[ARRL-ODV:11780] Re: membership

Hi Dave, I have to say great words about Allen as well. I started my working with him about 5 minutes after I was appointed the Board Liaison for the PRC in December. In my direct contact with him, he has proven to be promoting amateur radio to non-hams in a big way. A good person to have on staff! See you Thursday! 73, Henry - WD4Q ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ" <dsumner@arrl.org> To: "arrl-odv" <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 7:29 AM Subject: [ARRL-ODV:11772] Re: membership A couple of points. First, I appreciate the nice words about Allen Pitts. He has been doing a fine job since he joined the staff in September. I know those of you who have not yet met him, and will have the opportunity at HQ before the Board meeting, will enjoy doing so. I hired Allen, he reports directly to me, and he will continue to do so after Harold Kramer comes on board. Second, Allen's main focus is promoting amateur radio to non-hams, both to build awareness for recruiting and to build a positive environment for amateur radio. His focus is not so much on promoting ARRL membership, which is the job of Sales & Marketing. However, as a relatively recent licensee (about 5 years) Allen has both the insights and the talent to provide advice and counsel. While Joe Speroni's Web site (www.ah0a.org) would lead you to think there were 21,000 new licensees in 2004, Joe acknowledges that the number is overstated. We looked very carefully at the 2004 FCC files just last week and concluded that the best number we can come up with, because of ambiguous coding, is 17,330. We signed up 9,040 new members in 2004, not all of whom were brand-new licensees -- but this figure includes 1,394 who returned the form contained in the "New Ham Companion" mailing to new licensees, and many more new licensees who signed up via the Web site (and via other channels) after receiving the mailing. Dave K1ZZ -----Original Message----- From: Fuller, Bernie (Dir, Atlantic) Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 12:57 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:11771] Re: membership Jim - Yup! CU Wednesday. 73, Bernie-N3EFN ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim K8JE" <K8JE@arrl.org> To: "arrl-odv" <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 12:28 AM Subject: [ARRL-ODV:11770] Re: membership
Nope. I didn't say this. What I did was to express a couple of personal opinions as to some activities that would seem to be (in my mind) critical to the survival of Amateur Radio. I also expressed the opinion that Allen is a person who can get the job done. I will frankly admit that I had no faith in the ability of the previous PR head or two to have been able to handle these jobs.
Fair 'nuf?
Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL; http://www.arrl.org/ 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040 Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail: k8je@arrl.org ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio Is! MEMBERS: The reason ARRL Is!
-----Original Message----- From: Bernard E. Fuller [mailto:bfuller@gremlan.org] Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 12:16 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:11769] Re: membership
Jim (Weaver)
Are you telling me that you feel that the Board should be directing one of the staff, and by-passing his bosses, the COO and CEO?
73, Bernie-N3EFN
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim K8JE" <K8JE@arrl.org> To: "arrl-odv" <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 6:09 PM Subject: [ARRL-ODV:11768] Re: membership
With Allen on board directing our PR effort, I hope he can be assigned two particularly tasks. These would be: 1. To sell the value of ARRL to current hams and 2. To sell Amateur Radio to the "unpreached." From what I've seen so far, he is doing a great job and is quite capable of developing and heading these projects.
Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL; http://www.arrl.org/ 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040 Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail: k8je@arrl.org ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio Is! MEMBERS: The reason ARRL Is!
-----Original Message----- From: W5JBP@aol.com [mailto:W5JBP@aol.com] Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 5:44 PM To: arrl-odv Cc: Stacyofc@aol.com Subject: [ARRL-ODV:11766] Re: membership
Attached is a membership graph that I think you need. I will be talking about membership in my supplemental oral remarks when we get to Doc #5. I also want you to know that while there were 21,000+ new licenses issued in 2004, our recruitment was less than a thousand. I want you to begin thinking about that prior to the annual meeting.
CU in Newington
Jim Haynie, W5JBP
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Henry R. Leggette