keith@Webetize.com> To: president@urfmsi.org Subject: What would make linked-repeater-networks better within the Amateur Service? Upper Rio FM Society What would make linked-repeater-networks better within the Amateur Service? If I understand it correctly the ARRL sees lone repeaters the same as linked-repeater-networks. I strongly disagree with such a statement and would like to hear from the linked-repeater-network community on the subject. VoIP is changing the telephone network at a rapid pace and I believe that VoIP is changing the Amateur Service. I would like to see that VoIP continues in the same Amateur tradition of a unique and wonderful openness that encourages invention and comradery. If you have any comments on the use of VoIP and linked-repeater-networks and what would make their use better within the Amateur Service, I appreciate hearing from you. Respectfully, Keith Elkin KB3TCB http://www.urfmsi.org/contactus.html
participants (1)
Brian Mileshosky